
每日一练试卷每日一练试卷 A A 卷含答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合卷含答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库检测试卷知识题库检测试卷 A A 卷附答案卷附答案 单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、我国古代“以农立国”,而农业生产和自然天象的关系密切,所以古人非常注重“观时授时”,积累了丰富的天文历法知识。以下关于我国古代天文历法知识,说法错误的是()。A.金星古称“明星”“太白”“启明”“长庚”;木星古称“岁星”“岁”B.杜甫诗中的“人生不相见,动如参与商”中的“参”是指西方的“参宿”.“商”指东方的心宿,“参”“商”同属二十八星宿 C.古代用于纪年的方法很多,其中最常用的是干支纪年法和年号纪年法。其中干支纪年法是指以天干和地支两两相配以纪年,历经六十年一轮回 D.天干只能与地支相配,而且是天干的单数与地支的双数相配,天干的双数与地支的单数相配【答案】D 2、资料:The hop flower has been used in beer-making at least since the eighth century.Traditionally it was a preservative,but it also imparts flavor.To some,the taste is bitter and unpalatable,and thus many brewers use only minimal amounts.But,depending on variety,growing conditions,and other factors,hops can impart a range of flavors that connoisseurs say rivals that of wine grapes.Starting in the nineteen-seventies,small brewers on the West Coast began dramatically upping the amount of hops in their brews.One of their most popular products was the India pale ale,or L.P.A.,a brew that has been around since the late eighteenth century.The story goes that necessity drove the British to add large quantities of hops in order to preserve the beer they shipped to India,to quench the thirst of the Sahibs managing the Empire there.A.The hop flower has been used in beer-making for decades B.Different varieties of hop flower produce different flavors of beer C.The rise of locavore movement makes craft brewing a new trend in the United States D.Megabrewers are losing market share because people are searching for the unpalatable taste of hop flower【答案】B 3、下列哪项不属于商业银行依法可以开展的业务?()A.买卖政府债券、金融债券 B.承销政府债券 C.发行金融债券 D.承销公司股票【答案】D 4、It is uncertain()side effect the medicine will bring about.A.that B.what C.how D.whether【答案】B 5、银行汇票持票人在代理付款行开户的处理中,代理付款行收到在本行开户的持票人送交的汇票、解讫通知和进账单,经审核无误后,以汇票作借方传票,第二联进账单作贷款传票。其会计分录为()。A.借:存款一一持票人户 贷:存放联行款项(联行往账)B.借:存款一一持票人户 贷:银行存款 C.借:银行存款 贷:存款持票人户 D.借:存放联行款项(联行往账)贷:存款一一持票人户【答案】D 6、我国经济法调整的对象是()。A.一切经济关系 B.特定经济关系 C.全部财产关系 D.社会关系【答案】B 7、现行的中华人民共和国商业银行法的执行日期是()。A.1995 年 7 月 1 日 B.1995 年 12 月 10 日 C.1998 年 7 月 1 日 D.2000 年 12 月 10 日【答案】A 8、()会增加失业。A.退休工人的数量增加 B.退休劳动力队伍的人数增加 C.离开学校找工作的人数增加 D*离开工作上学的人数增加【答案】C 9、April fifteenth represents a special date for people in USA.But it is _ holiday.A.not B.no C.neithe D.nor【答案】B 10、提出“复杂人”假设的是()。A.哈罗德孔茨 B.亨利法约尔 C.埃德加沙因 D.弗雷德里克泰勒【答案】C 11、2019 年 8 月 12 日,中国银行与()签署战略合作协议。双方将在推进金融业关键信息基础设施国产化、服务“一带一路”建设和助力脱贫攻坚战等方面进行战略合作。根据合作协议,双方将发挥各自优势,秉持互利共赢的原则,建立多领域战略合作,实现共同发展。A.人民网 B.新华通讯社 C.南方周末 D.