
练习题练习题(二二)及答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题及答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库附答案(基础题)库附答案(基础题)单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、资料:之后,经济学家 Mr.V 发表了关于一些新名词的感悟,请根据下列资料回答问题。A.what globalization means for businesses B.how definitions differ from each other C.how businesses go“global”D.the definition of the term“globalization”【答案】C 2、截至 2011 年末,我国境内股市已经成为全球第()大市场。A.二 B.三 C.四 D.五【答案】B 3、关于企业利润构成,下列表述不正确的是()。A.企业的利润总额由营业利润、投资收益和营业外收入三部分组成 B.营业成本=主营业务成本+其他业务成本 C.利润总额=营业利润+营业外收入-营业外支出 D.净利润=利润总额-所得税费用【答案】A 4、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009 年末的每股税后利润为 0.2 元,市场利率为 2.5%。A.分期付息到期还本债券 B.到期一次还本付息债券 C.分期还本到期一次付息债券 D.分期付息债券【答案】A 5、各种账务处理程序的相同之处不包括()。A.登记现金、银行存款日记账的依据和方法相同 B.登记明细账的依据和方法相同 C.登记总账的依据和方法相同 D.编制会计报表的依据和方法相同【答案】C 6、下列关于 IP 地址说法中错误的是()。A.一个 IP 地址只能标识网络的唯一的一台计算机 B.IP 地址一般用点分十进制表示 C.地址 是一个合法的 IP 地址 D.同一个网络中不能有两台计算机的 IP 地址相同【答案】C 7、Land is a major social and political issue,very explosive and very much inclined to _ a lot of conflict in different parts of the country.A.provoke B.irritate C.inspire D.hoist【答案】A 8、Mr.Gonzalesr who has been a()member of the country club for over 25 year,has recently been appointed president.A.first B.valued C.strong D.durable【答案】B 9、有一笔国债,5 年期,溢价 20%发行,票面利率 10%,单利计息,到期一次还本付清,其到期收益率是()。A.4.69%B.4.23%C.5.23%D.4.57%【答案】D 10、注册会计师应当进行应付账款函证的情况不包括()。A.控制风险较高 B.应付账款明细账户金额较大 C.应付账款在全部负债中所占的比重较大 D.被审计单位处于财务困难阶段【答案】C 11、资料:Britain is facing a“crisis of fatherlessness”in which almost half of all children born today will not be living with both parents by the time they are 15,the new chief executive of the thinktank founded by Iain Duncan Smith has warned.A.tend to overlook the importance of parenting B.help to prevent children from committing a crime C.are not indispensable in the growth of their children D.improve kidsdevelopment of cognitive skills【答案】C 12、资料:What,if anything,do we gain by clinging to our antioxidant supplements?A.reasonable B.untrue C.terrible D.fair【答案】B 13、在 PowerPoint 2003 中,要将 D 盘上的“时间都去哪了.MP3”文件插入到当前幻灯片中,所选择的命令项是()。A.插入影片和声音剪辑管理器中的声音 B.插入影片和声音文件中的声音 C.插入影片和声音剪辑管理器中的影片 D.插入影片和声音文件中的影片【答案】B 14、On behalf of board of directors I appreciate you for providing the_information.A.request B.requester C.requesting D.requested【答案】D 15、商业银行财务管理的核心内容是()。A.资本金管理 B.利润管理 C.财产管理 D.成本管理【答案】D 16、资料:As a business owner,it is vital that you understand and use advanced technologies.Technology can help increase business efficiency and even expand operations.A.Discuss the advantage of technology B.Advertising business software C.Teach business owners how to stay competitive D.Teach business owners how to manage emails and calendars【答案】C 17、Josh graduated with his masters degree in space studies and planetary sciences,but after years of working odd jobs and barely_,he decided to go back to get his teaching license。A.putting on the back burner B.breaking new ground C.making ends meet D.proving his mettle【答案】C 18、Passage 5 A.poor quality rails and unreliable stopping systems B.lack of financial support for development C.limited railroad lines D.lack of a transcontinental railroad【答案】A 19、Everyone in the organization has a(n)_to this kind of information.A.access B.right C.try D.look【答案】A 20、按照目前近代物理研究的最新成果,物质的最小的构成单位是()。A.质子 B.中子 C.纳米 D.夸克【答案】D 21、3+14+35+146+555+854+965+986+997=()。A.3555 B.5000 C.4000 D.4555【答案】D 22、直接在流通领域内表现出来的资本总公式是()。A.WGW B.GWG C.GG D.GWG【答案】D 23、微型计算机中,ROM 的中文含义是()。A.随机存储器 B.只读存储器 C.高速缓冲存储器 D.可编程只读存储器【答案】B 24、(),he is appointed as the manager.A.Be a man ever so young B.So young as a man ever is C.No matter he is young D.A man ever so young【答案】A 25、资料:With 55%of consumers customer service interactions starting online and 63%of adults using their smartphone several times a month to seek customer service,your mobile customer service tactics are more important than ever.A.Identifying any missing or incorrect information before customers need to reach out B.Make online customer service easy and quick for customers C.Avoid losing customers,it can help you gain new ones and impact the bottom line D.ensure your customer service contact info are readily available on all mobile website pages【答案】B 26、()how difficult the situation may seem,it is very important to remember that there are others who are in worse situations.A.As if B.Even so C.As though D.No matter【答案】D 27、下列说法,错误的是()。A.我国商业银行经营活动的不确定性越来越高,表外信息的内容也在不断扩展 B.我国商业银行会计信息披露已逐渐从会计报表披露为主转向会计报表、会计报表附注及其他财务会计报告共同披露的新的发展阶段 C.我国在会计信息披露方面存在很多问题 D.与会计报表披露相比,会计报表附注披露比较强大【答案】D 28、未到期的定期储蓄存款,部分提前支取的,提前支取的部分利率的计算应按()。A.活期储蓄存款利率 B.定期储蓄存款利率 C.整存整取存款利率 D.零存整取存款利率【答案】A 29、下列叙述正确的是()。A.CPU 能直接读取硬盘:h 的数据 B.CPU 能直接读取内存储器中的数据 C.CPU 由存储器和控制器组成 D.CPU 主要用来存储程序和数据【答案】B 30、下列各项中,既包含在 M0 中,又包含在 M1 中的是()。A.流通中的现金 B.农村存款 C.企业单位活期存款 D.城乡居民储蓄存款【答案】A 31、If English means endless new words,difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation,you are wrong.Havent you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?A.people who can speak two languages B.second language learners C.researchers on language learning D.active language learners【答案】A 32、资料:Workforce planning helps a

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