
湖南省益阳市东坪中学2022-2023学年高一英语联考试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. — Why does she always ask you for help? — There is no one else ______, is there? A. who to turn           B. she can turn to C. for whom to turn     D. for her to turn 参考答案: B 2. Now the number of the students in our school is ______ that of five years ago.     A. as twice much as                                     B. twice as larger as       C. as twice large as                                      D. twice as large as 参考答案: D 3. The way __________ you talked to your mother is really not proper.    A. which          B. in which      C. in that         D. by which 参考答案: B 4. In the coming months, he looks forward ______ more time with his family. A. spend B. spending C. to spend D. to spending 参考答案: D 5. —What about the rent?   ---_____. You can pay weekly or monthly. A.It’s up to you   B.That’s all right   C.No problem   D.Not at all 参考答案: A 略 6. Once harm ____ to the eco-system, all species will be in danger, including man himself. A. does B. is done   C. will be done       D. be done 参考答案: B 7. After the cake ______ 20 equal parts, the host took them before the guests. A. divided into         B. had been divided into C. separated into       D. had been separated from 参考答案: B 8. Although the living standards of Chinese people have greatly improved, most poor families in China spend     50% of their income on food. A. gradually B. approximately     C. harmfully     D. curiously 参考答案: B 9. ____ apple fell from the tree and hit him on ___ head. A. An; his                            B. The; the                         C. An; the                                        D. The; / 参考答案: C 10. ―Are you satisfied with his answer? ―Not at all. It couldn't have been ______. A. worse B. badly C. better   D. the worst 参考答案: A 11. The foreigner said happily that it was the first time that he__________ China. A. has been to     B. had been to     C. went to    D. had gone to 参考答案: B 12. Take your time----it's just _____short distance from here to_____ restaurant. A.不填;the B. a; the C. the; a D.不填;a 参考答案: B 13. He was very sick for a time, but he managed to . A. pull down B. pull out C. pull into D. pull through 参考答案: D 14. Only when he reached the tea-house ______it was the same place he’d been in last year. A. he realized                            B. he did realize     C. realized he                            D. did he realize 参考答案: D 15. I shall never forget those years_____ I spent in the factory with the workers, _____has a great effect on my life.   A. when, that        B. that, which     C. that, that       D. when, which 参考答案: B 16. Feng Chu, reported ______ the National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology in 2017,is a post-90s PHD candidate.    A. winning B. to have won C. to win D. having won 参考答案: B 二、 书面表达 17. 某英文报社准备刊登一篇题目为“Living in the City”的有关城市生活的利与弊的文章,根据下面的提示,写一篇短文。   利 弊 找工作容易 生活消费高 交通便利 人口多,拥挤 有公园,饭店等休闲场所 空气污染,居住环境差 要求:词数100字左右,包括以上所有要点,可适当发挥。 参考词汇:公共交通 Public transport; 便利的 convenient; 污染pollute; 拥挤的 crowded. 参考答案: Living in the city Living in a city has both advantages and disadvantages. It is often easier to find a job. There are always many choices of public transport. Besides, there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see. You can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to parks whenever you want to relax. However, living in a city is often expensive. You must find a well-paid job, otherwise, you can not buy the things you need. Besides, the city is always crowded, noisy and dirty. It is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the countryside.   三、 阅读理解 18. Notice for Tourists to Beijing Expo 2019 The 2019 Beijing Horticultural Expo (园博会) from April 29 to October 7 is an opportunity for international discovery, where cultural elements of different places in China are on display, as well as gardens and buildings about each country’s wonderful culture and history. Here is a notice for whoever plans to come. Quick Entry by Showing ID Cards To make sure your quick and orderly entry into the Expo Site, please wait in lines and get your ID card ready for pre-check, ticket check and security inspection before entering. During the ticket check, those who hold discounted tickets must provide the materials about discount. Safe Tour to the Expo Considering your personal safety, please don’t take anything that may disturb other visitors or the order of the Expo Site, such as pets, kites, and speakers. Except for wheelchairs for the elderly and the disabled and strollers (婴儿推车) for children, no vehicles(机动车辆) are allowed to enter the Expo Site. Taking Action to Protect the Environment To create a green, beautiful environment for yourself and others, please follow the travel rules, protect public buildings, keep environment clean and ca

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