
中考完形填空专项训练作业设计案例 一.作业设计目标: 1.能运用基于整体阅读三步策略有效完成完型填空。 2.能恰当运用六种解题微技能,解决完形填空中的实际 问题 3.了解到到完形填空中所考查的综合语言运用能力,在 整体篇章中的具体表现形式。 基础作业: (必做) 完形填空(每小题1分,共15分) Cloze Space suits don't just make astronauts ( 宇 航 员 ) look cool.Without these special suits,astronauts wouldn’t be able to 1 their spacecraft ( 宇 宙 飞船). That is to say,they wouldn’ t be able to walk on the 2 or work outside the lnternational Space Station. ★ 3 do astronauts need to wear space suits? Space is a 4 place for human beings.Fir stly,there is no air to breathe(呼 吸) .Secondly,space also has high suit also levels of radiation ( 辐 射 )that can pass 5 our parts bodies and make us sick.Thirdly,some space are a few are really 6 while other parts hot. So astronauts could die in just nds if they stepped outside their spacecraft thout their suits.With a space suit,astronauts an move around in 7 for several hours. ★ What can a space suit do for an astronaut?  of very seco wi c Space suits keep astronauts safely sealed ( 密 封 的 ) inside.A backpack sends O2(氧 气)in to let astronauts breathe 8 .At the same time,the CO₂ (二氧化 碳)that astronauts breathe out is sucked away ( 吸 走 ) .The 9 them from harmful radiation and fast-m oving space dust.Under the space suit is anothe r suit that looks like a pair of tight pajama s ( 睡 衣 )with little pipes (管子) running through them.Water runs through these pi pes to 10 astronauts because wearing a sp ace suit can make astronauts very hot! 1.A. leaveB. liveC. stayD. keep 2.A. skyB. earthC. moonD. sun 3.A. WhenB. WhatC.HowD. Why 4.A. safeB. beautifulC. darkD. dangerous 5.A. inB. throughC. acrossD. around 6.A. coldB. hotC. coolD. warm 7.A. roomB. airC. spaceD.ship 8.A. quicklyB.normallyC.easilyD. possibly 9.A. stopsB. helpsC. affordsD. protects 10.A.warm upB.cool offC.look afterD.pick up 实 施 过 程 与 策 略 : 一、略读文章,获取主旨。 通过 句,和每段 句可知,本文是一篇 文,讲述了 的故事。 二、 细读文章,填入选项,由 到 注意:用“—— ”在文中画出解题线索。 不会的空可以先放一边。不确定的题有: 三、 重复全文,突破难点,验证答案。 攻克的难题有 : 改 正 的 题 有 : 完形微技能应用情况: A 语境推断 题; B 固定、惯用搭配: 题; C 逻辑连贯: 题; D.常识背景. 题; E 词汇复现: 题; F.语法知识 题 t let 提升作业: (选做) Cloze 4 Think of all the ways that arms and hands.You use 1 to  you use your open doors,car ry boxes,climb trees and ride bikes. Jessica Cox was born 2 arms.But she didn’ that 3 her d herself,paint her feet. When she her students ave hands to ot have arms herself as a  from and doing things.She play the piano 4 by to fee using was at 5, Jessica watched the ot on the playground.She did not h catch balls with,and she did n to climb with.Jessica imagined girl of unusually (不寻常地) great ability.She would nd and take her friends Many years later,when did fly.She learnt to  fly over into the the playgrou sky. Jessica fly a grew plane!It up,she was hard work,but Jessica was patient,confident an d brave.She controlled the plane with her fe et.She made her dream come true. 1、 跳读文章,获取主旨。 通 过 句,和每段 句可知,本文是 一 篇 文,讲述了的故事。 2、 细读文章,填入选项,由 到 注意:用“ — — ”在文中画出解题线索。 不会的空可以先放 一 边。不确定的题有: 3、 重复全文,突破难点,验证答案。 攻克的难题有 :改正的题有: ()1.A. thatB. themC. herD. it ()2.A. without B.

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