
江西省赣州市寨下中学高二英语期末试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. He hurried to the hotel, only __________ his girlfriend had left. A. to tell     B. to be told   C. telling      D. told 参考答案: B 2. To our anger, many poverty-stricken counties build luxurious office buildings instead of     money to improve the miserable conditions of local schools. A.announcing B.allocating C.advocating D.accumulating 参考答案: B 3. The bank is reported in the local newspaper_________ in broad daylight yesterday.   A.being robbed                                                 B. to have been robbed   C. having been robbed                               D. robbed 参考答案: B 4. China’s first moon rover, ________ in early December, is named “Yutu” or “Jade rabbit” in Chinese.    A. launched  B. to launch  C. being launched  D. launching  参考答案: A 5. The police              the murderer everywhere when he suddenly              in the hospital.    A. searched for; appeared                                     B. were searching; was appearing    C. were searching for; was appeared        D. were searching for; appeared    参考答案: D 6. One of the boys who ____ my friends ____ very good at English. A. is; are           B. is; is             C. are; are       D. are; is 参考答案: D 7. We have worked together in harmony for many years,and I find it________with them. A.worthy of working B.useless to work C.worth of working D.worthwhile working 参考答案: D 8. Lots of water has been dumped into the river ,which has led to ____________________. A  lots of fish having been killed       B  kill lots of fish C  lots of fish being killed             D  lots of fish to kill 参考答案: C 9. When the boss appeared at the door suddenly, the workers all pretended ______ hard at their machines. A. to work          B. to be working      C. to have worked    D. having worked 参考答案: B 10. ---What do you admire the spaceman ______?    ---His bravery to travel around the earth ______ a spaceship all alone.        A. for; in        B. to; by            C.for;by               D. as; in 参考答案: A 略 11. Who does that shop assistant think he is? He behaves as if he ____    _ the grocery. A.own       B.owned       C.will own   D.has owned 参考答案: B 12. Don’t respond to any e-mails     personal information, no matter how official they look.     A. requested    B. request    C. requesting    D. to be requested 参考答案: C 略 13. During the flight to the Moon, Chang’e II Satellite gradually ________ her direction so that she can go into her programmed orbit. A. adjusts    B. adapts C. accepts    D. adopts 参考答案: A 【详解】考查动词辨析。句意:在飞往月球的过程中,嫦娥二号卫星逐渐调整它的方向,以便进入它的程序轨道。题干中表示“逐渐调整它的方向”,A. adjusts调整;B. adapts适应;C. accepts接受;D. adopts采用,故选A。 14. The vaccinations(疫苗) have been_________ directly to the villagers from the factory who couldn’t purchase in the local hospital. A. gathered B. distributed C. produced D. recycled 参考答案: B 15. —Jane was late again for work this morning. —________. Does she still want the job? A. I’ll say B. Say that again      C. I don’t get it      D. That’s quite the case 参考答案: C 16. If you made ________ most of the _______, there would be _______ rise in production.     A.the; equipments, a                                  B.a; equipment; a     C.the; equipment, the                                 D.the, equipment; a 参考答案: D 二、 书面表达 17.   写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节  任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填一个单词。 How To Choose A College That's Right For You The college search doesn’t have to begin and end with the name brand schools. There’re many schools to choose from — some known and some less known, all worth your attention. ●Before you start your search, examine yourself. Try your best to know: Why, really, are you going to college? What are your strong points? What are your weak points? What do you want out of life? ●Your college doesn’t have to be bigger than your high school. Most good arts colleges have a population of fewer than 4,000; college is not about size—it’s just a time to explore, and a smaller one is more beneficial to deep exploration. It is not the number of people, but the people themselves and the kind of community(团体) in which you will learn that really matters. ●A name-brand college won’t guarantee your success. Think about the people in your life who are happy and successful and find out where (and if) they went to college. Ask the same about “famous” people. You will likely find that success in life has less to do with the choice of college than with the experiences and opportunities you gained while in college, paired with character and personal qualities. ●You don’t need to pick a major to pick a college. Very few high-school students have enough information or experience to choose a major. Most college students change their minds two or three times before they settle on a major, and they can still graduate in four years! Being undecided is a good th

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