
近三年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识押题练习试卷近三年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识押题练习试卷 B B卷附答案卷附答案 单选题(共单选题(共 8080 题)题)1、资料:Large industrialized are now in a recession.What are the prospects for economic recovery?A.deficit B.surpluses C.decline D.recession【答案】A 2、银行缴存中央银行法定存款准备金可称为()。A.联行往来 B.同业往来 C.辖内往来 D.金融企业往来【答案】D 3、英国的大炮轰开了中国闭关自守的大门使一些爱国知识分子从“天朝大国”的梦幻中惊醒,一股新思潮萌发了。这一新思潮的核心是()。A.向西方寻求强国御侮之道 B.同西方展开“商战”保护本国权益 C.与时俱进西方技术兴办近代工业 D.效法西方的君主立宪政治【答案】A 4、已知信息如下:A.甲是销售员 B.戊是收银员 C.丙是销售员 D.丁是经理【答案】C 5、在我国银行实务中,将()的存款称为储蓄。A.个人 B.公众 C.企事业单位 D.城镇居民【答案】B 6、银行会计记账的依据是()。A.会计凭证 B.会计科目 C.会计账户 D.会计账簿【答案】A 7、金融创新就是()。A.在金融市场开展金融业务 B.金融体系与金融结构的变化 C.在金融领域内,各种要素实行新的组合 D.金融市场监管与金融发展关系的确定【答案】C 8、填入括号中最恰当的词语是()。A.控制制定 B.控制制订 C.抑制制订 D.抑制制定【答案】A 9、Should UK depositors lose money,the government would have to decide whether to_for it directly.A.notify B.compensate C.overlook D.trigger【答案】B 10、Passage 9 A.learn to use different approaches in reading different texts B.make our reading process more conscious C.pay more attention to the content of a text D.take a critical attitude towards the authors ideas【答案】A 11、下列()选项属于省人民代表大会的人事权。A.选举上一级人民代表大会代表 B.罢免本级人民检察院检察长,无须报经上一级人民检察院检察长批准 C.选举本级人民法院院长,并须报经最高人民法院院长提请全国人大常委会批准 D.选举本级人民检察院检察长,但须报经最高人民检察院批准【答案】A 12、垄断竞争的市场结构主要特征是()。A.产业集中度较低 B.产品无差别 C.进入和退出壁垒较低 D.他介于完全竞争和完全垄断之间,且偏向于垄断【答案】A 13、Just last month I tried to write her a poem _“Amidst an Angel.”But no two words would rhyme.A.assigned B.entitled C.deprived D.granted【答案】B 14、()假设是指在可以预见的将来,企业将会按当前的规模和状态继续经营下去。不会停业,也不会大规模削减业务。A.会计主体 B.会计分期 C.货币计量 D.持续经营【答案】D 15、This argument sounds reasonable,but()its incorrect.A.fortunately B.actually C.naturally D.obviously【答案】B 16、资料:Memo A.She is the owner of a financial sevices company B.She has published several books C.She has experience running a business D.She teaches management courses at a university【答案】C 17、资料:Human resource professionals act as mediators between an organizations management and its workers.This requires wearing many hats Its an HR administrators job to make sure that employees are working in a safe environment that disputes are settled,and that benefits are understood and administered properly.At the same time,HR is charged with recruiting new employees who will not only fit in personally and professionally but also help the company achieve its business goals.They also represent management when negotiating for benefits with companies administering these benefits and when implementing companywide policies that will ultimately lower costs or boost profits.The needs of HR cover a wide range of tasks and,therefore,require individuals who are good with people in addition to being organized,analytical,business-minded,and heroic multitaskers.A.Ensure a sound working environment for employees B.Represent management in negotiation and policy implementation C.Help achieve business goals and profit boost D.Hire promising new employees for the sake of the company【答案】C 18、国家开发银行的贷款可分为()。A.特别贷款和普通贷款 B.优惠贷款和一般贷款 C.软贷款和硬货款 D.硬贷款和个人贷款【答案】C 19、历史上没有出现过的金属货币制度是()。A.金本位 B.银本位 C.金汇兑本位 D.布雷顿森林体系【答案】D 20、如果连续地增加某种生产要素,在总产量达到最大时,边际产量曲线()。A.与纵轴相交 B.经过原点 C.与平均产量曲线相交 D.与横轴相交【答案】D 21、Today,only 4 million people live and work on farms in the United States,but they produce more than enough food for 200 million Americans.They are able to do this because modern agriculture depends more on up-to-date machinery and scientific methods than it does on old-fashioned knowledge and human labor.A.modern technology has brought about a lot of trouble B.modern technology has cost farmers a lot of money C.farmers were put deeply in debt D.modern technology has released farmers from heavy labor【答案】D 22、把本国货币与本国主要贸易伙伴国的货币确定一个固定的比价,随着一种或几种货币进行浮动的制度是()。A.固定汇率制度 B.盯住汇率制度 C.联合浮动汇率制度 D.浮动汇率制度【答案】B 23、资料:Candle Light College Limited A.Degree B.Computer knowledge C.Related work experience D.Flexible working hours【答案】C 24、我国的金融债券最主要的发行主体是()。A.商业银行 B.中国人民银行 C.政策性银行 D.证券公司【答案】D 25、生命化学进化四个阶段不包括()。A.从有机小分子物质生成无机小分子物质 B.从有机小分子物质形成有机高分子物质 C.从有机高分子物质组成多分子体系 D.从多分子体系演变为原始生命【答案】A 26、下列各项中,不符合填制原始凭证要求的是()。A.一式几联的原始凭证,必须注明各联的用途 B.不得使用未经国务院公布的简化字 C.填写阿拉伯金额数字时,有角无分的,分位应用“一”表示 D.原始凭证不得涂改、刮擦、挖补【答案】C 27、Theres been a lot of contention in the last couple of weeks about the future_of the company.A.direction B.decision C.condition D.orentation【答案】A 28、资料:International Federation for Scientific Research A.A laboratory director B.A conference organizer C.A computer engineer D.A science professor【答案】D 29、研究者通过对 300 名小学生长达 20 年的观察,发现被夸聪明的孩子更容易半途而废、自信心不足和胆小怕事。后来,研究者在重复实验中加入了社会不同阶层的被试者,都发现了相同的结果。因此,研究者认为经常被表扬会带来许多负面效应。A.表扬不一定都能起到积极效果,效果会因表扬的具体内容不同而不同 B.另一项关于表扬的调查研究显示,被表扬的女性变得更胆小怕事 C.另一项关于表扬的调查研究显示,积极表扬的被试组和无表扬的被试组在学习成绩的差异并不显著 D.另一项关于表扬的调查研究显示,表扬对智商较高的男性影响最大,他们中的大部分在“失败反应”的测试中都崩溃了【答案】B 30、资料:Early Experiences A.streamlined interface B.free of redundant functionality C.Benefit the customers D.Satisfy all the need of the customers【答案】D 31、Your suggestion could only make things worse_.A.if anything B.if everything C.if nothing D.if something【答案】A 32、资料:With 55%of consumers customer service interactions

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