人教pep六下口试笔试Unit 1 How tall are you PB Read and write练习含答案

【本套同步练习包含口语练习和笔试练习两部分, 学习英语,英语口语的位置十分重要, 包括现在的很多重要考试都开始重视英语的听说能力, 大胆开口说英语, 告别哑巴英语】 Unit 1 How tall are you PB Read and write同步练习 笔试训练 一, 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. He’s______ (short) than you. 2. Why is my shadow_____ (long) when the sun gets lower. 3. My feet are bigger than ______(you) . 4. It’s five _____(kilogram) heavier. 5. My sister is taller than _____(I) 二, 选择题. ( )1. -The sun gets______.   A.low and low B.low and lower C.lower and lower ( )2. Can you think of any other_____ ?   A. change B.changes C.changing ( )3. This is the ______building in the city. A. tall B. taller C. tallest ( )4. Some trees are _____than the houses. A. old B. older C. oldest ( )5. -____ is your brother? - He’s 45kilograms. A.How old B. How tall C. How heavy 三, 按要求完成句子。 1. longer, getting, my, and, is, shadow, longer, (.) 连词成句 ______________________________________ 2. are, your, than, smaller,feet, his,(.) 连词成句 ______________________________________ 3. John is 1.62 metres.(就划线部分提问) ______________________________________ 4. Amy’s shoes are size 7.(就划线部分提问) ______________________________________ 5. How heavy are you? (根据实际回答) ______________________________________ 四, 用所给的适当形式完成短文。 Little Duck is 1.___________ (watch)the sun go down. It is 2._____ (get)lower and lower, but his shadow is getting 3.________(long)and 4.____________(long). “Why is that?” Little Duck asks his friend Old Tree, ‘You are 5.______ (old)and 6._______(smart) than me. Tell 7.______(I) why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?” 口语训练 五, 看图, 说句子。 “A + be +比较级 + than + B” John is older than Sarah. Sarah is younger than John. ... ... 六, 根据所给图片和词汇, 尝试对课文进行复述。 Little Duck is watching the sun ... lower, longer, older, smarter grow older, grows longer growing taller, beautiful girl 七, 根据表格信息进行比较。 name How old How heavy How tall What size Lily 9 35 1.28 34 Ben 13 54 1.53 38 John 12 48 1.62 36 Lily is the younger than John. John is younger than Ben. 参考答案 一, 1. shorter 2. longer 3. yours 4. kilograms 5. me 二, CBCBC 三, 1. My shadow is getting longer and longer. 2. Your feet are smaller than his. 3. How tall is John? 4. What size are Amy’s shoes? 5. 略 四, 1.Watching 2. getting 3. longer 4. longer 5. older 6. smarter 7. me 五, 口语略 六, 口语略 七, 口语略

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