
2023年北京密云县番字牌中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. The artist made up his mind to devote all he could          his English before going abroad. A.improve     B.to improving    C.improving     D.to improve 参考答案: B 2. --Look! Here comes the bus and I have to go now. Thank you for coming to see me off. --Goodbye and ______! A. congratulations B. cheer up       C. all the best   D. go ahead 参考答案: C 3. 选出与所给单词划线部分发音相同的单词(5%) 1. permit     A. fist          B. behind        C. island         D. smile 2. question   A. revolution    B. exhibition      C. suggestion     D. education 3. empty A. toilet        B. dozen          C. general        D. connect 4. Social       A. precious     B. certain          C. discovery       D. decision 5. forget       A. ordinary     B. major           C. world          D. report 参考答案: 略 4. You’d better have your room __________. It’s _________.   A. clean; in mess                            B. clean; in a mess          C. cleaned; in mess                         D. cleaned; a mess 参考答案: D 5. Mr. Li will give us ________ talk. ________ talk will begin at 8:00.     A. a; The B. the; A           C. /; /        D. a; A 参考答案: A 略 6. Wu Juping, ______ the most beautiful mother, is also popular with foreigners for her saving the baby _________ off the high building. A. honored; falling   B. honoring; falling   C. honored; fallen   D. honoring; fallen 参考答案: A 7. I didn’t mean ________ anything, but those apples looked so good I couldn’t resist__________ one.       A. to eat; trying     B. to eat; to try       C. eating; trying      D. eating; to try 参考答案: A 略 8. I feel it is your husband who _______ for the spoiled child.    A. is to blame B. is going to blame  C. is to be blamed    D. should blame 参考答案: A 32. After he retired from office,Royers________painting for a while,but soon lost interest. A.took up           B.saved up C.kept up           D.drew up 参考答案: A 略 10. The worker agreed to   ________ the strike if their demand was immediately satisfied. A. call for       B. call out C. call up       D. call off 参考答案: D call for“要求;提倡”; call out“出动;唤起”; call up“召唤;打电话”; call off“放弃;取消”。 11.        impression you make at the beginning of           interview is very important . A. An;an           B.The ;an          C.the;/          D./;an 参考答案: B 12. The lessons from history have told us that it is only if everyone cherishes and safe-guards peace ________ hope for peace. A. will there be B. there will be C. that there will be D. that will there be 参考答案: C 13. Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can _______ almost every word her teacher says. A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put together 参考答案: B 14. _______ was at the end of the meeting that Mr. Smith made the decision A. This             B. It                 C. That              D. 不填 参考答案: B 15. The young boy,who was late for school this morning again,managed   to________the classroom without anyone noticing.   A.burst into B.slide into    C.break into D.run into 参考答案: B 16. Five people won the “ China’s Green Figure” award, a title ______ to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection.    A. being given     B. is given         C. given            D. was given 参考答案: B 略 二、 书面表达 17. 书面表达(满分25分)     从开始上学,你一定经历过很多老师了。一个好的老师应该具备哪些品质呢?有人说好老师应该要有耐心,责任心和激情。你觉得呢?请你写一篇100词左右的短文,陈述你心中好老师的品质(至少三条),并简要说明原因。   A good teacher in my eyes                   参考答案: As far as I’m concerned, a good teacher should, above all, love to work with children. Those who don’t like children cannot do the teaching job well. Second, a good teacher must be patient with all kinds of students. They must never get bored with explaining the same knowledge over and over again. Third, they should know the subject they are teaching well; otherwise, they will mislead the children or cannot teach the children enough knowledge. Last but not least, I think a good teacher should be enthusiastic about his or her work. No matter what difficulty they meet in life, they should wear a smile when they walk into the classroom.    三、 阅读理解 18. More and more Italians are leaving their country because they can not get a job. One in every three Italians say they are willing to go abroad, sometimes even to other continents to get work. Currently, about 300,000 young Italians may be living abroad.     Although emigration has always been a choice for Italians, especially for those who left the country at the beginning of the twentieth century, more young Italians think leaving their home country is the only way to escape economic difficulty. These young Italians, however, are not poor farmers or laborers but bright university graduates and other talented young people.     Many of them want to go to richer places, like northern Europe, but they are also prepared to go elsewhere. Most of them describe a feeling of unhappiness and frustration.

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