
江苏省无锡市都山中学高三英语期末试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. Helen had to shout                above the sound of the music. A. to make herself hear            B. making herself hear           C. to make herself heard               D. making herself heard 参考答案: C 2. I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means              with my progress.        A.the teacher is not satisfied                     B.is the teacher not satisfied        C.the teacher is satisfied                          D.is the teacher satisfied 参考答案: D. 解析:倒装句。此题有by no means这个带有否定意义的状语放在句首,句子要用部分倒装。 3. James took the magazines off the little table to make        for the television. A. room         B. area          C. field         D. position 参考答案: A 24. There's no light on—they______ be at home. A. can't           B. mustn't         C. needn't         D. shouldn't 参考答案: 4、(1分) A  解析:“can’t + 动词原形”表示对现在情况的猜测或判断,意为“不可能”。根据所提供的情景There’s no light on可判断出他们不可能在家。mustn’t后接动词原形表示“禁止,不准”,不用于表示猜测、推测或判断。needn’t意为“没必要”,表示没有必要做某事。shouldn’t意为“不应该”,表示不应该做。 略 5. . The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and _____ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat.       A. weigh                   B. to weigh                C. weighed       D. weighing 参考答案: D 略 6. The art show was________ being a failure; it was a great success.    A. far from     B. along with           C. next to              D. regardless of 参考答案: A 7. He transplanted the little tree to the garden ____ it was the best time for it. A. when   B. that   C. until   D. where 参考答案: A 【知识点】状语从句 题干的含义为“在最适合移栽树木的季节,他把那颗小树移栽到了花园”,根据从句中的“the best time”可知说的是时间,应选when引导时间状语从句,故正确答案为A。 8. The notice says _________ you are, you must show your tickets to enter the exhibition. A. whoever       B. who             C. however          D. Whom 参考答案: 9. He has made a discovery, _________ of great importance to the progress of science and technology. A. I think which is    B. which I think is     C. which I think it   D. which I think it is 参考答案: B 10. —Many thanks for your support. —______.I am more than willing to offer help if I'm needed next time. A.It's my privilege. B.That's always the case. C.You can say that again. D.That rings a bell. 参考答案: A 11. —Mom, is it really necessary to remove those smaller weeds from the flowerbed? —Yes, they are ________ destructive to the flowers. A. little more B. no less C. not a bit D. not in the least 参考答案: B 12. The secretary arranged a(n)___________time and space for the applicants to have an interview. A. important         B. spare              C. public                    D. convenient 参考答案: D 13. —Did you hear about the air crash? I feel so lucky!        —Yes.If you _____ that flight, I _____ speaking to you now. A.were taking; wouldn't be         B.took; wouldn't have been C.had taken; wouldn't be           D.had taken; wouldn't have been 参考答案: C 略 14. On her birthday, she received from her parents a nice present _      a note was attached, saying "We love  you so much". A. which                                 B. to which                C. in which                   D. that 参考答案: B 15. Modern plastics can _________ very high and very low temperatures. A stand       B hold             C carry         D support 参考答案: A 16. There is someone playing the guitar over there. Let's go and listen, shall we? Free entertainment, ________. A. anyway B. though C. therefore D. somehow 参考答案: A 【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:那边有人在弹吉他。我们去听听,好吗?不管怎么说,这是免费的娱乐。A. anyway不管怎么说;B. though尽管;C. therefore因此;D. somehow以某种方式。anyway“不管怎么说”符合句意。故选A项。 二、 书面表达 17. 假设你是“中学生英语报”的记者,下面是对高中新生军训活动的民意调查。请根据表中的内容,用英语写篇调查报告,并表明你的态度。 赞同观点 强健体魄;磨炼意志;互相帮助;克服困难;增进友谊;学会守时;有利学习 反对观点 枯燥无趣;浪费时间 注意:1. 适当增加细节,使内容连贯;            2. 词数:100左右;            3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数;            4. 参考词汇:准时punctual   磨炼 build up The freshmen have different opinions on the military training at the beginning of their school  life.                                                                             _______________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案: The freshmen have different opinions on the military training at the beginning of their school life.  According to the survey, the majority of them are in favour of it.  They think the training help build up their body, as well as their mind.  At the same time they learn to help each other and overcome difficulties together, which gain them better relationship.  Most important of all, they learn to be more punctual which will be of great help to their later study.  On the other hand, some students think the military training is hard and boring.  It's a waste of time and of no practical use to their study.  In my opinion, as a middle school student, we should take an active part in such activities during our school life. 三、 阅读理解 18.   How many coins nave you got in your pocket right now? Three? Two? A bent one?   With a phonecard you can

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