
实习证明英语3篇 实习证明英语1  Internship Certificate   Tianpugeng student from Shanghai university of finance and economics started her internship in financial bank of China co. Ltd on July 20 20xx and ended on August 20 20xx.   During the students internship she put much effort into her work and study. She had been proficient at thinking and solving problems and ap*ing the methods to working out those alike. This student never hesitated asking senior coworkers when difficulties are met. The student also does well in putting academic theories into practice guaranteeing the quality and quantity of the work done. At the same time the student adheres to the companys rules. Respecting and getting along with others well coworkers have all given their approval to the student who now leaves an excellent impression to the company.   Now the student in my company has already concluded this is to certify that. Investment Co. Ltd   August 20 20xx 实习证明英语2  Certificate of Internship   To whom it may concern,   This is to certify , from University, majored in , started his three weeks internship at our company from Aug 2nd, 20xx to Aug 30th, 20xx.   During the student's internship, under the guidance of our company’s staffs, he got a preliminary understanding of conducting investigation into investment project, and was familiar with the projectassessment system, as well as the details and standards involved in the process. In addition, he put all his passion and effort into his work. The student tried to find out every problem he encountered and never hesitated to ask senior coworkers for help. He got along very well with others, which in term proved his teamspirit and excellent skills of communication. Also, he was willing to take suggestions from others, and he could work overtime to ensure his work is fulfilled before due. His diligence, attitude and cooperation left all his coworkers and our company a very good impression.   Corporation, Limited   Human Resources Director,      September 1st, 20xx 实习证明英语3  兹有___________学校_英语教育_专业____同学于__年_月___日至_____年__月_____日在_________实习。   该同学的实习职位是_________。   该同志自参加工作以来给全校师生的`印象是为人谦和,作风正派,政治素质高,业务能力强,工作热心负责,受到了全校师生的一致认可和好评。   思想上,该同志政治立场坚定,能坚持学习*理论、“*”重要思想内涵和党和各项方针政策,具有*远大理想和*特色社会主义的坚定信心,在思想上、组织上、行动上始终与*保持一致。   工作上,认真负责,踏实肯干,讲求实效,凡事积极主动,迎难而上,不怕苦,不怕累,能与班子成员打成一片,独挡一面开展工作,凸显较强的组织能力和解决问题能力。*时积极与领导、同事以及学生进行沟通,受到了广大师生的一致好评。   学习上,能够做到自加压力,认真学习,勤于思考,注重实效。坚持理论联系实际,积极参加市、校举办的各类培训活动,不断提高自身素养。   作风上,该同志能够自觉遵守党纪国法和廉政准则的各项规定,在工作生活中,严于律己,办事光明磊落,生活清清白白,做人坦坦荡荡,做到了自重、自省、自警、自励。   总之,该同志在我单位表现优秀,待人诚恳,工作扎实肯干,团结同志,乐于助人,是一名德才兼备的职工。   特此证明。   _________   _________年_________月_________日 实习证明英语3篇扩展阅读 实习证明英语3篇(扩展1)——实习证明「」3篇 实习证明「」1  体育教育专业的xx同学于20xx年九月至十二月在青云实验中学实习,该学生实习期间工作认真,在工作中遇到不懂的地方,能够虚心向富有经验的前辈请教。实习时间,服从实习安排,完成实习任务.尊敬实习单位人员.并能与学校老师和睦相处,与其一同工作的老师都对该学生的表现予以肯定。   特此证明   _______年_____月_____日 实习证明「」2  兹有________专业________同学于________年________月________日至________年________月________日在________实习。   该学生实习期间工作认真勤恳,对工作负责,在工作中遇到的困难和疑惑,能够积极主动地向他人请教学习,改进自身不足。同时,该学生严格遵守我公司的各项规章制度,牢记实习时间,服从实习安排,完成实习任务。尊敬实习单位的工作人员,并能与公司同事和睦相处,得到同事与领导的好评。   特此证明   xx设计研究院有限公司20xx年月日 实习证明「」3  xx师园学院:   兹有广西师范学院师园学院理工系2022级XX专业(根据实际情况填写:数学与应用数学专业、计算机科学专业、地理科学专业)1班学生XXX在XXX(单位全称,如南宁市江南区吴圩镇中心学校)实习,实习时间为2022年X月X日20XX年X月X日。   特此证明!   落款:实习单位全称,盖红章   20xx年6月24日 实习证明英语3篇(扩展2)——英语实习证明信格式有哪些 英语实习证明信格式有哪些1  Internship Certificate   This is to certify that Zhang Dan who is the student of Ocean University of China, Fisheries College with majoring in Aquaculture has finished her intern in our Livestock and Fisheries Office which is under Municipal Agriculture Department from July 1st to August 25th, 2022.   Miss Zhang Dan performed very well with her excellent professional qualities and was steadfast in her work. She never forgot to consult modestly to other officers and be positive towards to herself. Her outstanding performance was awarded a favorable reception by all the office members.   Livestock and Fisheries Office is the functional office leaded by the municipal government.   Referee:XXX   Position of Referee:XXX   Contact:XXX   M英语实习证明nshan Agriculture Department   October 12th, 2022 英语实习证明信格式有哪些2  Certificate of Internship   To whom it may concern,   This is to certify , fromUniversity, majored in, started his three weeks internship at our company from Aug 2nd, 2022 to Aug 30th, 2022.   During the student's internship, under the guidance of our company’s staffs, he got a preliminary understanding of conducting investigation into investment project, and was familiar with the projectassessment system, as well as the details and standards involved in the process. In addition, he put all his passion and effort into his work. The student tried to find out every problem he encountered and never hesitated to ask senior coworkers for help. He got along very well with others, which in term proved his teamspirit and excellent skills of communication.

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