
广东省河源市浰源中学高二英语上学期期末试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. The farmers built fences in order to _____their sheep _____wolves.   A .protect, for     B. defend, from   C. defend, for         D. preserve, of 参考答案: B 2. _______ strong earthquakes have hit Japan over the past weeks, ______ to the sense of unease across the country, where the final death toll is expected to top 18,000. A. Scores of, adding   B. Score of, added  C. Dozens of, appealing  D. Dozen of, appealed 参考答案: a 略 3. The main land, _____ to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to.    A. joining     B. to join    C. joined    D. having joined 参考答案: C 32. Some of you may have finished Unit One. ________,you can go on to Unit Two.    A. If you may    B. If you do                  C. If not                    D. If so 参考答案: D 略 5. After so many years of war, there was a great _________ for peace between the two countries. A. talent           B. desire           C. test              D. taste 参考答案: B 略 6.  He found a lot of _______ were _______.    A. passers-by; grown-ups           B. passers-bys; growns-up C. passers-bys; grown ups           D. passers-by; growns up 参考答案: A 7. It’s said that an expert, as well as his assistants , ________ to pay a visit to our factory this weekend. A. was             B. is                     C. were                  D. are  参考答案: B 8.  ______ you study hard, you will pass the exam. A. If                       B. Although                      C. Though                    D. Before  参考答案: A 9. At _______ dawn we started, but we didn’t get to our destination after sunset, so we had to feel our way in ______ dark. A. /,  the      B. the, the      C. / , /        D. the, /    参考答案: A 10. —Who should be responsible for the accident? —The boss, not the workers. They just carry the orders _______. A. as told   B. as are told    C. as telling     D. as they told 参考答案: A 11. — How about your journey to Mount Emei? — Everything was wonderful except that our car _______ twice on the way.    A. slowed down   B. broke down C. got down D. put down 参考答案: B 12. —Would you mind if I opened the door? —______ . A.Yes, go ahead.    B.No, go ahead.     C.Yes, please.    D. Never mind 参考答案: B 13. —Did you hear of the school bus accident in Gansu Province?   —Yes. If only those poor kids ________ their lives! ks5u A. didn’t B. haven’t lost C. hadn’t lost D. wouldn’t lose 参考答案: C 14. —I've not finished my dinner yet. —But our friends________for us. A.will wait  B.wait C.have waited  D.are waiting 参考答案: 答案:D 考查时态。句意:——我还没有吃完饭。——但我们的朋友正在等着我们。根据句意是朋友正在等着,选用现在进行时。故选D。 15. The government has_________ to make many needed reforms to lower the house price. A. get down B. set out    C. set about D. set up 参考答案: B 16.  Harry, did you attend the dancing party________ at Jack’s house the other day? A.held      B.having been held be held      D.being held 参考答案: A 二、 书面表达 17. 假定你是李华,准备参加学校举办的主题为“How to protect ourselves in the school?”的英语征文比赛。请按要求写一篇短文。主要内容包括:在学校发生地震或火灾时,我们该如何保护自己? 1.       只选其中一种突发灾害阐述自己的观点; 2.       要求至少写出三点措施; 3.       可以适当增加细节,以行文连贯。ks5u 注意:词数120左右;开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。   How to protect ourselves in the school?   Life is not easy. As a student, we should learn how to protect ourselves in the school. When_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________.   参考答案: How to protect ourselves in the school? Life is not easy. As a student, we should learn how to protect ourselves in the school. When an earthquake happens, first we should calm down, which is the most important. Shouting and crying is of no use. Follow the teachers’ guidance and keep our actions in order. Second, hide beneath our desks with our schoolbags on our heads if we are in class. That can keep us a little safer. Be sure not to jump off the building. Third, if we are on the playground, do not move. Sit on our feet and use hands to cover our heads so that they can be kept from being hit on. At last, help each other. When we are faced with natural disasters, individual power is tiny. Only by uniting can we overcome the difficulties. These are my suggestions. Keep them in mind and maybe some day we can survive in case of an earthquake. 三、 阅读理解 18. Are you a gourmand(美食主义者)? Do you want to eat every delicious food in the world? Then do you watch the popular program? “A Bite of China” is a documentary on Chinese delicious food which has been broadcasted by CCTV. Is there any holiday that isn't celebrated with a special festival food? Here are several traditional Chinese foods: Eggs hold a special meaning in many cultures, and China is no exception. The Chinese believe eggs mean producing something new. After a baby is born, parents may hold a "red egg and ginger party," where they pass out eggs to announce the birth. In some areas of China the number of eggs represents the sex of the child, for example, an odd num

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