
Arteries 动脉动脉Arteries动脉专题知识第1页Arteries 动脉动脉CharacteristicsqSymmetry 对称对称qIn the trunk of the body consist parietal and visceral branches 壁支和脏支壁支和脏支qShortest possible courseRun on flexor surfacesUsually do not pass directly through muscles,avoiding compressionqTogether with the veins and nerves in a sheath of fascia to form neurovascular bundle 血管神经束血管神经束Arteries动脉专题知识第2页Arteries of pulmonary circulationqPulmonary trunk 肺动脉干肺动脉干Arises from right ventricle Runs up,back,and to the leftBifurcates inferior to aortic arch into right and left pulmonary arteries左、右肺动脉,one for each lung q Arterial ligament 动脉韧带动脉韧带 Remnant of ductus arteriosus动脉导管动脉导管A fibrous band that connects bifurcation of pulmonary trunk with inferior border of aortic archArteries动脉专题知识第3页Pulmonary ArteryAortaPatent Ductus ArteriosusArteries动脉专题知识第4页Arteries of systemic circulation 体循环动脉体循环动脉Arteries动脉专题知识第5页 Aorta 主动脉主动脉 Ascending aorta 升主动脉升主动脉Aortic arch 主动脉弓主动脉弓lower border of T4 vertebraAbdominal aorta 腹主动脉腹主动脉lower border of L4 vertebra Common iliac a.髂总动脉髂总动脉second right sternocostal jointThoracic aorta 胸主动脉胸主动脉at level of T12 vertebra 升主动脉升主动脉主动脉弓主动脉弓胸主动脉胸主动脉腹主动脉腹主动脉髂总动脉髂总动脉Arteries动脉专题知识第6页升主动脉升主动脉主动脉弓主动脉弓胸主动脉胸主动脉腹主动脉腹主动脉颈总动脉颈总动脉锁骨下动脉锁骨下动脉髂外动脉髂外动脉髂内动脉髂内动脉髂总动脉髂总动脉头臂干头臂干Arteries动脉专题知识第7页Ascending aorta 升主动脉升主动脉qArises from left ventricle qRuns upward,forward and to the rightqExtends to level of right second sternocostal jointq BranchesRight coronary artery右冠状右冠状动脉动脉Left coronary artery左冠状左冠状动脉动脉Arteries动脉专题知识第8页Aortic arch 主动脉弓主动脉弓qContinuation of ascending aortaqCurves upward,to the left and posteriorly,then downward,arching over left principal bronchus and pulmonary trunk to lower border of T4 level,and becomes thoracic aortaq Branches(from right to left)Brachiocephalic trunk 头臂干头臂干lRight common carotid A 右颈总动脉右颈总动脉lRight subclavian A 右锁骨下动脉右锁骨下动脉Left common carotid A 左颈总动脉左颈总动脉Left subclavian A 左锁骨下动脉左锁骨下动脉qAortic glomera 主动脉小球主动脉小球lchemoreceptorqAortic isthmus主动脉峡主动脉峡lBaroreceptor Arteries动脉专题知识第9页Common carotid a.颈总动脉颈总动脉q Origin(arises from)Right:Brachiocephalic trunk Left:Aortic archq Ascends in neck to upper border of thyroid cartilageq BranchesInternal carotid artery 颈内动脉颈内动脉External carotid artery 颈外动脉颈外动脉Arteries动脉专题知识第10页Common carotid a.颈总动脉颈总动脉q Carotid sinus 颈动脉窦颈动脉窦Located at a localizes dilation of terminal part of common carotid artery and beginning of internal carotid arterySensitive to blood pressure changes(baroreceptor)q Carotid glomus 颈动脉小球颈动脉小球Lies posterior to the point of bifurcation of common carotid arterySenses changes in blood carbon dioxide(oxygen)levels(chemoreceptor)Carotid sinusCarotid glomusArteries动脉专题知识第11页颈外动脉颈外动脉external Carotid A.qSuperior thyroid a.