
国开电大专科 《人文英语2》 机考真题(第二套) 第 一 大 题 、 交 际 用 语(单选题)(每小题2分,共10分) 1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话。 1.-I am Paul.Can I have your name? A.I am new here B.I am30 years old C.My name is Linda [答案]C 2.-Our trademark has been infringed by our competitor.What can we do? A.I don't care B.You can file an action in the district court C.You can ask someone else [答案]B 3.-What shall we do tonight? A.No problem B.it's up to you C.Help yourself [答案]B 4.-Would you like to come with me? A.No,I have no ideas B.No,I don't like being with you C.Yes,that's very kind of you.Thanks [答案]C 5.-HoW are you? A.Fine.Thank you! B.I am23 years old C.My name is Cathy [答案]A 第 二 大 题 、 词 汇 与 结 构(单选题)(共计30分,每小题2分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项。 6.If you want anything more,please let me A.ask B.argue C.know [答案]C 7.John began to get about the machine since it didn't work well. A.worried B.surprised C.excited [答案]A 8.Relationships and friendships can gangs. A.result in 1 B.lead to C.arrive at [答案]B 9. You can some bottles of wine,or some chocolates,or a bunch of flowers. A.bring up B.bring along C.bring down [答案]B 10.My volunteer work helps me A.grow up B.checkup C.cheer up [答案]A 11. our team have got the top prize. A.With the end B.By the end C.To the end [答案]B 12. Besides, there are many there,both historic and modem. A.places of interest B.parking places C.shopping malls [答案]A 13.I should Alex this morning,but I forgot. A.phone B.phoned C.have phoned [答案]C 14 Lily nor lam going to Beijing next year. A.Both B.Neither C.Either [答案]B 15. is the elder brother in the family. A.She B.He C.it [答案]B 16. We can act the interview. A.on B.as C.out [答案]C 17. He the first prize. A.was awarded B.awarded C.awards [答案]A 18.Entertainment is one of the reasons people like the Web. A.leader 2 B.led C.leading [答案]C 19. There two hundred dollars to pay. A.are B.is C.were [答案]B 20. After swimming,I went on A.jogging B.to jog C.jog [答案]A 第 三 大 题 、 阅 读 理 解(选择题)(共20分,每小题4分) 21题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案。 My volunteer work helps me grow up.It has made me more aware of the dificulties other people go through and made me appreciate the simple things we have in life.It enables me,as an adult,to become more confident and to realize the difference l can make I now have new career aspirations and the confidence to take forward these new ideas,since 1 started mentoring at the Open University and gained the experience of working with young students.I'll go on to do a teaching assistant course and look for a volunteering teaching or youth work in the future My research project will be to build a spatial web application.It was inspired by the volunteering I do for another not-for-profit organization.My volunteering at an animal shelter is neither connected to my studies nor to my career interests.I do it purely for pleasure,satisfaction and the feeling that I can help somebody.It's made me a happier person,and I wouldn't have got this far at university without it. 21-1. 【单选题】What's the best title of the passage? A.My Volunteering Experience B.My Research Project C.My Study [答案]B 21-2. 【单选题】Which of the following statements does not help the author grow? A.It has made the author more aware of the difficulties other people go through B.It has made the author appreciate the simple things in life C.it has made the author richer [答案]C 21-3. 【单选题】The authors research project is to build a A.website B.spatial web application C.internet school [答案]B 21-4. 【单选题】The research project was n spied by the volunteering for another organization. A.not-for-profit B.profit C.international [答案]A 21-5. 【单选题】The author's attitude toward volunteering is A.critical 3 B.in different C.enthusiastic [答案]C 第 四 大 题 、 阅 读 理 解(判断题)(共20分,每小题4分) 22题:请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 A pedestrian was critically injured in a West wood are a car accident near the corer of Wilshire.Boulevard and Veteran Avenue early morning on January 5,2016. The police said it involved a hit-and-run driver.The car was dark and was last seen traveling east on Ashton Avenue from Veteran Avenue.The investigation is ongoing. It appears that

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