
自测提分题库加精品答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合自测提分题库加精品答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识押题练习试卷知识押题练习试卷 A A 卷附答案卷附答案 单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、阅读理解 A.a solid motionless object B.certain characteristic vibrations in“ether”C.a form fixed in space and time D.a mass of atoms in motion【答案】D 2、资料:Early Experiences A.streamlined interface B.free of redundant functionality C.Benefit the customers D.Satisfy all the need of the customers【答案】D 3、资料:Directions:There is 1 passage in this part.The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices,You should decide on the best choice.A.It is a whole new technique Apple Inc.applied on iPhone X B.It has started a revolution in computer-vision industry C.It has a problem of revocation D.It has embedded security mechanisms to secure the data on the phone【答案】B 4、“营业费用”属于()类科目。A.资产 B.所有者权益 C.损益 D.共同【答案】C 5、The()tough training given by our company creates strong and able sales representatives who perform well above others in the same field.A.indifferently B.presumable C.completely D.unbearably【答案】D 6、边际报酬递减规律指以下哪一种现象?()A.资源是稀缺的,但某些资源比其它资源更稀缺 B.一国居民拥有的某种东西越多,他们获得更多这种东西的愿望就越低 C.当两种资源中的一种投入不断增加,而另一种资源数量固定时,边际产量先越来越大后越来越小 D.当两种资源中的一种投入不断增加,而另一种资源数量固定时,总产出最终减少【答案】C 7、Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep.Dream events are imaginary,but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamers life.A.the sleepers wishes B.the sleepers imagination C.the sleepers feeling D.the sleepers own mind【答案】D 8、During her junior year of high school,Diane Rays teacher handed her a worksheet and instructed the 17-year-old to map out her future financial life.Ray pretended to buy a car,rent an apartment,and apply for a credit card.Then,she and her classmates played thestock market game,investing the hypothetical earnings from their hypothetical jobs in the market in the disastrous fall of 2008.Our pretend investments crashed,Ray says,still frightened.We got to know how it felt to lose money.A.better studentslearning methods B.prevent students going into debt C.help students get accepted by colleges D.make students become very wealthy【答案】B 9、Our price is _ as compared with that in the international market.A.reasonable B.accountable C.perfect D.affordable【答案】A 10、“应解汇款”属于()类账户。A.所有者权益 B.损益 C.资产 D.负债【答案】D 11、How quickly they accomplish this transfer depends not only on how soon the ants agree on the best available site but also on how quickly they can _there.A.stay B.migrate C.choose D.prefer【答案】B 12、某储户于 2001 年 1 月 18 日存人 5000 元定活两便储蓄存款,于 2003 年 8月 6 日支取,实付利息为()。(三年期活期存款利率 2001 年为 225,2003 年为 198)A.121.17 元 B.121.28 元 C.121.18 元 D.124.18 元【答案】C 13、转让票据权利的票据行为是()。A.出票 B.背书 C.承兑 D.提示【答案】B 14、The fire caused a lot of _to the building and factory machinery.A.damage B.harm C.injury D.wound【答案】A 15、While the reasons for massive,longer-burning wildfires are complex,there is_that wildfires will occur more frequently with climate change。A.consensus B.conclusion C.recognition D.compromise【答案】A 16、资料:Global business travel topped$1.2 trillion and is expected to reach$1.6 trillion by 2020,according to new research by the Global Business Travel Association(GBTA),an association representing the interests of corporate travel managers.Whats more China has now surpassed the U.S.as the largest business travel market in the world,ringing up$291 billion last year.A.US market alone amounted to$291 billion last year B.GBTA stands for travelers interest C.US used to be largest single market in the industry D.Global business travel is stagnant【答案】C 17、根据我国法律规定,对于两个以上的申请人分别就同样的发明创造申请专利的,实行的原 则为()。A.使用在先 B.完成在先 C.申请在先 D.按照本人的技术职称高低【答案】C 18、2020 年 3 月 30 日,联合国发表新闻公报,宣布()将为联合国成立75 周年活动提供视烦会议及数字通信工具。A.阿里巴巴 B.华为公司 C.百度公司 D.腾讯公司【答案】D 19、资料:The movement of consumers from public social media to private messaging has been so rapid that Business Insider reported that the combined usage of the top four messaging apps now exceeds the combined usage of the top four social media apps。Falling data prices,cheaper devices,and improved features are helping propel this growth。A.The traditional social networks will have great impact on certain groups B.The private messaging apps will replace the social media apps C.The intimate channels can be the double-edged swords to the sellers D.The growth of the intimate channels will bring only benefits to the marketers【答案】C 20、资料:The movement of consumers from public social media to private messaging has been so rapid that Business Insider reported that the combined usage of the top four messaging apps now exceeds the combined usage of the top four social media apps。Falling data prices,cheaper devices,and improved features are helping propel this growth。A.People make fun of each other on these apps B.It would make the social media disappear C.You need to put private information on them all the time D.It builds connection with your real friends【答案】D 21、回复上级机关的询问,使用()。A.通报 B.报告 C.请示 D.通知【答案】B 22、They failed to pass the exam last time.I regretted().A.to be not a

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