
北京语言大学网络教育学院 一、单选题(每题4分,共25道小题,总分值100分) 1.They maintained____the supremacy until the piano supplanted them at the end of the eighteenth century.(4分) Asupported Bpromoted Creplaced Ddominated 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 2.After Senator Smith announced that he planned to run for president, the telephone at campaign headquarters rang____.(4分) Acontinuously Bincisively Cignorantly Dcontinually 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:A 3.Since both he and I work in the same hospital, I can hardly avoid____him.(4分) Ato be met Bbeing met Cmeeting Dto meet 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 4.The old gentleman was a very____looking person, with grey hair and gold spectacles.(4分) Arespectful Brespected Crespective Drespectable 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:D 5.Getting a college degree was the most ____ experience of my life.(4分) Arewarding Brewarded Creward Drewardless 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:A 6.____, the workers in the transistor plant have made great contributions to the nation.(4分) AAs they are young BYoung as they are CAs young are they DYoung although they are 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:B 7.Noise, in the technical sense, implies a random chaotic disturbance____.(4分) Ausually does no want Busually is unwanted Cthat one does not usually want it Dthat is usually unwanted 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:D 8.The football players need total concentration during____.(4分) Amatch Bgame Cplay Dperform 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 9.As one of the youngest professors in the university, Miss King is certainly on the____of a brilliant career.(4分) Athreshold Bedge Cporch Dcourse 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:A 10.Most amateur cameras make use of the rotary shutter,____has the form of half circle.(4分) Awho Bthat Cwhich Dwhere 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 11.____several years for bamboo seeds to grow into plants that used for commercial purpose .(4分) AIt takes BTo be taken CBy taking DAlthough 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:A 12.Mrs Smith is ____ friend of __(4分) Athe,mine Ba,me Cthe,my Da,mine 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:D 13.Now he is ___ artist. 1 have known him since he was ___ one-year-old boy.(4分) Aa,an Ba,a Can,an Dan,a 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:D 14.All gases and most liquids and solids expand____heated.(4分) Ain Bhow Cwhen Dabout 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 15.I think we need to see an investment____before we make an expensive mistake.(4分) Aguide Bentrepreneur Cconsultant Dassessor 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 16.In the fourteenth century,____that glass coated wit silver nitrate would turn yellow when fired in oven.(4分) Athe discovery Bwith discovery Cif it was discovered Dit was discovered 更多北语作业注:更多北语作业答案关注V行:w eimingjiax c 领取答案:D 17.____that the demand for power continues to rise at the current rate, it will not be long before traditional sources become inadequate.(4分) AConcerning BAscertaining CAssuming DRegarding 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 18.There is supposed to be a safety____which makes it impossible for trains to collide.(4分) Aappliance Baccessory Cmachine Dmechanism 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:D 19.We know Tom’s uncle____as a manager of a supermarket for ten years.(4分) Abehaved Bserved Cperformed Dplaced 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:B 20.The diplomat saved a(n)____situation with quick-witted tact in the conference.(4分) Arewarding Bdemanding Cembarrassing Drequiring 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:C 21.Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations ____.(4分) Asimultaneously Bspontaneously Chomogeneously Dcontemporarily 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:A 22.This book is expected to____the best-seller lists.(4分) Apromote Bprevail Cdominate Dexemplify 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:B 23.Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major____in every family’s budget.(4分) Anutrition Bexpenditure Croutine Dprovision 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:B 24.Her jewelry____under the spotlights and she became the dominant figure at the ball.(4分) Aglared Bglittered Cblazed Ddazzled 无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘选拔主管人员时都要鼓励无论内部提升还是外部招聘答案:D 25.The author has just finished one book and has another____in pro

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