
2022-2023学年天津育红中学高二英语月考试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. The headmaster will not permit the change in the course,nor     it a thought.  A.does he even give B.he even gives C.will he even give D.he will even give 参考答案: C 提示:考查倒装句。nor “也不”,表示否定的词位于句首,句子用部分倒装,故排除B、D两项;根据前后时态一致原则,排除A项。句意为:“校长不会允许课程的改变,他甚至不会给予考虑。”故选C项。   2. On the wall______two large pictures. A. hangs            B. hang             C. was hanged         D. hanging 参考答案: B 3. —Have you decided________a date for the wedding? —Not yet. A.for                      B.upon       C.against                  D.between 参考答案: B decide on/upon“决定”。 4. I am tired now.I feel like           a  rest. A.has          B.having            C.to have           D.had 参考答案: B 5. I _______ my workmate Aileen very much. _______ her kindness, she was clever and helpful. A. inspired; Except for                                    B. liked; But for   C. admired; Apart from                                   D. admired; Instead of   参考答案: C 6. After graduation I’d like to find a job _________ I can use what I have learnt at school.   A. whose  B. which   C. that    D. where 参考答案: D 7. I’m considering _______ a washing machine, which is considered _______ a great help to my wife. A. buying; to be                    B. buying; being C. to buy; being                    D. to buy; to be 参考答案: A 8. After arriving in the United States, this 20-year-old Chinese student found it rather difficult to _____ living on his own. A. rely on      B. adjust to       C. depend on        D. stick to 参考答案: B 略 9. Helen had to shout ________ above the sound of the music. A. making herself hear     B. to make herself hear  C. making herself heard    D. to make herself heard 参考答案: D 10. I _______ him to join us, but he forgot it. A. do tell         B. did tell          C. does tell        D. do told 参考答案: B 11. Another bridge _____ at the end of 2012 over LiuYang River will benefit many people.    A. built B. being built C. will be built D. to be built 参考答案: A 12. I didn’t go to the party, but I do wish I _____ there. A. was                                  B. were                            C. had been                         D. went 参考答案: C 13. His name was Tony and he seemed ____ like a human ____ a machine. A. such; than      B. more; than       C. so; than     D. more; then 参考答案: B 14. The desks and chairs in the lab can be _______ to the height of any child.   A. arranged         B. admitted         C. allowed           D. adjusted 参考答案: D 15. Though he was _______,he looked down upon those who had a lot of money. A.well off       B.rich       C.badly off     D.well-known 参考答案: C 16. ―Shall I invite Tom to my party? ―Yes. It’ll be nice if you        . A. to     B. invite       C. will       D. do 参考答案: D 略 二、 书面表达 17. 书面表达(满分25分) 假设美国一所中学的学生参观团正在我校访问, 该团团长将做一个题为“美国中学生的学习情况”的讲座。 请你根据以下信息用英语为学校广播站拟一通知。开头已写好。 1. 时间:明天下午2:00-4:00 2. 地址:学校阶梯教室 3. 主讲人:Mr. White, 美国中学生参观团团长(head of the American student’s delegation) 4. 听众:高中二年级所有的同学。欢迎其它年级同学参加。讲座后,高二年级将和美国学生开一个讨论会, 并进行联欢。请事先做好准备。 May I have all you attention please. _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ . _________________________________________________ . 参考答案: May I have all you attention please. There will be a talk on students life in American middle schools tomorrow afternoon. It will be given from two to four o’clock in the ladder meeting hall. The speaker is Mr. White, head of the American student’s delegation. All the Senior 2 students are required to attend the lecture. Students in the other grades are also welcome. When the talk is finished, will the students in Senior 2 please stay where they are for a discussion with the American students. That’ll be followed by a party. Please get prepared. Thank you! 略 三、 阅读理解 18. Make A Difference Day is the largest national day of community service in the USA, which takes place on the fourth Saturday of October. Who takes part in Make A Difference Day? Anyone! Young and old, individuals and groups, anyone can carry out a volunteer project that helps others. It might be as ambitious as collecting truckloads of clothing for the homeless, or as personal as spending an afternoon helping an elderly neighbor or . USA WEEKEND covers volunteers and their projects in articles and photos. How do I get started? Look around your community. Are people hungry, homeless or ill? Are parks or schools dirty or neglected? No matter where you live, there’s a need nearby. And on Make A Difference Day, millions of Americans are expected to roll up their sleeves to help others. You can act alone or enlist your friends, family and co-workers. You can also call the Make A Difference Day Hot Line, 1-800-416-3824, for information. Or use the ideas on this website for inspiration. What do I do after I’ve selected

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