
国开电大专科 《管理英语2》 机 考 真 题(第五套) 第 一 大 题 、 交 际 用 语(单选题)(每小题2分,共10分) 1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。 1.-Mum, I'm going to school now.See you. - ,Mary. A.Here we go B.Wait a moment C.Have a nice day [答案]C 2.-Let's play volleyball. - Let's play soccer. A.That's interesting B.Good idea C.That sounds boring [答案]C 3.-Can you stay here longer? - ,but I have to be back tomorrow. A.I'd love to B.No,thank you C.I'm afraid not [答案]A 4.-Could you please pass me the ruler? A.Yes,I could B.No,I couldn't. C.Sure,here you are. [答案]C 5.- ? -It costs us ten thousand dollars. A.How many does the printing of the annual report cost B.What does the printing of the annual report make C.How much does the printing of the annual report cost [答案]C 第 二 大 题 、 祠 汇 与 结 构(单选题)(每小题2分,共计30分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项。 6.There an egg and some apples in the fridge. A.is B.are C.has [答案]A 7.Participants have the Productivity Analysis Worksheet. A.completing B.been completed C.completed [答案]C 8.I would rather two weeks earlier. 1 A.you should come here B.you came here C.you had come here I答案]C 9.-Dad ,you promised to take me out. -Well. A.so I did B.so I do C.so didI [答案]A 10. Your long-term success in event planning will be based the experience you had. A.to B.on C.of [答案]B 11.-I am worried about the dance show tomorrow. -Be confident!If you don't believe in yourself, will. A.nobody B.somebody C.anybody [答案]A 12. In that examination students were allowed their dictionaries. A.brought B.bringing C.to bring [答案]C 13. Since this road is wet and slippery this morning,it last night. A.must rain B.was raining C.must have rained [答案]C 14. You must the annual certification of employment online within 15 days. A.submit B.omit C.commit [答案]A 15. Mark two days going on family visits with experienced staff members. A.spends B.takes C.costs [答案]A 16.It's a great for us to have the chance to work with you. A.offer B.honor C.owner [答案]B 17.The heating system of our apartment broke down so I made a call to the community service center A.discussion B.complaint 2 C.praise [答案]B 18.I'm writing to ,a position as a computer engineer in your company. A.thank for B.wait for C.apply for [答案]C 19.The old saying“practice makes perfect” to interviewing too. A.applicants B.applies C.applications [答案]B 20.You should be aware of your limits budget or time. A.in terms of B.in case of C.because of [答案]A 第 三 大 题 、 阅 读 理 解(选择题)(每小题4分,共20分) 21题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案。 People often ask me for suggestions about how to leam English. As for it,everyone is different. I'll share some of my experience. I once took a school year English course in Wuhan University, but I mostly learned English on my own. One thing I can tell you is that, once you've started learning,you should try to think in English as much as you can.If you see something when you're riding your bike or walking down the street, just think about“How would I say them in English?”At first, it might be with simple words or phrases, but later you should think about longer phrases and sentences. Now I'm in America, and for most of the time, I would think in English and speak it directly. It's amazing how much this helps. For several years after I started learning,I was often afraid of talking with others in English because I didn't want to make mistakes. FinallyI.And while traveling in America, I'd try to hang out with friends who couldn't speak Chinese, so that I'd have no choice but to speak English. And I also decided that if I said something stupid and other people laughed at me, then so be it. After that, my English started improving much more quickly. Besides, it may be a good idea to ask your American friends to look at the way you're writing, and give you some suggestions for improvement. 21-1.【单选题】The writer learned English in Wuhan University for about A.a week B.a month C.a year I答案]C 21-2.【单选题】According to the writer is a good way to improve your English. A.thinking in English B.learning English grammar C.watching English films [答案]A 21-3.【单选题】The underlined phrase“get it over"in paragraph 3 means“ "in English. A.stick to it 3 B.depend on it C.overcome it I答案]C 21-4. 【单选题】To the writer's surprise,his English improved quickly A.in China B.in America C.in the university [答案]B 21-5. 【单选题】The best title for the passage is A.My English L

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