
2023年中考英语模拟试卷 考生须知: 1.全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。 2.请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。 3.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 Ⅰ. 单项选择 1、—Do you prefer basketball with me? 一No,I’d rather at home and watch TV. A.play;stay B.to play;to stay C.play;to stay D.to play;stay 2、--What about having a drink? --_______. A.Help yourself B.Never mind C.You’re right D.Good idea. 3、—Mum, we have won the game against Yuhua Middle School . —____________! A.Thank you B.The same to you C.Congratulations D.Never mind 4、The painting by the artist is world-famous , but several years ago, no one could imagine what an important role he in the painting field. A.was playing B.would play C.played D.had played 5、My grandparents live in the countryside. We often go to see ______. A.him B.them C.her D.you 6、My good friend always listens and gives me some advice. A.directly B.carefully C.quickly 7、— do you go to visit your grandparents? — Once a week. A.How far. B.How soon. C.How often. D.How long. 8、—What do you often do at weekends? —I often ________ my grandparents. A.visit B.visited C.have visited D.will visit 9、–Why do you like climbing mountains? --Because they are there and climbing is _____thing I have ever done. A.the more exciting B.the most exciting C.the more excited D.the most excited 10、—I hear Helen got a good job in a world’s top company. —Yes. Her good _________ experience helped her. She once studied in one of the best colleges in China. A.travel B.education C.life D.teaching Ⅱ. 完形填空 11、 Dear Aunt Lily, Big news! 16th November is our School Day. It’s Friday. The first thing is the 1 meeting. You know my parents are busy and they're 2 China now. 3 I hope you can come to our school then. We have two 4 in the morning: a Chinese class and a math class. And you can have 5 with me. After that, we can 6 in the school dining hall( 餐厅).The food there 7 great! In the afternoon, school 8 at 3:00 pm and then I'll have some time. What about 9 a look at our school library? It is very big and a lot of books are in it. 10 3:20 to 5:00,we play games. This is my favorite part. I 11 the sack race( 套袋跑一种把两腿套人袋内的赛跑) because we can play the game 12 our good friends. 13 you know the game? We put on long sacks and we run. I's really 14 . I'm 15 you'll have a good time. 1.A.parents' B.friends' C.students' D.classmates' 2.A.to B.with C.in D.on 3.A.And B.But C.So D.Or 4.A.books B.classes C.sports D.subjects 5.A.him B.it C.her D.them 6.A.buy B.play C.eat D.watch 7.A.are B.is C.be D.am 8.A.has B.finishes C.comes D.gets 9.A.having B.have C.has D.to have 10.A.At B.From C.After D.About 11.A.want B.thank C.like D.welcome 12.A.to B.before C.after D.with 13.A.Do B.Are C.Can D.Is 14.A.old B.difficult C.boring D.interesting 15.A.fine B.think C.sure D.useful Ⅲ. 语法填空 12、动词应用 1.(grow)up is not always easy.When we face difficulties,a spirit of depending on yourself is more useful than 2.(cry)for help.That’s what Hong Zhanhui’s story of growing from boy to man with family hardship 3.(tell) us. Hong 4.(bear) in 1982 in a poor family in Xihua County(县),Henan Province.When he was only 11,his father 5.(become) badly ill and one day he came back with an unwanted baby girl.A year later,Hong’s mother left home.She no longer wanted 6.(live) such a poor life and face her sick husband.So everything hard fell onto the young boy’s shoulders:to take care of his father and the sister Chenchen,and to go on to study. Although his life was hard,Hong 7.(never go) away from his father and sister.He worked in part—time jobs to feed his family.He climbed tall trees to get birds’ eggs for his sister. He walked two hours at weekends to the market to buy different things to sell around his school.He said that he 8.(make) a good life in the future. A few years later,he studied at a college.To take care of Chenchen,he had worked hard to rent(租)a room near his college for several years. After Hong’s story went public,he became a hero in people’s eyes.But Hong refused offers from others.He said he 9.(feel) encouraged by kind offers,but he could depend on his own work. Through his hard life,he 10.(grow) up from boy to man. Ⅳ. 阅读理解 A 13、Is it true ? 1.Wearing the wrong type of glasses will do harm to your eyes . This is not true for adults , although incorrect glasses may not be good for children under 10 . Ready-made glasses , and not wearing when you should , won’ t do harm to your eyes , but you may see better with glasses that are specially made for you . 2.Watching too much television is bad for you eyes . This is not true. People with easily affected eyes may find they get red and aching from staring at a fixed distance for long periods , but there won’ t be any lasting effects . 3. Carrots will help you see in the dark. Ca

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