
通关提分题库通关提分题库(考点梳理考点梳理)银行招聘之银行招聘综合银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识每日一练试卷知识每日一练试卷 A A 卷含答案卷含答案 单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、2020 年 3 月 10 日国家主席习近平专门赴湖北省武汉市考察疫情防控工作。他强调,经过艰苦努力,湖北和武汉疫情防控形势发生积极向好变化,取得阶段性重要成果,但疫情防控任务依然艰巨繁重。越是在这个时候,越是要保持头脑清醒,越是要慎终如始,越是要再接再厉、善作善成,继续把()作为当前头等大事和最重要的工作。A.疫情防控 B.疫情监管 C.疫情防治 D.疫情管理【答案】A 2、人民法院对非诉案件的审査标准是()。A.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否违法 B.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否明显违法 C.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否会损害被执行人的合法权益 D.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否明显违法且损害被执行人的合法权益【答案】D 3、Passage2 A.The waves would move him backwards B.The water would choke him C.He would immediately sink to the bottom D.He would be exhausted or unconscious【答案】D 4、资料:Bank CD is the instrument uniformly figuring in the investment options of most investors.Bank of India CDs are safe,FDIC insured&offer decent returns.There is no brokerage,no fees or hidden costs.However,the Bank may impose a fee for administrative expenses involved in any legal action in connection with the CD.Look at our Star CD plan below.A.CD is automatically renewed for the same period unless having other instruction B.CD isnt automatically renewed for the same period at the ruling rate of interest on the date of renewal C.CD is automatically renewed for the same period without any other instruction D.CD is automatically renewed for the same period with permission of the bank manager【答案】C 5、计算机系统软件中最核心、最重要的是()。A.语言处理系统 B.数据库管理系统 C.操作系统 D.诊断程序【答案】C 6、按借贷协议在一定时期可以变动的利率是()。A.固定利率 B.浮动利率 C.一般利率 D.优惠利率【答案】B 7、1984 年之前我国的中央银行制度类型属于()。A.复合式 B.单一式 C.二元式 D.准中央银行【答案】A 8、某企业外购 A、B 两种材料,A 材料买价 20 万元,B 材料 30 万元,两种材料共发生运杂费 5000 元。则 B 材料取材成本为()。A.302500 元 B.305000 元 C.303000 元 D.300000 元【答案】C 9、第一个踏上月球的人是()。A.大卫?布朗 B.加加林 C.阿姆斯特朗 D.迈克尔?安德森【答案】C 10、不列入存货的是()。A.生产设备 B.库存商品 C.原材料 D.低值易耗品【答案】A 11、上海证券交易所上市交易的某只股票,2009 年末的每股税后利润为 0.2元,市场利率为 2.5%。A.YXr B.Y/r C.r/Y D.YX(1+r)【答案】B 12、.注册会计师对存货抽査时发现了差异,下列处理中不恰当的是()。A.应査明原因,及时提请被审计单位更正 B.不管是什么差异,应当提请被审计单位先挂账“待处理财产损溢待处理流动资产损溢”后再作处理 C.注册会计师应当考虑错误的潜在范围和重大程度,在可能的情况下,增加抽查范围以减少错误的发生 D.注册会计师根据抽查的结果如果认为盘点记录中错误程度非常严重,应当要求被审计单位重新进行盘点【答案】B 13、According to some()by some scholars,lung cancer is caused mainly by smoking.A.rock B.research C.schedule D.Rumor【答案】B 14、下列属于柜台市场的是()。A.第四市场 B.第三市场 C.深圳证券交易所 D.NASDAQ 系统【答案】D 15、对于当期档案,会计师事务所应当自审计报告签发之日起,至少保存()。A.15 年 B.10 年 C.25 年 D.永久【答案】B 16、The project will not be finished on schedule if time is not effectively().A.managing B.managed C.manage D.manager【答案】B 17、In 1913,the states passed the Sixteenth Amendment _ the Constitution.A.with B.for C.to D.at【答案】C 18、资料:Its easy to trace the evolution of the automobile.At most,were only talking about a few centuries of technological development,and most of the plans,prototypes and models are still around.With just a little research,you can easily trace the latest model electric hybrid back to its steam-powered ancestors.A.methods of genealogy B.methods of archaeology linguistics C.methods of anthropology D.methods of primatology【答案】D 19、3 月份,企业销售商品 5 万元,5 月份收到款项。企业应该在何时确认收入?()A.3 月 B.5 月 C.3 月到 5 月间均可 D.当年即可【答案】A 20、在我国,证券业和银行业、信托业、保险业实行()。A.分业经营、分业管理 B.集中经营、统一管理 C.分业经营、统一管理 D.集中经营、分业管理【答案】A 21、Global warming is causing more than 300,000 deaths and about$125 billion in economic losses each year,according to a report by the Global Humanitarian Forum,an organization led by Annan,the former United Nations secretary general.A.How rich and poor regions can share responsibility in curbing global warming B.How human and economic losses from climate change can be reduced C.How emissions of heat-trapping gases can be reduced on a global scale D.How rich countries can better help poor regions reduce climate hazards【答案】D 22、资料:You can not go forward by going backward.Take the current debate about trade and globalization,for instance,while the impulse to erect trade barriers is understandable given the pain experienced in recent years,it is not the way to create lasting growth and shared prosperity.A.Trade and globalization are debatable B.Erecting trade barriers can not bring growth and prosperity C.Trade and globalization have caused severe pain in recent years D.Opposing trade and globalization is understandable and reasonable【答案】B 23、资料:What,if anything,do we gain by clinging to our antioxidant supplements?A.It is good for muscle cramps B.It is good for macular degeneration C.It goes well with trauma D.It makes human body stronger【答案】D 24、某公司一台机器使用期满决定报废。该机器原价 500000 元,己计折旧470000 元,已计提减值准备 15000 元,在清理过程中支付清理费 2000 元,残料变卖收入 20000 元,不考虑相关税费,该机器的清理净收益是()。A.18000 B.3000 C.5000 D.10000【答案】B 25、某区政府在整顿市容时对某个农贸自由市场作出了关闭的决定,该行政行为属于()。A.行政确认行为 B.行政征收行为 C.具体行政行为 D.抽象行政行为【答案】C 26、资料:American Airlines CEO takes blame for maintenance errors,disrupted flights A.570 airplanes B.930 different planes C.300 MD-80s D.3000 flights【答案】C 27、Passage 4 A.Large imagination B.Quick action C.Great ambition D.Great investment【答案】D 28、The program becomes unable to serve its purpose for its present audience,let()the future audience.A.off B.down C.out D.alone【答案】D 29、It is said that this job is open to all,_previous experience.A.regardless of B.prior to C.because of D.in case

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