
1.说 出 短 语:振 奋 起 来;依 靠;结 果 是,证 明 是2.说 出 短 语:经 历,仔 细 检 查;结 果 是,导 致;窜 个 儿3.说出下列单词意思:stress;bringup;account;workout4.说出下列单词意思:rent;volunteer;aimatdoing;provide5.说 出 下 列 单 词 意 思:hobby;harvest;issue;assume6.翻译并说出句子成分:He is the most reliable man IknowUnit 2 Lets talk teensGrammar and usageBy the end of this section,you will be able to:1.categorize the elements of a simple sentence,a compound sentence and a complex sentence;2.summarize the general rules of the three kinds of sentence structures;3.distinguish and choose the right sentence structure;4.apply appropriate sentence structures in new situations.Learning Goals曹霞曹霞Sentence elementsSubjectVerbObject Complement谓语谓语宾语宾语补语补语Adverbial状语状语 Predicative表语表语主语主语 Attributive定语定语The teacher gave a speech.Many students join school club.We should develop good study habits.Listening to music makes me relaxed.Maggie plans her study carefully.Its a lovely day.I went to a large library yesterday.Review the rules weve learnedSummarize the general rules:(1)The subject and the are necessary parts of a sentence.(2)A transitive verb is always followed by a(n).(3)Some verbs can have two objects.The indirect object usually refers to a and the direct object a .(4)The object complement adds more about the object.verbobjectpersonthinginformtion14523678主谓主谓主系表主系表主谓宾主谓宾主谓宾宾主谓宾宾主谓宾补主谓宾补主谓状主谓状主谓宾状主谓宾状存现句存现句Sentence structuresSentence structuresReview the rules weve learnedExplore new rules Explore new rules 新知探究:新知探究:A simple sentence is made up of one independent clause which has one subject-verb combination.简单句(simple sentence):只含有一个主谓结构。A compound sentence contains two or more main clauses.We use linking words such as_ to link the clauses.并列句(compound sentence):由并列连词连接的两个或两个以上的简单句构成。A complex sentence contains one main clause and at least one subordinate clause.A subordinate clause can be the subject,predicative,object,attributive or adverbial of the sentence.主从复合句(complex sentence):由一个主句和一个或一个以上的()构成。主句为句子的主体部分;()无法独立,可充当句子的()、()、()、()、()等成分。and,but,or,so,for从句从句主语表语宾语定语状语中学一级教师中学一级教师南通市青年教师基本功比赛南通市青年教师基本功比赛 二等奖二等奖通州区优质课评比通州区优质课评比 一等奖一等奖通州区高三优秀教师通州区高三优秀教师TeenHealthWebBelow is an introduction on the home page of a website for teenagers.Match each sentence with the correct type in the table below.Write down the numbers.曹霞曹霞中学一级教师中学一级教师南通市青年教师基本功比赛南通市青年教师基本功比赛 二等奖二等奖通州区优质课评比通州区优质课评比 一等奖一等奖通州区高三优秀教师通州区高三优秀教师Types of sentencesExploring the rulesSimple sentences Complex sentences Compound sentences(2,3,4,6)(5,8,13)(1,7,9,10,11,12)E.g.He left his hometown.E.g.He left his hometown and we never saw him again.E.g.He left his hometown where he had lived for two decades.(2)So,we have designed TeenHealthWeb to help you along the journey to adulthood.(3)Our website has many articles about teenagers physical and mental health.(4)You can look through these articles to find advice on your problem.(6)You can visit the“teen health”forum on our website instead.SVVSSVVSSimple sentences Exploring the rulesA simple sentencea subjecta verbE.g.My uncle works in a factory.I enjoy playing football.Exploring the rules中学一级教师中学一级教师南通市青年教师基本功比赛南通市青年教师基本功比赛 二等奖二等奖通州区优质课评比通州区优质课评比 一等奖一等奖通州区高三优秀教师通州区高三优秀教师(5)It may not have been addressed before,but dont worry.(8)Users are encouraged to post their problems,and they will get advice from our health experts and other forum users.(13)There is a lot to see,so take some time to look around our website!a simple sentencea simple sentencetwo simple sentencestwo simple sentencesbuta linking wordandsoa linking worda linking wordtwo simple sentencesCompound sentences Exploring the rules曹霞曹霞中学一级教师中学一级教师南通市青年教师基本功比赛南通市青年教师基本功比赛 二等奖二等奖通州区优质课评比通州区优质课评比 一等奖一等奖通州区高三优秀教师通州区高三优秀教师A compound sentencecontains two or more main clauses;uses linking words:and,but,or,so,for,nor.E.g.Shall I send the book to you,or will you come to get it?Oxford is not far from Stratford,so you can visit both in a day.I cannot tell Marys appearance,for I have never seen her.He didnt return my calls,nor did he respond to any of my texts.Exploring the rules中学一级教师中学一级教师南通市青年教师基本功比赛南通市青年教师基本功比赛 二等奖二等奖通州区优质课评比通州区优质课评比 一等奖一等奖通州区高三优秀教师通州区高三优秀教师(1)We know that being a teenager is sometimes difficult.(7)We are proud to say this forum is the heart of our website.(9)Before you write your post,however,take a look at other users posts first.(10)It is likely that the matter has already been discussed on our forum.(11)If your problem is a new one,write a post about it.(12)Our health experts will be glad to tell you what steps you can take to improve your situation.subordinateclausesobjectobjectadverbialadverbialsubjectobjectmain clausesComplex sentences Exploring the rulesA complex sentenceone main clauseat least one subordinate clausesubjectpredicativeobjectattributiveadverbiale.g.I hope that high school will be more exciting.As I grow older,I became more interested in poems.Exploring the rules(1)Teenagers physical changes may result in such family tensions.(2)Heated arguments and cold silences are common between teenagers a

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