甲状腺上动脉甲状腺上动脉 Descends to supply upper pole of thyroid gland and larynxqLingual a.舌动脉舌动脉qFacial a.面动脉面动脉Loops around mandible(where it is palpable),at anterior border of masseter,to enter the faceqOccipital a.枕动脉枕动脉qPosterior auricular a.耳后动脉耳后动脉qMaxillary a.上颌动脉上颌动脉Middle meningeal artery 脑膜中动脉脑膜中动脉qSuperficial temporal a.颞浅动脉颞浅动脉颞浅动脉颞浅动脉脑膜脑膜中动脉中动脉 枕动脉枕动脉 上颌上颌动脉动脉甲状腺甲状腺甲状腺甲状腺上动脉上动脉 面动脉面动脉舌动脉舌动脉Arteries动脉专题知识第12页Subclavian artery 锁骨下动脉锁骨下动脉q Origin(arises from)Right:Brachiocephalic trunkLeft:Aortic arch q Becomes axillary artery at lateral border of first ribq BranchesInternal thoracic a.胸廓内动脉胸廓内动脉Vertebral a.椎动脉椎动脉Thyrocervical trunk 甲状颈干甲状颈干lInferior thyroid artery 甲状腺甲状腺下动脉下动脉lSuperascapular a.肩胛上动脉肩胛上动脉Costocervical trunk 肋颈干肋颈干Arteries动脉专题知识第13页Subclavian artery 锁骨下动脉锁骨下动脉Arteries动脉专题知识第14页Axillary artery 腋动脉腋动脉q Continuation of subclavian artery at lateral border of first rib,Becomes brachial artery at lower border of teres majorqBranchesThoracoacromial a.胸肩峰动脉胸肩峰动脉Lateral thoracic a.胸外侧动脉胸外侧动脉Subscapular a.肩胛下动脉肩胛下动脉lThrocodorsal a.胸背动脉胸背动脉 lCircumflex scapular a.旋肩胛动脉旋肩胛动脉Anterior humeral circumflex a.旋肱前动脉旋肱前动脉Posterior humeral circumflex a.旋肱后动脉旋肱后动脉Arteries动脉专题知识第15页Axillary artery 腋动脉腋动脉Arteries动脉专题知识第16页Brachial artery 肱动脉肱动脉q Continuation of axillary artery at lower border of teres major.Divides into radial and ulnar arteries at level of neck of radiusqBranches Radial artery 桡动脉桡动脉Ulnar artery 尺动脉尺动脉Deep brachial a.肱深动脉肱深动脉 Superior ulnar collaeral a.尺侧尺侧上副动脉上副动脉Inferior ulnar collateral a.尺侧下尺侧下副动脉副动脉Arteries动脉专题知识第17页Brachial artery 肱动脉肱动脉Deep brachial a.肱深动脉肱深动脉brachial a.肱动脉肱动脉Radial artery 桡动脉桡动脉Ulnar artery 尺动脉尺动脉Arteries动脉专题知识第18页Radial artery 桡动脉桡动脉Course:at the neck of the radius in the cubital fossa,passes downward and laterally Branches qSuperfical palmar branch 掌浅支掌浅支qPrincipal artery of thumb 拇主要动脉拇主要动脉qRadial recurent branch 桡侧返动脉桡侧返动脉Arteries动脉专题知识第19页Ulnar artery 尺动脉尺动脉qCourse:at the neck of the radius in the cubital fossa passes downward and medially qBranchesCommon interosseous artery 骨间总骨间总动脉动脉anterior interossous a.骨间前动脉骨间前动脉posterior interosseous a.骨间后动脉骨间后动脉Deep palmar branch 掌深支掌深支Arteries动脉专题知识第20页Arteries动脉专题知识第21页Superficial palmar arch 掌浅弓掌浅弓q Formed by ulnar artery尺动脉尺动脉 and superficial palmar branch of radial ar

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