
2022-2023学年广东省湛江市协培职业高级中学高一英语上学期期末试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. Many people have realized that they should go on _______ healthy diet and lose_______ weight after the Spring Festival. A. a;/           B. the;the          C. /;the             D. /;a 参考答案: A 2. Hurry up! Mark and Carol _______ us. A. expect    B. are expecting    C. have expected    D. will expect 参考答案: B 3.  Little Tommy was willing to tell the teacher _____ he had done before.    A. which       B. how          C. where              D. what 参考答案: D 4. Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll succeed _______ if you work hard.    A. on time  B. in time  C. at times   D. ahead of time  参考答案: B 略 5. — You look upset. What is the matter?    — I lost my handbag _______ my ID card and a lot of cash. A. including                     B. containing                  C. included                       D. contained 参考答案: B 略 28. The children were ______ at the ______ performance in which the magician took rabbits from his hat. A. spellbinding; spellbound                                 B. spellbinding; spellbinding C. spellbound; spellbinding                                 D. spellbound; spellbound 参考答案: C 略 7. When the accident happened,how many passengers were in the train? It      1,300 passengers,208 Japanese      . (  ) A. contained; included B. contained; including C. included; contained D. contained; containing 参考答案: A 【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:飞机里有1300名乘客,包括208名日本乘客。contain 和 include 虽然都有"包含"的意思,但 contain 可用于表示包含所含之物的全部或部分,而 include 则只是包含一部分。分析句意可知,第一个空为谓语,飞机上应包括乘客的全部,故应用 contain,叙述过去的事,用一般过去式;第二个空表示其中一部分是日本人,included,表包含,放在名词后,including,表包含,放在名词前。故本题答案为A。 8. He had ______ little education that he can’t teach ______ little children. A. so; such         B. such; such        C. so; so         D. such; so 参考答案: A 9. I _____ Beijing in a few days. Do you know when the earliest plane ________?. A. am leaving for; takes off           B. leaves for; takes off C. am leaving for; is taking off         D. leave for; is taking off 参考答案: A 10. I would appreciate _____ if I could be offered the job.     A. that           B. so            C. it            D. them 参考答案: C 略 11. Hurricane brought down a great number of houses, _____ thousands of people homeless. A. to make       B. making          C. made            D. having made 参考答案: B 12. I________ pay Tracy a visit,but I’m not sure whether I will have time this Sunday. A.should    B.might           C.would        D.could 参考答案: B 由后句“我不知这个星期天是否有空”知是有可能去拜访Tracy。 13. What is it ________ makes him a reliable man?    A. what              B. that            C. which           D. how 参考答案: B 14. The Chinese diet is so healthy, which ________ a lot of fruit and vegetables.  A. contains       B. includes        C. containing       D. including  参考答案: A 略 15. I was putting on my shirt ______ my telephone rang.     A. while          B. when          C.  as        D. before 参考答案: B 16. Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought, _________ a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction. A. as for B. in view of C. in case of D. such as 参考答案: D 略 二、 书面表达 17. 寒假即将来临,你班同学就假期计划进行讨论,提出了不同看法,请根据提示写一篇英语短文,并谈谈你的看法。   要点: 呆在家中 花费少,舒适方便,但不能亲自了解外界; 外出旅游 增长知识,开阔眼界。 花费多,旅途不便。 注意:1. 词数100词左右(不含已写好部分)       2.短文必须包括表中所列要点,可根据内容分段表述;       3.可适当增加细节以使行文连贯;       4.参考词汇:眼界horizon (view)   A plan for holiday The summer holiday is coming. Our class have a discussion about what to do during the holiday. _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________   参考答案:                    A plan for holiday The summer holiday is coming. Our class have a discussion about what to do during the holiday. ks5u    Some are in favor of staying at home. They think it’s both convenient and comfortable. What’s more, they can save money for other purposes. But they will lose the chance of getting to know the outside world.     However, others prefer to go out for traveling since it can increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons. But they will spend more money and meet some difficulties while traveling.    In my opinion, it would be much better to stay at home, for I can do what I like, such as reading books, watching TV, and helping my parents with the housework.   三、 阅读理解 18. Harvard researchers have created a tough, low-cost, biodegradable(可生物降解的) material inspired by insects’ hard outer shells. The material’s inventors say it has a number of possible use

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