
安徽省合肥市左店中学高一英语下学期期末试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. When you are in face of      failure, it is the most important to keep up   ____ good state of mind. A. 不填, a   B. a, 不填  C. the, a  D.不填, the 参考答案: A 2. Of these two basketball teams, the former comes from Xinjiang while the      comes from Guangdong. A. late                        B. later                      C. latter                     D. latest 参考答案: C 3. Either his parents       his brother        invited. A. or, were B. or, was C. nor, were D. and, were 参考答案: B 4. You should put more ______into your work. A. excuse         B. experiment   C. effort        D. exercise 参考答案: C 3. The first prize winner _______, John was so disappointed that he felt unwilling to know the rest of the results.     A. announcing                                               B. announced                  C. having announced                                                                         D. had been announced  参考答案: B 略 6. The underground is now a popular means of   transport in Tianjin, with 5 lines still under   construction. A. /; /    B. the; /    C. the; the    D. /; the 参考答案: A 【详解】考查固定搭配,句意:在天津,地铁现在是一种很受欢迎的交通工具,还有5条线路正在建设中。a means of,“﹍的一种方式”,为固定搭配,a means of 后直接加名词做宾语。under construction,在建设中,为固定搭配,故选A。 7. Edible oil’s(食用油)safety is a subject _______ we have argued for a long time. A. of which                 B. with which   C. about which          D. into which  参考答案: C 8. The Group of Eight(G8) __ the eight richest countries in the world. A. consists of   B. is consisted of   C. is made up  D. consist in 参考答案: A 9. It is the book Harry Porter ______ writer is very famous ______ attracts quite a few readers throughout the world.   A. what; who         B. which; that       C. whose; that        D. whose; who 参考答案: C 22. Come ________. I want to tell you that she is ________ related to him and that you must study it ________. A. close; close; closely                                 B. closely; close; close C. close; closely; closely                              D. closely; closely; close 参考答案: C 略 11. The old _____taken good care of in many areas of China. A. is                                       B. has                          C. are                                    D. have 参考答案: C 12. You have a big mouth, Tom. You       have told everybody the secret. A. can’t    B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t    D. mightn’t 参考答案: C 试题分析:考查情态动词用法。Shouldn’t have done本不应该做某事实际上却做了。句意:你真是大嘴巴,你本不应该被这个秘密告诉每个人的。故C正确。 考点:考查情态动词用法 点评:本题是高考必考考点,一定要牢记句型意思。must have done过去肯定做了某事。should have done 本应该做而实际未做。 can’t have done 过去不可能做了某事;shouldn’t have done 本不应该做而实际做了。 need have done 本有必要做某事;needn’t have done 本没有必要做某事;注意没有 mustn’t have done的形式。 13. Unlike watching TV, reading is a highly active process______ it requires attention as     well as memory and imagination. A. while    B. But C. Unless         D. for 参考答案: D 14. -----You know, your grandpa has difficulty _________listening, so… -----so I have to be patient_________him. A in, with B on, with C in, to D at, for 参考答案: A 15. Since the beginning of the summer holiday, my friend and I _____ across the country, and our next stop is Mount Tai. A. had traveled  B. will travel   C. have been traveling  D. were traveling 参考答案: C 16. I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I ___ for her.   A. had to write it out B. must have written it out   C. should have written it out D. ought to write it out 参考答案: C 二、 书面表达 17. 书面表达(满分25分) 假如你是李华,你代表你们班同学给你们学校新来的外籍教师Mr. Smith写一封电子邮件,告诉他大家对他第一周教学的感受,内容包括: 1、大家对他的总体评价较高; 2、具有独特的、使课堂生动活泼的方法; 3、知识渊博,且对学生很耐心; 4、就如何帮助英语基础薄弱的学生,向他提一些建议(内容自拟)。 注意:1.电子邮件必须包括以上内容,可适当增加细节;   2. 词数110左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 Dear Mr. Smith, On behalf of the students of our class, I email you telling you how we feel about your first-week teaching in our class.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         参考答案: One possible version: ks5u Dear Mr. Smith, On behalf of the students of our class, I e-mail you telling you how we feel about your first-week teaching in our class. All of us students think highly of your way of teaching, as you can always make your class lively and interesting. In addition, you are such a learned man that we can learn a lot from you and most important of all, you are patient with us. Frankly, you have built up our confidence in learning English well. ks5u Some of us are still poor at English and need your help. We hope you will speak a little bit slowly so that we can understand you better. Besides, would you please spen

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