
山西省阳泉市第十八中学高一英语下学期期末试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. There is a note on the platform.It  reads:Visitors ___not to touch the exhibits   A will request  B are requested  C  are requesting  D request 参考答案: B 2. Much to my ______, my vocabulary has expanded a great deal. A. delighting    B. delighted    C. delight 参考答案: C 【详解】考查固定用法。句意:令我高兴的是,我的词汇量大大增加了。“much to +名词”为固定用法,意为“使某人……”,因此本小题要用名词形式。分析选项:delighting 感到高兴的,一般修饰物;delighted高兴的; 欣喜的,一般修饰人;delight快乐,高兴。由选项可知,A与B都是形容词,只有C是名词,符合题意,故选C。 3. I was not _______ tired, though I walked more than five miles. A. a little        B. a bit of     C. a bit        D. a little of 参考答案: C 4. __________ you have got a job, you should learn to be independent of your parents. A. So B. Although C. Before D. Now that 参考答案: D 5. The policeman ________ the car to stop immediately because it was running too fast in the street. A.requested  B.begged C.hoped  D.commanded 参考答案: D [句意:警察命令那辆车立即停下来,因为它在街上跑得太快。] 6. The volleyball match _______ if it rains tomorrow.   A. will put off      B. will be put off      C. is put off       D. puts off 参考答案: B 7. On her birthday, she received a nice present from her parents ________ a note was attached, saying "We love you so much." A. that    B. to which    C. in which    D. which 参考答案: B 考查定语从句。句意:在生日那天,她收到了一份从她的父母买给她的礼物,上面附有一张纸条,纸条上写着:“我们非常爱你”。这里是定语从句,先行词是present,这里是attach… to附在……上。故选B。 【名师点睛】 本题难度适中。定语从句是英语语法中非常重要的内容,在阅读和理解过程中起着极其重要的作用。定语从句的考查关键在于定语从句的成分分析,需要考生有分析理解复杂的句子结构的能力。 即学即练:He give me a box ______ to keep the toy. A. which           B. to which    C. in which         D. in where 解析:C。句意:他给了我一个装着玩具的盒子。 8. Don’t be too hard ________ the boy; he didn’t mean _________ it. A. at; doing B. on; doing C. for; to do D. on; to do 参考答案: D 9. —We usually go hiking for vacation. I like it, but I want to try something more challenging this year. —_____ A. Cheer up!              B. Like what?            C. Take care.     D. Let’s go.        参考答案: B 10. –Can I smoke here? --No, _________ at no time in the library. A. smoking permits          B. smoking does permit C. smoking is permitted    D. smoking permitted 参考答案: C 11. —— Bob looks very blue. What has happened to him?    —— Perhaps his failure in the exam _____ his low spirits.   A   accounts for    B looks for    C makes for     D takes   for 参考答案: A 略 12. I was so angry at all ______ he was doing _______ I left at once. A. which, that                B. that, which               C. what, that                         D. that, that 参考答案: D 13. When we were young, every evening my brother and I ______ stay at home waiting for our mother.   A. could               B. might           C. should                   D. would 参考答案: D 略 14. The future of our city      the creativity and innovation of young people. A. takes in    B. lies in C. results in    D. brings in 参考答案: B 【详解】考查动词短语辨析。A. takes in吸收;B. lies in在于;C. results in导致;D. brings in引进。句意:我们城市的未来在于年轻人的创造性和创新。根据句意可知此处表示“在于”,故B项正确。 15. As the light turned green, I stood for a moment, not _____ and asked myself what I was going to do. A. moved B. being moved C. to move D. moving 参考答案: D 16. Jim ______ a better solution to the problem and all the people present were in favor of it. A. got along with    B. got away with C. came up with     D. caught up with 参考答案: C 二、 书面表达 17. 假定你是新华髙中髙一 ? 2班班长李华,你校正在推选各班“班级之星”。请你向校刊英文版写一封信,介绍你班张婷的事迹,并推荐她入选你班“班级之星”。 内容包括: 1. 关心同学和班集体; 2. 积极组织、参与班级活动; 3. 学习成绩突出,乐于助人; 4. 全班在张婷的带动下,班风良好; 5. 你认为张婷应该获得这项荣誉。 注意: 1. 词数100左右;文章的标题和开头已给出(不计词数)。 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Editor, I am honored to recommend my classmate Zhang Ting to be awarded the title of “Class Star” of my class.       Yours, Li Hua 参考答案: Dear Zeng Wei, I am honored to recommend my classmate Zhang Ting to be awarded the title of “Class star” of my class. Zhang Ting is warm-hearted and cares a lot about the whole class. And she always takes an active part in class activities. In the singing contest, English speech, basketball matches and other sports events, you can find Zhang either participates actively or cheer aloud for her classmates. What’s more, she is also ranked top in academic study and often devotes her spare time to helping others. She has successfully inspired the whole class and now we are studying in a harmonious atmosphere under her influence. So I think she deserves this honor and we all should learn from her. Yours, Li Hua   三、 阅读理解 18. The Thanksgiving Day ,the fourth Thursday in November, is coming in America. But do you know something about the annual(每年的)Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade(游行) in New York? There are thousands of bystanders(看热闹的人)and millions of television viewers. The Parade is as traditional as turkey. The year 2016 was the 90th year of Macy’s parade. It featured 15 huge balloons in the shape of cartoon and pop culture characters, 1,200 dancers and cheerleaders, 900 clowns(小丑),10 marching bands and

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