
贵州省遵义市茅栗镇中学2023年高三英语联考试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. Don't let yourself down and try your best             you will meet with in the future. A. whenever                    B. however                 C. wherever                  D. whatever 参考答案: D 2. Anyone _____ bags.boxes, or whatever, was stopped by the police. A.seen carry          B.seen carrying      C.saw to carry                D.seen to be carrying 参考答案: B 3.  Most of us hate people ________ talk much but do little. A. whom        B. whose        C. which            D. who 参考答案: D 4.      When you decide to start a family, you make a/an ______ to them. You shouldn’t turn your back on the people who love you. A. contribution        B. commitment        C. devotion             D. effort    参考答案: B 5. Mom told him he was forbidden to watch TV for a month. _______, he stormed out of the room.    A. In response      B. In turn      C. In return     D. In advance   参考答案: A 考查介词短语的用法。句意:母亲告诉他禁止他一个月看电视。作为反应,他冲出了房间。A. In response作为反应;B. In turn 轮流;C. In return回报;D. In advance提前。故选A。   6. –May I use your new car? I want to go to see my sick father in the countryside. –It’s over there. _____. A. Feel free             B. Got it                C. No problem         D. It depends   参考答案: A 7. Children will act positively when they are praised,_____it is just a nod with smile. A.as though    B.even if    C.in case  D.so that 参考答案: B 8. —Hey! Here is a message on my cell phone, telling me to send money to…      —Delete it! It's a trick.Many a person __      _ by such tricks.        A.has been cheated     B.have been cheated   C.were cheated    D.was cheated 参考答案: A 略 9. She is looking forward as much to his return as he himself to ________ her. A. have seen          B. seeing          C. see             D. seen 参考答案: B  10. . Don’t jump to a decision so easily, dear ! You must learn to consider all possible results _____ you begin to carry out your plan. A. when       B. before     C. after       D. until 参考答案: B 11. The dam was not strong enough to     the flood waters. A.hold on B.hold together C.hold back D.hold down 参考答案: C 12. ---Mr. Yang looks rather a kind gentleman.      ---But in fact he is cold and hard on us. You _____ believe it!    A. shouldn’t                 B. couldn’t                 C. wouldn’t                       D. needn’t 参考答案: C 略 13. The carbon content of steel largely determines its usefulness for ________  applications.(  ) A.specific B.tough C.fantastic D.typical 参考答案: A. 钢的含碳量在很大程度上决定了钢在具体应用时的范围. specific 具体的,明确的;tough 艰苦的,困难的;fantastic极好的,很大的;typical典型的,代表性的.再结合句意:钢的含碳量在很大程度上决定了钢在具体应用时的范围.可知答案,故选A. 形容词是高考非常重要的知识点之一,必须要多记词义,在不同的语境中灵活运用. 14. Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasn’t stopped ringing. People ______ to ask how I am going to spend the money. A. phone   B. are phoning     C. will phone   D. had phoned 参考答案: B 15. --- Our team finally won the world cup. How marvelous!    --- ______ we still have a long way to go. A. I think so;                                   B. We are the best; C. As I see it,                                  D. So you see, 参考答案: C 16. In any unsafe situation, simply ________ the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need. A. press    B. to press C. pressing    D. pressed 参考答案: A 考查祈使句。句意:在任何不安全的情况下,仅仅摁一下这个按钮,一个训练有素的特工就会使你得到你需要的帮助。and是连词,连接并列结构,and后面是一个句子,那么,前面也应是句子,选项中只有动词原形可以构成祈使句,其余的都是非谓语动词,无法构成句子。故A选项正确。 点睛:祈使句+and/or+陈述句是一种常见结构。当前后两部分间为承接关系时,用and;前后意思为相反关系时,用or。该句式中的陈述句部分常用一般将来时态。 二、 书面表达 17. 读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 More than five years I was working at a little clinic after I graduated from college. Actually I didn’t like the job and felt depressed every day. One day while working at the cash register, an elderly couple came in with a little girl in a wheelchair. As I looked closer at this girl, I realized that she was disabled. I then realized she had no arms or legs, just a head, neck and torso. She was in red. That is a warm color1 . As I took the money from her grandparent, I looked down at the girl, who was giving me the cutest, largest smile I have ever seen. All of a sudden her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl, and her smile, just like the warm sun in the winter melted me and almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of what life is all about. It was her smile that took me from a poor, unhappy college student and brought me into her world; a world of smiles, love and warmth. Now I’m a successful business person and whenever I get down and think about the troubles of the world, I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she taught me.   【写作内容】 1.以约30个词概括这篇短文的内容要点。 2.    然后以约120词就“生活态度”这一话题发表你的看法,内容包括: (1)            上述故事给你的感受与启发; (2)            举例说明你生活中遇到过让你改变生活态度的人或事; (3)            你认为生活态度对我们的生活有何重要意义。   【写作要求】 1.可以使用实例来支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。   【评分标准】

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