
Unit 1 Wheres the post office?单元主题:Ask for and give directions.询问方位,以及给出方位。单元目标:(1)学习并掌握一些表示方位的介词。(2)学习并掌握一些形容词的用法。(3)学习并掌握一些常见地方的名称。主要句型和交际用语:(1)Wheres the park?(2)Ifs on center street.(3)The supennarket is across from the bank.(4)The pay phone is next to the post office.(5)The library is between the video arcade and the supermarket.(6)Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?(7)Its down the Bridge S treet on the left.主要词汇:post office,Is there.?,bank,near,here,center,street,bridge,hotel,video,arcade,supermarket,pay,pay phone,park,across,across from,next to,between,avenue,down,neighborhood,right,left,quiet,big,dirty,busy,false,welcome,garden,district,turn,off,enjoy,walk,take a walk,through,will,see,house,begin,beginning,tour,come,get,money,buy.重点、难点分析:1.a c ro ss介词 横过”Be careful when you walk across the busy street.当你穿过繁忙的街道时要小心。The duck wants to swim across the river.那只鸭子想游过这条小河。2.across from 介词词组”在对过The bank is across from K F C.银行在肯德基的对面。The restaurant is across from the National Library.那家饭馆在国家图书馆的对面。3.next to 在旁边”The supennarket is next to the flower shop.超市在花店的旁边。The small garden is next to our school.4.on 在.”The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue.超市在第五大街。The pay phone is on Bridge S treet.公用电话在桥街。5.betw een介词“在两者之间”The post office is between the library and the cinema.邮局在图书馆和电影院之间。The pay phone is between the supermarket and the bank on Center S treet.公用电话在中央大街上的超市和银行之间。6.d o w n 介词“沿着;顺着”The library is down this street on the right.图书馆在这条街的右侧。Go down this street,youll find the bank.沿着这条街走,你就会找到那家银行。7.on the left/right”在左边/右边”注意介词要用on8.Is there.?Is there是 There be句型的一般疑问句,表示“某处有某物吗?”e.g.Is there a post office near here?在这附近有一个邮局吗?Is there a supermarket in your neighborhood?在你们的社区有一个超市吗?Arc there many shops in this district?这个区域内有很多商店吗?注意:如果是 Is there.?回答用 Yes,there is./No,there isnt.如果是 span lang=EN-US教案示例Unit 1 Wheres the post office?Period I教学目标:1、掌握表示地点的词汇;2、掌握w here引导的特殊疑问句;3、能够简单地描述地点方位;4、能够画出简单的示意图。教学向导:语言目标学习策略与思维技巧重点词汇表示地点的词汇w here引导的特殊疑问句个体、群体思维;看图作答;交换信息;Post office;library;hotel.Between;on;next to;acrossfrom.语言结构语言功能跨学科学习There be 句型Where句型的问答询问路线指出方位通过绘画激发学生学习兴趣教学过程设计:S tepsTeachers activityS tudents,activityPreparationBrain stonnLook at some pictures andknow the words of these placesLook and read and learnPpt.Task I pair work:Is there.AimUse there be sentences,familiar with the new words1Read and match the new wordsin laRead and finish the workPicture2S how the target language:Look at the sentence andIs there a bank near here?the answer3Ask S s to talk about the placesin the picturePair work to talk about theplaces and streetsPair work4Move around the room and givesupport as neededTalk to each other5Ask pairs of students to showtheir worksPairs of S s show theirworksCheck out theconversationsTask II Listening comprehensionsAimFamiliar with the prepositions in the sentences1Look at the picture in 2a andexplain the prepositionsLook and learnWrite on theblackboard2Listen to the tape for two timesFill in the blanks and knowthe meaningRecorder3Move around the room and givesupport as neededWrite down the answer4Check the answer and point outthe mistakesCheck the answersTask III group work:our schoolAimUse the target language and familiar with our school and places1Teach some more words to theS s and readLearn the new wordsPictures2Ask S s to draw a picture of ourschool and to introduce itDraw the picture3Move around the room and givesupport as neededDiscuss in groups and finishthe picture4Ask S s to show their works andtalk about itIntroduce their worksTask IV pair work:talk about the picturesAimUse 4where5 question,and know how to answer it.1Target language:where is thebank?Learn the sentences2Ask S s to talk about the pictures Pair work to talk about theplacesS s pictures or thepicture in la3Move around the room and givesupport as neededDiscuss in pairs and4Ask S s to show their works andperfbnn itS how the conversation withthe pictureHomeworkDraw a picture of your neighborhood and write a short passage to introduce it教后一得:本单元的主题是方位,地点名词是学生单词突破的重点,与学生的生活相结合,扩充一些词汇,明确的表述各个建筑所处的位置。围绕这几点设置了四个活动,利用多媒体素材,以任务型的教学模式来完成整个教学。其中图片的展示能给学生更立体的感受,更加明确空间位置关系。运用画图的辅助形式,激发学生的兴趣,能够达到更好的效UNIT 2 Why do you like koala bears?Text analysis:Topic:animals in the zooFunctions(Teaching aims):1.Describe animals 2.Express preferences and give reasonsS tructures:1.Why,What,Where questions 2.Because 3.Adjectives of qualityTarget language:Why do they like koala bears?Because theyre cute.Theyre kind of shy.Theyre very big.Vocabulary:1.zoo,animals,tiger,elephant,koala bears,dolphin,panda,lion,penguin,giraffe 2.smart,cute,fim,ugly,intelligent,friendly,shy,kind of 3.S outh AfricaRecycling:beautiful,small,quiet,scary,interesting,Australia,Japan,Brazil,China.He is from-S hes five years old.Learning strategies:1.Using what you know 2.Inferring contentMulti-intelligence:1.Know the nature 2.Knowledge of places 3.logical expressionsPeriods:sixPeriod 1 section A la lb 1cPeriod 2 section A 2a 2b 2c Grammar focusPeriod 3 section A 3a 3b 4P

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