
福建省厦门市英才学校2023年高一英语月考试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. You are given only half an hour to finish your speech on the subject, so you’d better not _____ it too far.    A. expand          B. extend        C. enlarge           D. increase 参考答案: A 2. —Are you going to Mary’s birthday party?     —      .I might have something else to do.   A. Thank you   B. Sounds great C. It depends D. Don’t mention it   参考答案: 3. . --- How do you find the British Museum?    --- Great! It’s ______ worth _____ A. very; visiting   B. well; a visit  C. quite; being visited   D. well; of being visited 参考答案: B 略 4. We have done half the work so far. _____, we’ll have finished it by December.   A. Unluckily     B. Fortunately      C. Hopefully D. Thankfully 参考答案: C 略 5. Everybody got ____ when they heard the ____ story.    A. shocking; frightened                    B. shocking; frightening    C. shocked; frightening                    D. shocked; frightened 参考答案: C 6. He’s got himself into a dangerous situation where he was      to lose control over the place. A. possibly B. likely C. probably D. perhaps 参考答案: B 7. ____hard, he would have passed the exam  A. If he were to work  B. If he had worked  C. Should he work  D. Were he to work  参考答案: B 8. The shocking news made his heart ________ faster than ever before.     A. beating        B. jumping        C. beat         D. jump 参考答案: C 9. It remains to be seen ______ the newly formed committee’s policy can be put into practice. A. that    B. which C. what    D. whether 参考答案: D 考查名词性从句。题干中it作形式主语,真正主语为横线后的主语从句。判断主语从句中不缺少主干成分,因此排除代词B、C两项;“有待被观察”的事情应是不确定的事而不是表陈述,即排除表陈述的that应用whether表“是否”。 10. Wolf Warrior II is really an inspiring film       Leng Feng helps Chinese workers and African locals to escape from an African country. A. that B. what C. which D. where 参考答案: D 11.  The reason ____ she gave us for being late for school was ___ her bike broke down.    A. why; because   B. /; but            C. that; why       D. why; which 参考答案: B 12. —What did your parents think about your decision? —They always let me do _____ I think I should. A.when    B.that   C.how   D.what 参考答案: D 13. As a student in Senior Three, I must work hard. ________, I should take exercise to strengthen my body. A.Otherwise  B.Meanwhile C.Therefore  D.Thus 参考答案: B [考查副词。根据“努力学习”,“多做练习”推知都是要做的事情,为“同时……”。] 14. Every year,  many competitors from famous university come to the Thames to compete        each other       boating. A. for; against    B. against; with    C. with; in   D. in; with 参考答案: C 15. My brother _____ while he _____ his bicycle and hurt himself.    A. fell ... was riding            B. fell ... were riding C. had fallen ... rode            D. had fallen ... was riding 参考答案: A 16. The crowd ________ with joy at the news that many ancient relics were discovered under the earth of Jinan Town of Jingzhou City. A. exploded         B. debated          C. amazed           D. doubted 参考答案: A 二、 书面表达 17. 书面表达(共1题,共15分) 假如你是小华,你的朋友Jay刚刚进入高中。他向你写信述说自己不知如何适应高中的生活。请你给Jay 写一封信鼓励他并给他提一些建议: 1. 积极主动与老师、同学交流沟通 2. 寻找适合自己的学习方法 3. 积极参与户外运动 4. ....... .......   信头信尾均已给出;词数100左右。                                                                   Oct 6, 2013   Dear Jay,      I’m very glad to have received the letter you sent me two weeks ago._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________                                    Best wishes,                                                     Yours sincerely, Xiaohua 参考答案: 略 略 三、 阅读理解 18. In America, when the eighth graders leave the middle school, they are often worried about moving to the high schoo1.It is a hard time for them,but it can be an exciting one as well.To make it easier,students need to get familiar with their school. Even though they’ve done this already in the middle schoo1, it’s still

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