
自我检测试卷自我检测试卷 A A 卷附答案银行招聘之银行招聘职业卷附答案银行招聘之银行招聘职业能力测验过关检测试卷能力测验过关检测试卷 B B 卷附答案卷附答案 单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、2009 年第一季度,各类违法主体占立案查处案件比重的最高值与最低值相差多少?()A.43.13%B.36.62%C.31.40%D.26.67%【答案】A 2、Questions 117-120refer to the following questions.A.An investment firms sales figures B.A recessions effect on the real estate industry C.Yesterdays stock market activity D.An economic reports unexpected findings【答案】D 3、根据我国法律规定,我国货币政策目标是()。A.保持货币币值稳定,并以此促进经济增长 B.调控货币供应量,促进经济社会发展 C.提高货币使用效率,改善民众生活 D.加强人民币流动管理,促进人民币的国际流通【答案】A 4、能够导致某种商品的需求曲线发生位移的因素是()。A.该商品自身的价格 B.该商品的成本 C.该商品的税率 D.消费者偏好【答案】D 5、下列各句中,没有语病的一项是()。A.如何培养青少年的责任感,使他们意识到自身所担负的使命,这对于教育工作者以及许多家长来说,也常常感到很棘手。B.依法明确中央财政和地方财政的支付项目,建立社保机构独立预算和全国统筹预算,是我国社保机构能力建设的创新战略。C.创业板开盘后,短短一个交易周,28 只股票平均股价大跌 11.44%,这相当于创业板被挤出了大约 160 多亿元的泡沫。D.2008 年 12 月 15 日,两岸同胞企盼了数十年之久的“三通”梦终于圆了,这将成为中华民族历史上浓墨重彩的一笔。【答案】D 6、()对于牛奶相当于油田对于()A.草井架 B.奶牛石油 C.牧场工人 D.蛋白质陆地【答案】B 7、2013 年 12 月 26 日,中国社科院和社会科学文献出版社共同发布的社会蓝皮书显示,2012 年我国城镇居民人均可支配收入达 24565 元是 1978年的 ll5 倍,年均增长 74,农村人均纯收入达到 7917 元,是 1978 年的ll8 倍,年均增长 75,二者均为剔除价格因素影响后的数据。2013 年上半年,我国城镇居民人均可支配收入达到 l36491 元;农村居民人均纯收入达到 48175 元。A.2.21:1 B.1:3.21 C.1:2.21 D.3.21:1【答案】A 8、Dina,_ for months to find a job as a waitress,finally took a position at a localadvertising agency.A.struggling B.struggled C.having struggled D.to struggle【答案】C 9、How much does the Versatile Sports Coat now cost?A.$114 B.$139 C.$179 D.$211【答案】B 10、The ability _ an idea is as important as the idea itself.A.expressing B.expressed C.to express D.to cover【答案】C 11、The majority of those who attended the meeting remained _ throughout the entirety of the exciting presentation.A.captivating B.captivation C.captivated D.captivates【答案】C 12、The attitude of the author toward advertisers is _.A.appreciative B.trustworthy C.critical D.dissatisfactory【答案】A 13、“黑洞”其实不是洞,是光射不出来的星。这种星密度更高,引力场特别强,强到光线被吸 住射不出来,只有当其他物质被吸引掉进去时才发光,发射出 X 线。对这段话理解不准确的是()。A.“黑洞”实际上是一种星 B.当“黑洞”发射出 X 线,必然有物质被吸引进去了 C.光线被吸人“黑洞”后射不出来 D.“黑洞”是黑色的,任何光都进不去【答案】D 14、为了控制价格、货币工资和其他收入的增长率而采取的货币和财政措施的行动是()。A.财政政策 B.产业政策 C.货币政策 D.以上均正确【答案】D 15、甲、乙两支篮球队进行 7 局 4 胜制的季后赛,由于甲的常规赛战绩更佳,按赛制规定第 1、2、6、7 场为甲的主场,第 3、4、5 场为乙的主场。最终甲在主场获胜,则比赛的胜负结果有多少种可能的情况?()A.15 B.30 C.35 D.50【答案】B 16、下列各项中,对半坡氏族的叙述,不正确的是()。A.会建造居室、过定居生活 B.反映黄河流域母系氏族公社的情况 C.他们制造工具简单,是打制石器和木棒 D.有原始农业、畜牧业【答案】C 17、How long will the ship stay in the Caribbean?A.Eight days B.About two weeks C.One month D.About three months【答案】B 18、Questions 64-66 refer to the following article.A.Salesperson B.Vice president of marketing C.General manager D.Operations manager【答案】C 19、The leaders of Detroits struggling Big Three automakers are appearing before the Senate today,where prospects of 25 billion in emergency loans to the industry appear to be stalling.A.reflect the reaction of the ordinary people to the hill B.illustrate peoples approval of passing the measure C.demonstrate the troubles caused by agreeing to union contracts D.show the devastating impact of auto industry on society【答案】B 20、The technical group spent more than a week improving the product design,and(),the clients were satisfied A.fortune B.fortunes C.fortunate D.fortunately【答案】D 21、一项调查显示,在患有自闭症的儿童中,有 70%是从 67 岁开始接触并使用电脑的。心理学家认为,儿童需要通过抓握、感觉、碰触、品尝以及移动真实的物体来激发他们的神经系统和认知能力,并进而对他们所处的世界形成基本的认识。如果这样的经验被阻断或者缺少积累,儿童就会表现出智力方面的障碍。因此,尽管新科技可以成为人类认识世界的强大力量,但家长应该让孩子具备了成熟的心智能力后再去接触它们。为此,一些西方国家正在开展相关的立法工作,禁止儿童过早接触电脑。A.用法律禁止儿童接触电脑是得当的 B.电脑有可能影响儿童智力发展,形成行为障碍 C.家长应避免孩子过早地接触电脑 D.儿童智力发育过程中存在重要的关键期【答案】C 22、A bank is the place_ they lend you an umbrella when it begins to rain and ask for it back in fair weather.A.when B.that C.where D.those【答案】C 23、0,1,1,2,4,7,13,()A.22 B.23 C.24 D.25【答案】C 24、February18th A.Credit card and email records B.Payment of late fees C.Her business card D.Copies of two billing statements【答案】A 25、“小孩小孩你别馋,过了腊八就是年。腊八粥你喝几天,哩哩啦啦二十三。二十三,糖瓜粘三十晚上熬一宿”。这首儿歌描述的年俗活动早已成为烙在华夏儿女身上的中国印,系在炎黄子孙心头的中国结。A.中华文化源远流长,具有包容性 B.传统文化对社会的发展起积极的作用 C.传统习俗是中华文明进步的重要动力 D.传统文化具有民族性、相对稳定性【答案】D 26、What should you think about in trying to find your career?You are probably better at some school subjects than others These may show strengths that you can use in your work A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school On the other hand,you may not have any specially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job,they may have indirect value A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs A.will be a complete failure in his future work B.will not be able to find a suitable job C.will regret not having worked harder at school D.may do well in his future work【答案】D 27、某部门派出 10 名代表参加某次竞赛,已知前九名的平均成绩是 88 分,所有人的平均成绩是 87 分,请问最后一名的成绩是多少分?()A.84 B.78 C.88 D.81【答案】B 28、The ability _ an idea is as impo

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