
自测提分题库加精品答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合自测提分题库加精品答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识高分通关题型题库附解析答案知识高分通关题型题库附解析答案 单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、Her collection of paintings was _ to the National Gallery when she died.A.inherited B.bequeathed C.beneath D.bewildered【答案】B 2、金融市场客体不包括()。A.新浪大数据 100 指数 B.中西 C.国债 D.上证 50ETF【答案】B 3、Upon completing his examination _ the patient,the docter offered his judgment of her condition.A.of B.off C.about D.around【答案】A 4、Their happiness was very().A.crisp B.brittle C.delicate D.fragile【答案】D 5、(),he is appointed as the manager.A.Be a man ever so young B.So young as a man ever is C.No matter he is young D.A man ever so young【答案】A 6、国务院办公厅日前印发()。进一步落实全国中医药大会部署,遵循中医药发展规律,认真总结中医药防治新冠肺炎经验做法,破解存在的问题,更好发挥中医药特色和比较优势,推动中医药和西医药相互补充、协调发展。A.关于加快中医药产业发展的若干政策措施 B.关于加快中医药事业发展的若干政策措施 C.关于加快中医药特色发展的若干政策措施 D.关于加快中医药传承发展的若干政策措施【答案】C 7、Mobile and portable technologies allow learners to access information irrespective of their physical context,for example on a bus or,_as a way to provide learners with location-based information.A.simultaneously B.generally C.accordingly D.alternatively【答案】D 8、This well established leader in Worldwide Aviation Training is able to give you the best _ training that meets your training needs,your budget and your time.A.most B.possible C.kind D.better【答案】B 9、资料:“I wouldnt be here today if not for the generosity of strangers,”said Michael Moritz,while announcing a major donation to Oxford University.A former Time Magazine reporter,Mr.Moritz left journalism to become one of the most successful venture capitalists in Silicon Valley.Through Sequoia Capital,the firm he joined in 1986 and has led for many years,Mr.Moritz was an early investor in Google,Yahoo,PayPal and LinkedIn.His personal fortune is estimated at well over$1 billion.Oxford University announced last Wednesday that he and his wife,the novelist Harriet Heyman,donated 75 million,or$115 million,to fund a new scholarship program aimed at providing financial aid to students from low-income backgrounds.Behind the headlines about the size of the gift was a family story of immigration,education and a sense of obligation that transcended generations.A.How education can change a persons life B.Oxford University welcomes the generosity of strangers C.An immigration familys story of success D.large amount of private donation from an Oxford graduate【答案】B 10、掠夺交易是指以强制手段为基础、一方强迫另一方的利益转移(包括其承载物的转移。下列不属于掠夺交易的是()。A.甲有一幅非常珍贵的古名画,乙知道后千方百计想得到,就请甲的领导出面,用一幅现代名画将乙的那幅画换到手 B.张某摆了一个杂货摊点,一天,有一人来买塑料面盆,她拿出一元钱塞给张说:“我知道你卖三元一只,我们是邻居,就一元卖给我吧。”说完就拿走了面盆 C.小李家正搞装潢,谁知预算失误,少买了几平米某名牌木地板,急需补上,经销商谎称木地板涨价,必须加价,最终小李以三倍的价格买回所需地板 D.小王和小章是两位集邮爱好者,他们常常交换邮品,虽然有时用以交换的邮品价格悬殊,但双方都非常乐意,毫无怨言【答案】D 11、所有者权益类账户的期末余额根据()计算。A.借方期末余额=借方期初余额+借方本期发生额一贷方本期发生额 B.借方期末余额=借方期初余额+贷方本期发生额一借方本期发生额 C.贷方期末余额=贷方期初余额+贷方本期发生额一借方本期发生额 D.贷方期末余额=贷方期初余额+借方本期发生额一贷方本期发生额【答案】C 12、资料:Children back at school,nights slowly starting to draw in and the weather more changeable.The seasons are turning and after an eerily calm summer for financial markets,theres a whiff of uncertainty in the air.Bond yields are up from their lows,and the relentless migration of global capital towards any asset,anywhere,with some yield,is slowing.A.falling B.pushing C.keeping D.changing【答案】A 13、We also had to collect immense amounts of historical data and _satellites to monitor the ocean-atmosphere system.A.make up B.set up C.devote to D.invest in【答案】B 14、下列地区中,太阳能资源最丰富的是()。A.海南岛 B.山东半岛 C.青藏高原 D.云贵高原【答案】C 15、银行的现金资产包括()。A.营业利润 B.库存金银 C.营业外收支净额 D.利息收入【答案】B 16、She got her degree successfully as her university _was on Marina Tsvetaeva,a poet then in deep official disfavor.A.conclusion B.hypothesis C.dissertation D.paradox【答案】C 17、The fast-growing Chinese market has been a source of_opportunities for businesses。A.considerable B.considering C.considered D.considerate【答案】A 18、The new store,()is currently undergoing construction,will have its grand opening sometime next spring.A.who B.were C.when D.which【答案】D 19、根据物的分类,下列物与物的关系中属于主物与从物关系的是()。A.冰箱与雪柜 B.矿泉水与蒸馏水 C.衣柜与门框 D.汽车与备用轮胎【答案】D 20、中国人民银行发布的 2019 年第三季度中国货币政策执行报告称,当前,中国仍实施常态货币政策。央行通过创新和完善宏观调控,运用多种货币政策工具,保持流动性合理充裕;加大货币政策逆周期调节力度,通过改善货币政策传导机制,落实金融对实体经济的支持。A.经济趋热,货币政策相应紧缩 B.经济趋冷,货币政策相应扩张 C.经济趋冷,加大货币投放力度 D.经济趋热,定向降低准备金率【答案】D 21、在安索夫产品市场矩阵中,()即市场渗透。A.现有市场新产品 B.新市场新产品 C.现有市场现有产品 D.新市场现有产品【答案】C 22、某代表队参加文艺会演的共 46 人,其中女生人数的 4/5 是男生人数的 1/2,那么参加演出的女生人数为多少人?A.30 B.33 C.36 D.38【答案】A 23、资料:Native ads-or ads that take on the look and feel of the content surrounding them-are taking over digital advertising.A.The rise of compound annual growth rate B.The rise of social platforms C.The rise of sponsored content D.The rise of publisher websites【答案】B 24、古希腊智者学派的出现,表明人类第一次意识到自己是自身所属社会的审判者,人有资 格、有力量,也有权利重新规范自己的生活,这是原始宗教和自然统治之下人类自我意识 的第一次觉醒,是西方人文精神的起源。这种理论是()。A.水是万物的本原 B.感觉即知识 C.人是万物的尺度 D.知识即美德【答案】C 25、在我国为地方经济发展服务,为中小企业发展服务的商业银行是()。A.农村商业银行 B.股份制商业银行 C.国有控股商业银行 D.城市商业银行【答案】D 26、Well be very careful and keep what youve told us strictly()。A.rigorous B.private C.confidential D.mysterious【答案】C 27、企业接受的现金捐赠,应计入()。A.营业外收入 B.盈余公积 C.资本公积 D.未分配利润【

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