
江西省九江市爱民中学2022-2023学年高二英语上学期期末试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. The little girl ________ to be a good singer if she gets good training in a music school.     A. wishes               B. expects          C. promises         D. hopes 参考答案: C 略 2. The streets were full of people on May Day _____________ the rainy weather. A. in case of B. as a consequence of C. on behalf of D. in spite of 参考答案: D 【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:尽管下着雨,五一节那天街上还是挤满了人。A. in case of万一;假设;B. as a consequence of因此;C. on behalf of代表;为了;D. in spite of尽管。根据句意故选D。 3. — You couldn’t have chosen any gift better for me. — ________. A. Oh, don’t complain about a gift B. I’ll give you a better one next time C. I’m glad you like it so much D. Oh, nothing much 参考答案: C 【考点】考察交际用语 本题考察的是交际用语,句义:—你不可能选择比这个更好的礼物了!—我很高兴你如此喜欢它。根据句义说明C项正确。   4. —Would you _____ him how to deal with it, had it been possible ? —Yes, but I _____ too tired, or I _____ him a hand. A. tell; was; would                       B. have told; was; would have given C. have told; was; would give               D. have told; were; would have given 参考答案: B 5. Mary is willing to make friends with      shares the same hobbies and interests with her. A. anyone B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who 参考答案: C 【详解】考查宾语从句。句意:玛丽愿意和任何和她有相同爱好和兴趣的人交朋友。分析句子结构可知,      shares the same hobbies and interests with her在介词with后作宾语,该从句中缺少引导词,作主语,指人,根据句意可知表示“无论谁”,用whoever,故选C。 6. You can only be sure of ____ you have at present; you cannot be sure of something ____ you might get in the future. A that, what        B what, /          C what, which       D / , that 参考答案: B 略 7. Why does teaching as a career ________ many people? A.apply for                                       B.attract to C.appeal to                                      D.agree with 参考答案: C appeal to对……有诱惑力。句意:为什么教育作为一项事业吸引了这么多人呢?apply for申请;attract吸引,attact sb./sth. to把……吸引到……;agree with同意。 8. .What an amazing coincidence! I was thinking about my cousin Lily______she phoned me. A.when B.while   C.as D.then 参考答案: A 略 23. --- It’s wrong of a student to follow ______ his teacher says.    --- It’s true. I can’t agree ______. A. no matter what ; too much            B. whatever ;much C. no matter what; more             D. whatever; more  参考答案: D 略 10. —Was John in the school when you arrived? —Yes, but he _______ off soon afterwards. A. will go    B. was going      C. had gone   D. went 参考答案: D 11. He always did we well at school __ having to do part-time jobs every now and then. A. in spite of              B. instead C. in case of D. in favor of 参考答案: A 解析: “did well”与后半句的“不时地做兼职工作”之间是让步关系。  12. _____ a Party member, he always put his heart and soul _____ his work.    A. Be, onto       B. Being, into       C. As, onto       D. Be, into 参考答案: C 13. —How lucky! The tourist stopped at the last moment.. —Indeed! One more step and he ________ off the cliff(悬崖) A. would fall    B. would have fallen    C. may have fallen    D. had fallen 参考答案: B 【详解】考查虚拟语气。本句是一个含蓄条件句,表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,使用“情态动词+have done”结构,这一结构中的情态动词不能使用may。句意:—真幸运啊!在最后一刻,这位游客停下来了。—的确。再走一步,他就会摔下悬崖。故B项正确。 【点睛】本题考查的是含蓄条件句的虚拟语气,实际上虚拟语气是高考每年的必考点,用法较多,平时学习应积累巩固。 1. 与现在事实相反:Without air, man couldn't exist on the earth.没有空气的话,人类将不能在地球上生存。 谓语动词:would/could/might (not) do sth. 2. 与过去事实相反:Without your help, I would have failed the exam last week.没有你帮助的话,我上周考试可能就通不过了。 谓语动词:would/could/might (not) have done sth. 3. 与将来事实相反:Without your ticket, I wouldn't be able to go to the concert tomorrow.要是没有你的票的话,我明天就不能去听音乐会了。 谓语动词:would/could/might (not) do sth. 14. Last night Bruce was observed ________ the building with two young men and take a taxi away. A.leave  B.left   C.having left  D.to leave 参考答案: D 此题考查observe sb.do sth.的被动语态,sb.is observed to do sth. 15. To our surprise, we found the Queen’s jewels ________ by special royal soldiers.    A. guarded         B. trained        C. impressed         D. absorbed 参考答案: A 16.  Mr. Smith used to smoke _______ but he has given it up now. A. seriously               B. heavily    C. badly     D. hardly 参考答案: B 二、 书面表达 17. 基础写作 写作内容:  马克吐温(Mark Twin)是美国19世纪最出名的作家之一。他出生于美国中部的密苏里州 (Missouri)。ks5u 他的老家位于密西西比河(the Mississippi River)畔,他是在那里度过童年的。长大之后,他在船上做了一段时间的引航员(pilot)。马克吐温是他的笔名,这个笔名来自于船员测量水位时的喊叫声。他的一生写了许多小说,其中有一些已经被翻译成各种语言。   写作要求:请用5个句子表达全部所给的内容。 评分标准:句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。 参考答案: Mark Twin, one of the best known American writers in the nineteenth century, was born in Missouri in the middle part of the United States. ks5u His hometown lies on the bank of the Mississippi River, where he spent his childhood. When he grew up, he worked as a pilot on a boat for some time. Mark Twain is his pen name, which he took from the shout of the sailor measuring the depth of the water. He wrote a lot of novels in his life, some of which have been translated into many languages.   三、 阅读理解 18. A man was tired of living in his old house in the country and wanted to sell it and buy a better one. He

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