
2022-2023学年下学期河南郑州高新区中考第一次模拟 英语笔试题100分 二、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分) 阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题 A Do you feel bored with the upcoming weekend? Here are some fun activities for you to do in our Fun Time Club. Come and enjoy yourselves and get away from your schoolwork for a short time. #1 The Pursuit of Happiness It is a story about hard work and hope. Chris Gardner was a salesman. Nobody bought his products, so he had no money. With no place to go, he and his young son once lived in the bathroom of a subway station. Although life was hard, he never gave in. He tried his best to create a better life for himself and his son. Time: 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. on Saturday #Each club member can bring one friend to watch the movie together for free. #2 Science Fiction World Do you like science fiction? If you do, check out a magazine called Science Fiction World. Many famous sci-fi (科幻小说) writers started their dreams through it. For example, Liu Cixin’s The Three-body Problem was first published in its pages. The “School Star” column (栏目) is a place, for student to publish their works. Do you dream to publish an article in it? Time: 9:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. on Saturday #Call Miss Li at 66688775 if you want to publish your work. #3 A Monkey Lantern Let’s make a hand-made lantern together! It’s quite environmentally friendly. We provide everything that will be used.What you only need to do is to cut out the face, ears, nose and hair of the monkey with the card paper. Then Miss Liu will tell you how to prop up the lantern step by step. Time:2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.on Sunday #The lantern you make will be showed in the hallway for a week. So you can’t bring it home after making it. A week later, “the monkey” can go home with you. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 1.What can we know about the movie The Pursuit of Happiness? ______A.The movie lasts more than two hours. B.The club member can see the movie on Sunday. C.Chris Gardner worked very hard to make a better life for his son. D.Only club members can see the movie. 2.What time can a club member go to read the Science Fiction World magazine? ______ A.At 8:00 a.m. on Saturday. B.At 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. C.At 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. D.At 7:00 p.m. on Saturday. 3.Who could be Miss Liu? ______ A.The club member who can bring two friends for free. B.The teacher who will be contacted if you want to publish science fiction. C.The writer who wrote The Three-body Problem. D.The teacher who can teach you to make lanterns. 4.What can a student do in Fun Time Club? ______ a. make a lantern b. read a magazine c. feed a monkey d. watch a movie e. meet Liu Cixin A.b, d, e B.b, e, d C.a, d, e D.a, b, d 5.Who is the text probably written for? ______ A.Teachers. B.Parents. C.Students. D.Artists. B What is depression (抑郁症)? Some might think it’s not a big deal, just a sad feeling, while some see it as a horrible disease. It’s important to know it as it influences a lot of people. Recently, the Ministry of Education said China would include examining for depression in students’ regular health checks, to find and prevent mental (心理) problems. It’s normal to feel down or sad at times. But with depression, a sad or bad feeling lasts for weeks, months, or even longer because it is a mental illness. Depression influences more than a person’s mood. It can affect the way they act and how well they do in school or at work. It can influence their energy, sleep and eating, too. If people are depressed, they lose interest in all kinds of things. Most of all, depression influences how people think and feel about themselves. People going through depression often feel alone. It might seem like no one understands or cares. They may feel bad about themselves or blame (责怪) themselves for having a hard time. But depression is not a person’s fault. It’s also more common than most people think. About 280 million people around the world have depression, according to the World Health Organization. Depression can start small. For teenagers, friends, family and school can have main emotional (情绪的) effects. But depression can build and get worse. In serious situations, it may lead to suicide (自杀). However, don’t be afraid of it. Depression can be treated with talk therapy (谈话疗法), medicine or both. If you are unhappy for more than two weeks and have some symptoms (症状) of depression, it is time to look for help from doctors or others. You’re not alone. You can try the following ways to feel better. ■ Talk to a trusted adult. such as a parent. teacher or school counselor (顾问), about how you’ve been feeling. ■ Stay active and exercise, even if it’s just going for a walk. ■ Try to keep a regular sleep schedule. ■ Try to spend time with friends or family, even if you don’t feel like you want to. ■ Eat healthy foods. ■ Ask your doctor for professional help. 6.What is depression (抑郁症) according to the article?A.Depression just a sad feeling. B.Depression is a horrible disease.

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