
2022-2023学年辽宁省鞍山市普通高校对口单招英语自考预测试题(含答案及部分解析) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、单选题(30题) 1. They required that all the necessary documents ______ to the president's office before the end of this month. A.be handed B.must be handed C.should hand in D.had been handed in 2. Mr. Black, our new English teacher, is strict______kind. A.or B.but C.with D.as well 3.The scientists all agreed that rules of physics, ______ we are all familiar, govern the world A.to which B.on which C.which D.with which 4. Countries that traditionally never allowed foreign students to stay and work like Germany or the United Kingdom—are facing their own labor ______ in information technology and relaxing their immigration laws. A.cuts B.shortages C.weaknesses D.imports 5. The water will be further polluted unless some measures ______. A.will be taken B.are taken C.were taken D.had been taken 6. --If you are offered a trip to the moon, ______ it?--Of course. Why not? A.did you accept B.are you going to accept C.will you accept D.would you accept 7.Helen always helps her grandmother even though going to school ____ most of her day. A.takes up B.make up C.save up D.put up 8.—Has the wallet been returned yet? —No, but we expect ______ any day now. A.to return it B.it to return C.it to be returned D.it returned 9. She's fainted. Throw some water on her face and she may______. A.come round B.come back C.come again D.come out 10. —That's me when I got married. See what I look like now! —Why not go on a diet to get into ______ ? A.shape B.form C.appearance D.body 11.After all this time you‘d think he‘d have forgotten, ________ ? A.should you B.wouldn"t you C.don"t you D.do you 12.Little_________that their plan has beenDiscovered. A.did they suspect B.do the suspect C.do they suspect D.they suspect 13.Tom and Jack are both very clever. _________, Tom is ____________Jack. A.All in all; as a clever boy as B.In other words; as clever a boy as C.That is to say; as a clever boy as D.In word; as clever a boy as 14.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _______. A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.to catch 15.I wondered what difficulty he had _________ the plan? A.to carry out B.carrying out C.carried out D.with carrying out 16.New typewriters cost about________price of the second—hand ones. A.three times the B.a three times C.the three times D.three times a 17. No conclusion has been ______ yet. A.achieved B.reached C.attained D.arrived 18. Sometimes children have trouble ______ fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist. A.to separate B.separating C.for separating D.of separating 19.Busy as they are, parents should ______ at least two hours to spend with their children. A.set out B.set away C.set aside D.set off 20. We were overjoyed at the news of China__________ another man-made satel1ite. A.starting B.1aunching C.fighting D.shouting 21. Thank you for the ______you did me. to move the sofa upstairs. A.favor B.good C.help D.kindness 22. Jane has brown hair, in fact, it's quite similar in shade______yours. A.as B.with C.like D.to 23.Tom was about to close the windows _______ his attention was caught by a bird A.when B.suddenly C.and D.till 24. Have a cigarette, ______? A.will you B.don't you C.do you D.aren't you 25.We must __ early in the morning so as to catch the first train. A.set up B.set out C.set about D.set aside 26. —What's the chance of there______an election this year?— I have no idea. A.is B.to be C.being D.be 27. I wonder how much ______ . A.that car was B.was that car C.is that car D.that car is 28. When we ______ the museum is not decided. A.visited B.visit C.will visit D.visiting 29. —Oh, Mary! You should do your work instead of sitting here watching TV. —______. A.That's not a very good idea. B.TV produces good influence on children. C.What makes you say that? D.You said TV was educational. 30.12.It was the training _______ he had at school _______ made him a good jumper . A.what; what B.that; that C.what; that D.that; had 二、汉译英(10题) 31. 这个问题远远超过了儿童的理解力。 32. (据报道) a student of Beijing University has a habit of climbing on roofs in his sleep. 33. 很难想象没有了电生活会怎样。 34. You (本来应该) finished this task a bit earlier. 35. (与此同时), even those of us who are not scientists have begun to pay attention to air. 36. 所能做的事情都做了,现在我们无能为力,只能等着瞧。 37. 熟能生巧,正如俗话所说。 38. (没有用) arguing with them on the issue. 39. 他特意到那里去,看看发生了什么事。 40. (给我印象最深的) was his image. 三、语法与词汇(10题) 41. Within three months of his ______ (elect) he was forced to resign. 42. The judge would give ______ (consideration) to his decision when new evidence came to light. 43. Only applicants with proper ______ will be considered. (qualify) 44.--Is Peter there?   -- __________ ,pleas A.I'll see if I c

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