
每日一练试卷每日一练试卷 A A 卷含答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合卷含答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识全真模拟考试试卷知识全真模拟考试试卷 A A 卷含答案卷含答案 单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、甲有一套商品房欲出售,经人介绍与乙签订房屋买卖合同,丙知道后找到甲,表示愿意以更高的价格购买,甲便与丙订立合同并办理房屋过户手续。下列说法正确的是()。A.房屋应归乙,甲向丙承担违约责任 B.房屋应归丙,甲向乙承担违约责任 C.房屋产权登记有误,应重新登记为甲 D.甲与丙订立的合同无效,甲与乙协商房屋的归属权【答案】B 2、We can give_depending on the model number.A.account B.discipline C.discount D.disconnect【答案】C 3、下列证据中,既属于间接证据又属于原始证据的是()。A.被告人认罪的供述 B.证人听到被害人哭泣的证言 C.赃物的复制品 D.鉴定结论的抄件【答案】B 4、资料:In the business environment nearly all individuals within an organization will belong to one or more groups or teams.A.express clearly the common goal of the team B.allow the team leader to make final decisions after discussions C.create a team randomly D.monitor the progress of the team【答案】C 5、资料:Native ads-or ads that take on the look and feel of the content surrounding them-are taking over digital advertising.A.The dominance of social platforms B.The dominance of the digital advertising C.The introduction of new programmatic technologies D.Publishers and advertisers can now scale native campaigns easily【答案】B 6、Education has a value of consumption and its demand will depend on its own price,prices of other goods,and_income.A.domestic B.home C.house D.household【答案】D 7、Her speech was _,that is to say,we _ her speech.A.impressive;were impressing by B.impressed;were impressed at C.impressive;were impressed with D.impressing;were impressing at【答案】C 8、在编辑 Word 文档时,选定一段文字后,把鼠标指针置于选定文本的任意位置,按 Ctr1 键并按鼠标左键不放,拖到另一位置上才放开鼠标。那么,刚才的操作是()。A.移动文本 B.复制文本 C.替换文本 D.删除文本【答案】B 9、The office will be closed_it is being decorated.A.throughout B.for C.while D.during【答案】C 10、Passage 5 A.half of the are a will follow a wetter trend,while half a drier trend B.the scientists in North Africa hold different opinions climate models C.it is not easy to predict how the climate change influences the district D.There are different climate models to be built in North Africa【答案】C 11、资料:When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often.It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.A.a difficulty that can be corrected by an operation B.eyes that are not exactly the right shape C.an eye difficulty that cannot be corrected by glasses D.one eye bigger than the other【答案】B 12、The()tough training given by our company creates strong and able sales representatives who perform well above others in the same field.A.indifferently B.presumable C.completely D.unbearably【答案】D 13、会议室里的凳子有 3 条腿的,也有 4 条腿的,都能坐。并且会议室坐满了人,一张凳子只能坐一个人。如果会议室里的凳子的条数和人的腿加起来共有39 条,则 3 条腿的凳子有()张。A.1 B.3 C.5 D.7【答案】B 14、关于会计核算的基本前提,下列说法中不正确的是()。A.会计基本假设包括会计主体、持续经营、会计分期和货币计量 B.如果企业发生破产清算.经相关部门批准后,可以继续适用持续经营假设 C.在我国.以公历年度作为企业的会计年度。即公历 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日 D.会计的货币计量假设,包含了两层含义:一是以货币作为会计的统一计量单位:二是作为会计计量单位的货币.其币值是稳定不变的【答案】B 15、资料:As a business owner,it is vital that you understand and use advanced technologies.Technology can help increase business efficiency and even expand operations.A.Discuss the advantage of technology B.Advertising business software C.Teach business owners how to stay competitive D.Teach business owners how to manage emails and calendars【答案】C 16、为了保证计划目标得以实现,就需要有控制职能,控制的实质就是使()。A.实践活动符合于计划 B.计划接近实际活动 C.实践活动具有指标约束 D.计划得以严格执行【答案】A 17、What this is telling us is that we need to first establish a middle class that is able to hold the government _.A.account B.accounted C.accounting D.accountable【答案】D 18、下列担保中,属于人的担保的是()。A.保证担保 B.留置担保 C.抵押担保 D.质押担保【答案】A 19、2021 年春节期间,全国收费公路将继续免收小型客车通行费,具体免费时段从()。A.2 月 10 日 0 时至 17 日 24 时 B.2 月 11 日 0 时至 17 日 24 时 C.2 月 11 日 0 时至 18 日 24 时 D.2 月 9 日 0 时至 17 日 24 时【答案】B 20、掠夺交易是指以强制手段为基础、一方强迫另一力的利益转移(包括其承载物的转移)。下列不属于掠夺交易的是()。A.甲有一幅非常珍贵的古名画,乙知道后千方再计想得到,就请甲的领导出面,用一幅现代名画将乙的那幅画换到手 B.张某摆了一个杂货摊点,一天,有一人来买塑料面盆,她拿出一元钱塞给张说:“我知道你卖三元一只,我们是邻居,就一元卖给我吧。”说完就拿走了面盆 C.小李家正搞装潢,谁知预算失误,少买了几平米某名牌木地板,急需补上,经销商谎称木地板涨价,必须加价,最终小李以三倍的价格买回所需地板 D.小王和小章是两位集邮爱好者,他们常常交换邮品,虽然有时用以交换的邮品价格悬殊,但双方都非常乐意,毫无怨言【答案】D 21、资料:最后,大家谈论了中国在绿色经济方面做出的杰出贡献,请根据下列资料回答问题。A.apology B.advertisement C.invitation D.memo【答案】C 22、资料:Theres a good chance that spicy crunchy tuna roll you ordered for lunch doesnt actually contain any tuna at all.A.Sushi restaurants verified by Oceana provide no fake fish B.it would be better not to eat sushi in America C.the new technology can help deal with the fake sushi to some extent D.fake or mislabeled fish will no longer exist in the sushi market【答案】C 23、资本主义地租的本质是()。A.土地所有者占有的农业平均利润 B.农业资本家在租期内投资的利息 C.农业工人创造的超过平均利润以上的那部分剩余价值 D.土地所有者无偿占有的农业工人创造的全部剩余价值【答案】C 24、金融市场上主要的资金供应者是()。A.家庭 B.企业 C.政府 D.金融机构【答案】A 25、按照保险对象的不同可将保险分为()。A.人身保险与财产保险 B.自愿保险与强制保险 C.保险与再保险 D.信用保险与人身保险【答案】A 26、无差率曲线为斜率不变的直线时,表示相结合的两种商品是()。A.正相关的 B.互不相关的 C.互补的 D.完全替代的【答案】D 27、甲贩运假烟,驾车路过某检查站时,被工商执法部门拦住检查。检查人员乙正登车检查时,甲突然发动汽车夺路而逃。乙抓住汽车车门的把手不放,甲为摆脱乙,在疾驶时突然急刹车导致乙头部着地身亡。甲对乙死亡的心理态度属于下列哪一选项?()A.直接故意 B.间接故意 C.过于自信的过失 D.疏忽大意的过失【答案】B 28、资料:Early Experiences A.streamlined interface B.free of redundant functionality C.Benefit the customers D.Satisfy all the need of the customers【答案】D 29、We appreciate your patience and hope to serve you in a timeli

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