八上Unit5 四课时教学设计(阅读)

课 时 教 学 设 计 首 页 授课时间:2022年 月 日 课题 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? Section B (2a-2e) 班级 备课教师 课型 阅读课 课时 4 核心素养与思政渗透 本课时围绕卡通片(cartoons)这一电影类型展开,主要谈论一个为学生熟知的美国卡通形象——米老鼠(Mickey Mouse),通过让学生阅读了解卡通片在美国文化中的地位,特别是米老鼠的诞生和成名过程以及人们喜欢它的原因,引导学生继续学习使用表达喜好及原因的句式结构和动词不定式做宾语的用法,在语言学习中发展逻辑思维、辩证思维和创新思维,拓展知识面,提高跨文化交际的意识,激发其对本国文化的关注和重视,增强对本民族文化的认同感和荣誉感。 课标分析 新课标要求八年级学生能读懂语言简单、主题相关的简短语篇,提取并归纳关键信息,理解隐含意义;能领会所学语篇蕴含的人文精神,感悟诚实、友善等中外社会生活中的传统美德;有自信自强的良好品格,做到内化于心、外化于行;能多角度、辩证地看待事物和分析问题;能在学习活动中积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;能在学习过程中积极思考,主动探究,发现并尝试使用多种策略解决语言学习中的问题,积极进行拓展性运用。 学习目标 语言能力 能够在“米奇的世界”的语境中,正确理解和掌握课文中的新词汇,并恰当使用表达喜好及原因的句式结构和动词不定式做宾语的用法,以读看说写等方式了解卡通片在美国文化中的地位,特别是米老鼠的诞生和成名过程以及人们喜欢它的原因;恰当运用预测、略读、寻读等阅读策略,提高阅读理解水平; 文化意识 能够拓展知识面,提高跨文化交际的意识,激发其对本国文化的关注和重视,树立民族自豪感; 思维品质 能够在老师的帮助下,通过归纳大意、梳理细节、推理判断、迁移创新等活动,增进对语篇的理解和分析能力,学习辩证地看待事物,提高思维的逻辑性、批判性和创新性; 学习能力 能够通过阅读有关米老鼠的文章,保持英语学习兴趣;通过略读、寻读等阅读策略的感悟、体验和学习,增强阅读理解能力。 教材内容分析 本课是一节阅读课,采用读前、读中、读后的设计思路。2a的读前活动旨在通过问题的方式激活学生的背景知识;2b为第一遍阅读,要求学生把握文章的时间线索,通过快速阅读培养寻读的策略;2c要求学生再次细读文章,将文章的重要信息整理在表格中;2d要求学生第三遍阅读文章,并结合文章内容回答问题,是对文章内容的拓展和对文章信息的运用;2e引导学生关注文章中出现的几个常用搭配,是读后的语言学习阶段。 重点 掌握本课文中所涉及到的新词汇和表达;利用略读、寻读等阅读策略了解卡通片在美国文化中的地位,特别是米老鼠的诞生和成名过程以及人们喜欢它的原因; 难点 理解语篇中涉及的一些美国文化,以及一些长句和语义的深层表达。 学情分析 学生对于卡通片非常熟悉和喜爱,对米老鼠这一卡通角色也是耳熟能详,但是对于卡通片在美国文化中的地位,以及米老鼠背后的故事了解不多。所以,应在学生已有的知识经验基础上,设计层层阅读任务,让学生通过阅读获取信息,生成新知。必要时需补充一些文字、图片和视频资料以辅助学生更好地理解文章内容。 第 页 教 学 流 程 设 计 教 学 过 程 设 计 意 图 学 生 活 动 教 师 活 动 Step 1. Lead-in. Enjoy the video and know about the topic of this lesson. Sa: I like Toy Story best. Because ... The main character in it is... Step 2. Pre-reading. Listen to T’s introduction and learn about some information about Mickey Mouse. Step 3. While-reading. 1. Fast reading. Observe the picture and make some predictions. Sa: Mickey, Minnie and their friend. Sb: They’re on a Disney cruise in Disneyland. Sc: America's special symbol. Read the passage quickly and match the main idea with each paragraph. Para. 1 An introduction of Mickey and its creator.(What) Para. 2 Why is Mickey Mouse popular? Para. 3 Mickey Mouse’s achievement.(How) 2. Careful reading. Read Para.1&3 and fill in the time line in 2b. Check their answers by making sentences. Then listen to T to explain “Hollywood Walk of Fame”. Read Para.1 and finish facts of Mickey Mouse. Read Para.2 and find out the reasons why Mickey became popular. Sa: Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. Sb: He was always ready to try his best. Watch the video and learn about the background information in America in the 1930s. Ss: Sad/ hopeless/ helpless/ worried/ unhappy/ terrible/ ... Sa: He is optimistic! Give hopes to common people! Read Para.3 and write T for ture and F for false. Try to correct the wrong statements. Step 4. Post-reading. 1. Summary and retelling. Think of some key phrases to finish the mind-map about Mickey Mouse. Then retell the passage in group and in class based on the mind-map. 2. Discussion. Work in groups of four and have a discussion about the questions. Report their answers later. Sa: He is a symbol of American culture. Sb: Monkey King/ Na Zha/ ... Sc: Yes, I do, because he made Mickey Mouse, it made us happy. Sd: Because he is always tried to face any danger and ready to try his best. Yes, I do. Because I want to try my best to face dangers and win. Se: Conan. Because he always tries his best for justice and he is very smart. Step 5. Conclusion. Sa: Treasure your family , friendship, love, warmth, justice and teamwork. ... Show a video about the development of cartoons in China. T: A cartoon is also one famous symbol of American culture. How many American cartoons did you see? T: Which cartoon do you like best? Why? Who is the main character in it? Present some pictures about Mickey Mouse and give a simple introduction. Play a part of the cartoon Steamboat Willie. T: Mickey Mouse is one of the cartoon characters in America. T: On November 18, 1928,Mickey Mouse first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie. T: Do you want to know more about the little black mouse? Welcome to Mickey’s world! Guide Ss to find out the best title based on the passage. T: What can you see in the picture? T: Where are they? T: What’s best title for this passage? Provide some main ideas and ask Ss to look through the passage to get the general idea of each paragraph. Guide Ss to read the time line and explain the aspects it concludes. Then ask Ss to find the key words in the passage and write down the time or events. Let Ss read Para.1 carefully and find out some facts about Mickey Mouse and Walt Disney to complete the information card. Provide some questions for Ss to find out more detailed information and have a competition. Ask Ss to read Para. 2. T: Why did Mickey become so popular? Let Ss fill in the blanks. Play a video abo

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