
国开电大本科 《商务英语3》 机考题库 写作题 说明:资料整理于2023年2月,适用于2023年2月底3月初期末机考考试;目前尚不 确定期末机考是否有此题型。 根据要求写作文 - - -[ 写 封 非 职 信 ] [ 试 题 一 ]根据要求写作文。 Write a covering letter.You are Helen Joyce and you want to find a job during the summer vocation.You may include the information below: ●purpose of job application:money and experience; ·your previous work experiences and education background,etc.; ·hope of being considered for an interview. 参考答案一: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in the newspaper.I'm truthfully looking forward to a job this summer,so that I could gain precious working experience and make some money at the mean time My name is Helen Joyce,17 years old ,and I'm currently studying hotel Management in**** University. Last summer,I worked in*****Hotel vacation and received highly remarks.What's more,I have a good command of computers and I can communicate with others fluently in English.I believe I have the ability to overcome the difficulties encountered at work.I would be greatly appreciated if you can offer me the opportunity to be interviewed. Thank you for your consideration. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Yours Helen 参考答案二: Dear Sir/Madam: The summer vacation is coming soon.I really want to find a job in your company during the summer vacation.On the one hand,I can improve my work practice ability through work,and on the other hand,I can also have a certain income to achieve the goal of work-study. I graduated from Pingdingshan College with a major in Chinese Language,and now I am studying administration undergraduate at Pingdingshan Radio and Television University of the Open University of China. I have used vacations as a substitute teacher for many times in training institutions in Pingdingshan City. I hope I can get an opportunity for a personal interview. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours. Helen Joyce 根据要求写作文 - -[ 写 一 封 推 荐 信 ] [ 试 题 一 ]根据要求写作文。 Write a recommendation letter for Li Hua who has been working in your company for 5years.You may include the information below: ·his work experience and strengths ·his character and personality ●oh is reasons for leaving the present job,etc. 参考答案 一: To whom it may concern: It's my pleasure to recommend Li hua to you.He is one of the most outstanding employees of mine and has worked in my company for about five years. Li hua is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with extremely high potentiality. During the work,he gets along well with his colleagues and has achieved great resualts. Unfortunately,for the consideration of his family,he had to resign from our company. I'm certain that Li hua will make great contribution to your company in the future and I strongly recommend him for this position. Your favorable consideration will be highly appreciated.If further information regarding him is needed,please feel free to contact me. Yours sincerely *水水水水水 参考答案二: Dear Sir or Madam: Li Hua has been working in our company for 5 years.He has a wealth of work experience,superb work skills and good team spirit; he can get along with other employees,obey the leadership arrangements,work hard,and have outstanding work performance; he has left our company because of the long-term separation of his husband and wife I hope he can be interviewed and hired by your company. If you can consider my suggestion and get your attention,I would be very grateful. sincere regards [ 试 题 二 ]根据要求写作文。 Write a recommendation letter for Miss Helen Joyce who has been working in your company for 5 years. You may include the information below:her work experience and strengths. her character and personality. her reasons for leaving the present job,etc. 参考答案: Dear Sir or Madam: Miss Helen Joyce has been working in our company for 5 years. She has a wealth of work experience,superb work skills,and a good team spirit; she can get along with other employees,obey the leadership,work steadfast and dedicated,and have outstanding work performance; due to the long-term separation of husband and wife and leaving in our company. I hope your company can interview and hire her. If you can consider my suggestion and attract your attention,I would be very grateful. sincere regards [ 试 题 三 ]根据要求写作文。 Suppose you are the manager and write a recommendation letter for Miss Helen Miller according to the following information. Candidate:Miss Helen Miller Working experience:worked in the Export Department of a large firm for over 8years from July 2006 to December 2014. Her character and advantages:hardworking,honest and reliable,excellent communication skills,work independently and efficiently,excellent rapport with people of all ages Reason for leaving:personal reasons 参考答案: Dear Sir or

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