
北京语言大学网络教育学院 一、单选题(每题4分,共25道小题,总分值100分) 1.I saw a stranger____ a distance of ten yards. (4分) Aat Bin Cby Dto 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:A 2.It was____his mother came in____to prepare his lessons.(4分) Anot until,did the boy begin Buntil,that the boy began Cuntil,did the boy begin Dnot until,that the boy began 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:D 3.There used to be a church behind the cemetery,____?(4分) Adidn’t there Bused there Cusedn’t it Ddidn’t it 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:A 4.He likes____to people, but nobody obeys him.(4分) Aordering Bobeying Cdictating Ddirections 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 5.____ today, he would get there by Friday.(4分) AWould he leave BWas he leaving CWere he to leave DIf he leave 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 6.____the help of their team, we should not have succeeded.(4分) AAs for BAs to CUnless DBut for 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:D 7.One of the men held the view ____ the book said was right.(4分) Awhat that Bthat what Cthat which Dwhich that 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:B 8.Earthworms occur____adequate moisture and food and the necessary soil conditions are found.(4分) Aand Bbut Chowever Dwherever 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:D 9.The flowers ____ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.(4分) Ato smell Bsmelling Csmelt Dto be smelt 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:B 10.Bruce must have been in China for a long time,_____? (4分) Ahasn’t he Bmustn’t he CIsn’t he Dwasn’t he 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:A 11.In the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the____government, not by each state.(4分) Afederal Bfigure Cscientific Dservice 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:A 12.He is a very____person who always asks questions and makes very deep impressions on his audience.(4分) Aperceptive Bperceptible Cclear Dlucid 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:A 13.There isn’t going to be a volleyball match next week, ____?(4分) Ais it Bisn’t it Cis there Disn’t there 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 14.A cook will be immediately fired if he is found ____ in the kitchen.(4分) Asmoke Bsmoking Cto smoke Dsmoked 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:B 15.She is pleased with what you have given him and ____ you have told him.(4分) Athat Bwhich Call what Dall that 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:D 16.It was three years ago ____ Mr. Smith came to Shanghai.(4分) Awhen Bsince Cthat Duntil 更多北语作业注:更多北语作业答案关注V行:w eimingjiax c 领取答案::C 17.She____her medicine with the help of some water mixed with sugar.(4分) Abite Bswallowed Cchewed Dnibbled 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:B 18.The soldier was wounded,____he pushed on.(4分) Afor Band Cso Dyet 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:D 19.It is said that in Australia there is more land than the government knows ____.(4分) Ait what to do with Bwhat to do it with Cwhat to do with it Dto do what with it 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 20.When he lost his job he tried to____his fortunes by robbing a bank.(4分) Aretrieval Brecover Cretrieve Dreplace 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 21.For more than 20 years, we’ve been supporting educational programs that____from kindergartens to colleges.(4分) Amove Bshift Crange Dspread 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 22.The full letter reads____follows. (4分) Alike Bas Cthat Dwhich 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:B 23.____ his appearance that no one could recognize him.(4分) ASo was strange BWas so strange CSo strange was DStrange so was 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 24.Some of the older villagers prefer____tobacco rather than to smoke it.(4分) Ato chew Bchewed Cchewing Dchew 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:A 25.Jack bought a new mobile phone the other day. ____? That’s his third one in just one month. (4分) AHad he BDid he CDoes he DHas he 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:B回答正确 上北语网院 进世界学堂

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