新浪财经【答案】B 12、Players must not _raise the ball from a hit except for a shot at goal.A.intentionally B.shyly C.timidly D.unwillingly【答案】A 13、I have _tasks to all the departments and I hope I will get good news soon.A.assigned B.assure C.associate D.assume【答案】A 14、资料:HS ensures there is a clear career path for any employee,from any background.Three key levels in Harrods are the sales employee,department managers and senior managers.At each level,employees can benefit from the development programs in order to build a career.A.because he wanted to make a change of his life B.because ge got hurt and couldt dance any more C.because he wanted to take the courses D.none above【答案】B 15、Action Aid also accuses British Foods _ using its branch companies to reduce its taxes in Africa by millions of dollars.A.in B.of C.for D.to【答案】B 16、流动性资产是指()个月内变现的资产。A.1 B.2 C.6 D.12【答案】D 17、2020 年 3 月 10 日,北京航天飞行控制中心圆满完成我国首次()探测任务无线联试,充分验证了探测器与地面系统的接口匹配性和一致性。A.火星 B.相控阵雷达 C.空间引力波 D.太阳【答案】A 18、1,9,35,91,189,()A.361 B.341 C.321 D.302【答案】B 19、Mum,would you please buy me an ipad A.would B.shall C.may D.must【答案】B 20、国资委 19 日公布,2020 年,中央企业累计实现净利润 1.4 万亿元,同比增长(),近八成中央企业净利润同比正增长。A.2.1%B.0.1%C.3.2%D.1.6%【答案】A 21、下列句子中语句排列最连贯的一项是()。A.(4)(5)(3)(1)(2)B.(5)(4)(2)(1)(3)C.(5)(3)(4)(1)(2)D.(4)(1)(2)(3)(5)【答案】B 22、2013 年 3 月 16 日,我国目前正在建设的最长高瓦斯隧道兰州至重庆铁路客运专线()隧道,经过中茵铁建十八局集团建设者三年多施工正式贯通,标志着制约兰渝铁路全线铺轨工期的难点按期突破。A.梅岭关 B.南岭关 C.上下关 D.天涧关【答案】A 23、根据科曼提出的领导生命周期理论,通过领导的工作行为、领导的关系行为和下属的成熟度建立一个三维结构的有效领导模型,其中()具有低工作行为、低关系行为和适用于成熟度高的下属。A.说服型领导 B.授权型领导 C.参与型领导 D.命令型领导【答案】B 24、对于 2018 年中国房地产市场出现的房价下跌,楼市寒冬问题,从经济学角度来讲,属于()事件。A.灰犀牛 B.黑天鹅 C.黑骑士 D.白护卫【答案】B 25、中国近代史上第一个不平等条约是()。A.南京条约 B.马关条约 C.瑷珲条约 D.望厦条约【答案】A 26、抗日战争全面爆发的标志性事件是()。A.1939 年 9 月 1 日德国突袭波兰 B.1937 年 7 月 7 日 E1 本制造卢沟桥事变 C.1941 年 12 月 8 日日本突袭珍珠港 D.1941 年 6 月 22 日德国突袭原苏联【答案】B 27、Last month,the unemployment rate increased by _ of a percent to nine point seven percent.A.twos-tenths B.two-ten C.two-tenths D.one-tenths【答案】C 28、昼为阳,夜为阴,则上午为()。A.阳中之阴 B.阳中之阳 C.辰 D.阴中之阳【答案】B 29、Passage 1 A.It reflected the existing big gap between the two economies B.It neglected many important indicators of peoples welfare C.It covered up the differences between individual citizens D.It failed to count in their difference in natural resources【答案】B 30、资料:Samsungs Notebook 7 Spin is a stylish,versatile work machine with power to spare.The 2-in-1 notebooks performance is impressive,and its versatile folding design is legitimately useful.Unfortunately,the systems shallow keyboard and lackluster battery life curtail its productivity potential a

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