This is his head.教学设计

Module 10 Unit 1 This is his head. Teaching Aims 一 . Knowledge aims:Students can master the words:on, his, head, arm, hand, leg, foot and the sentences : This is his…. 二 . Ability aims:Use the sentence : This is his…. 三 . Emotion aims:To understand the body, do more exercises and keep healthy. Key-points and Difficult points 一.Key-points:Students can master the words:on, his, head, arm, hand, leg, foot and the sentences : This is his…. 二.Difficult points:master the words:head , hand; Use the sentence : This is his…. Teaching Preparation: word cards , ppt , some pictures , video Teaching Procedures: Step一、 Warm-up (一) .Greetings : T:How are you ? Ss:I’m fine,thank you. T:Nice to meet you . Ss:Nice to meet you , too. T:Are you happy ? Ss:Yes. (二). Let’s chant . Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to the window and point to the door. Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to the blackboard and point to the door. Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to the desk and point to the door. (三).Review. 1.This is the window/ blackboard/desk/chair/pen/pencil/book. 2.Point to the window/ blackboard/desk/chair/pen/pencil/book. [Purpose : 在热身的时候,首先让学生演唱歌谣 “Please stand up ”,并做上相应的动作,这样的导入能很快吸引住学生,还渲染了学生学习英语的良好气氛。同时,歌曲中的物品也可勾起学生们对已学物品单词的回忆,复习旧句型Point to…. 和This is…,为学习新的内容作好铺垫。] Step 二、 Presentation (一).Learning the new words 1.Leading-in . T : Today I’m your new friend. We have another friend. But we don’t know who he is. Let’s have a look . 2. Learn the word “his” (1).由旧的单词is引申到新的单词his。 (2).结合字母i的发音/I/教学单词his。 (3).利用齐读、分组读、开火车读等形式来操练单词his。 3.Learn the word “head” . (1).结合字母ea的发音/e/教学单词head。 (2).利用齐读、分组读、开火车读等形式来操练单词head。 (3). 结合旧句型 This is ...,教学并操练句子:This is his head . 4. Learn the word “arm” . (1).结合字母ar的发音/a:/教学单词arm。 (2).利用大、小声这个游戏来操练单词arm。 5. Learn the word “hand” . (1).由旧的单词and引申到新的单词hand。 (2).结合字母a的发音/æ/教学单词hand。 (3).利用举图片,师生竞赛、小组竞赛来操练单词hand。 6. Learn the word “leg” . (1).结合字母e的发音/e/教学单词leg。 (2).利用齐读、分组读、开火车读等形式来操练单词leg。 (3). 结合旧句型 This is ...,操练句子:This is his/my/your leg . 7. Learn the word “foot” . (1).由旧的单词book类比到新的单词foot。 (2).结合字母oo的发音/u/教学单词foot 。 (3).结合旧句型 Point to ...,操练句子:Point to your foot . 8. Play a game: Make up Panpan again (1).T:This is his head . Please help Panpan find out his right body . (2).Point and say 邀请四位学生到黑板前,老师小声说指令,班上其余的学生大声说指令,看谁的反应最快。 (3).Point and touch . Point to your head/arm/ hand/leg/foot。首先老师发指令,看谁的反应快。接着请一位学生充当小老师发指令,看谁的反应快。 [Purpose : 首先通过ppt展示Panpan身体各部分的图片让学生猜“谁是我们的新朋友”,来呈现新单词his, head, arm, hand, leg, foot。操练单词时使用多样化的形式,如;大小声读,开火车,分组读等,以达到学习目的。接着利用游戏“拼接盼盼”来操练句子,学生在乐中学,学中乐。] (二).Learning Activity 1. Point to your head/leg/foot。 1.listen and point. 2.Watch the video 3.Teach the new word “on” (三).Learning the dialogue . 1.Leading-in . Today Panpan is coming to our class, he will play with us. First let’s watch the video. 2.Watch the video and find “head, arm, hand, leg, foot”. 3.Listen and repeat . 4.Read together . 5.Read the dialogue in pairs . 6.Act out the dialogue. [Purpose :播放录像让学生了解课文对话并学习。同时还让学生分角色表演课文对话,以进一步深化课文的学习。体现“学导式”课堂教学。] Step 三、 Practice (一). Point and say . Student A: This is ___ . This is his ____. Point to your ____ and your____. Student B: (do the actions) [Purpose : 通过Pair work操练新学的内容,两人合作学习,可以培养学生的合作意识、团队精神。] (二).Sing and do the actions Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to your head and point to your arm. Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to your hand and point to your leg. Please stand up. Please sit down. Point to your leg and point to your foot [Purpose : 通过自编歌谣的形式来巩固本节课的重点句型,以达到学习目的。] Step四、 Summary This is his head/arm/hand/ leg/ foot. [Purpose : 通过板书进行总结使学生明白本课的重难点。] Step 五、 Homework (一). Listen and read the dialogue for 3 times . (二). Act out the dialogue with your partner. [Purpose : 有效的课后作业是课堂教学的延伸,听读录音在课后作业中占据着重要的作用,另外鼓励学生课后大胆开口说英语是培养口语的重要途径。] Blackboard Design M 10 U 1 This is his head. This is his head. arm. hand. leg. foot. 5

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