
试卷复习试卷复习 20232023 年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力真题练习试卷学能力真题练习试卷 A A 卷(含答案)卷(含答案)单选题(共单选题(共 8080 题)题)1、When asking students to arrange the scrambled sentences into a logical paragraph,theteacher is focusing on _.A.reading skills B.critical think C.proofreading skills D.textual coherence【答案】D 2、When a teacher asks students to discuss how a text is organized,he/she is most likely to help them().A.evaluate the content of the text B.analyze the structure of the passage C.understand the intention of the writer D.distinguish the facts from the opinions【答案】B 3、Passage 1 A.are extremely small in number so that media pays no attention to them B.still use old words like Sir in their everyday life C.include the hereditary aristocracy D.refer only to the royal family【答案】C 4、Passage 1 A.Fashion gurus specializing in producing,modeling,or marketing fashion B.American young people who do not make good use of the online courses C.Individuals keeping the information about their proficiency to themselves D.Professional chess players who are not able to calculate the play outcome【答案】C 5、Passage 1 A.The amount of time that teachers spend with individual students B.The amount of knowledge that teachers impart to students C.The content of the teaching materials used by teachers D.The variety of activities organized by teachers【答案】A 6、Passage 1 A.who were born as aristocrat B.who have the right to sit in the House of Lords C.who speak in many different local accents D.who are prosperous businessmen or who work in some professions【答案】D 7、Which of the following exercises is intended to practice the communicative use ofDo you have.?andI have.A.Changing one sentence pattern to the other B.Applying those sentence patterns in a conversation C.Listening to the tape and writing down the sentences D.Substituting the objects in the sentences with the words given【答案】B 8、From her conversations with her friends,I could _ that she has a large family.A.deduce B.decide C.declare D.deceive【答案】A 9、Which of the following should be discouraged concerning the use of internet resources?A.Teachers depend on internet resources for teaching materials B.Teachers use internet resources to s C.Teachers adapt internet resources before using them for language input D.Teachers select internet resources according to their teaching purpose【答案】A 10、You _be too cautious when you are driving especially on the freeway.A.cant B.neednt C.mustnt D.wont【答案】A 11、请阅读短文。A.an excuse for laziness B.the result of poor study habits C.a real problem D.something that cannot be changed【答案】C 12、_helps students facilitate their process of accumulating vocabulary,broadening scope of vision,and increasing target language exposure.A.Scanning B.Skimming C.Extensive reading D.Intensive reading【答案】C 13、Passage 1 A.Unconsciousness B.Fascination C.Scare D.Confusion【答案】B 14、请阅读 Passage 2,完成题:A.unsettled B.unbeaten C.unharmed D.unhappy【答案】C 15、In a comnlex integration task,a teacher is expected to devise a series of activities which are_linked.A.thematically B.syntactically C.semantically D.linguistically【答案】A 16、Which of the folIowing statements about take-based language teaching is NOT true?A.Students should be given tasks to perform or problems to solve in the classroom B.Students are task-driven C.Task-based language teaching is student-centered D.Task-based language teaching is teacher-centered【答案】D 17、Passage 1 A.agrees with B.contradicts C.goes beyond D.imparts【答案】C 18、I think the boss,rather than the workers,_to blame for the fire that caused so many deaths A.are B.were C.was D.to be【答案】C 19、What can be done about mass unemployment All the wise heads agree:therere no quick or any answers.Theres work to be done,but workers arent ready to do it.Theyre in the wrong places,or they have the wrong skills.Our problem are A.Corporate mismanagement B.Insufficient demand C.Technological advances D.Workersslow adaptation【答案】B 20、In componential analysis,_ may be shown as PARENT(x,y)&MALE(x).A.father B.mother C.son D.daughter【答案】A 21、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.Positive B.Indifferent C.Pessimistic D.Radical【答案】A 22、Passage 2 A.He mass-produced milk chocolate bars for the wealthy B.He duplicated the brand of Hersheys Kisses in 1907 for Halloween C.He employed Harry Burnett Reese who later founded his own company D.He encouraged Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie to jointly produce M&Ms【答案】C 23、Which of the following does not belong to the post-listening activities A.Multiple-choice questions B.Answering questions C.Dictogloss D.Listen and tick【答案】D 24、The Law to Keep the Oil Industry under Control A.encourage the oil companies to discover new oil sources B.prevent oil companies employing people from northern Norway C.help the oil companies solve many of their problems D.keep the oil industry to something near its present size【答案】D 25、Now that weve discussed our problem,are people happy with the decisions_?A.taking B.take C.taken D.to take【答案】C 26、Dont defend him anymore.Its obvious that he_destroyed the fence of

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