
过关检测试卷过关检测试卷 A A 卷附答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合卷附答案银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识押题练习试题知识押题练习试题 A A 卷含答案卷含答案 单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、与消费物价变动密切相关,最活跃的货币是()。A.M1 B.M2 C.M0 D.M【答案】C 2、The optimal length of a nap was an hour and a half_people could go through a complete cycle.A.so thatA B.even if C.as to D.as soon as【答案】A 3、某公司招聘甲、乙两种职位的人员共 90 人,甲、乙两种职位人员每月的工资分别为 1500 元和 2500 元,若甲岗位的工资总支出是乙岗位的 40%,则乙岗位招聘人数比甲职位多()人。A.24 B.20 C.18 D.15【答案】C 4、Its too()to do the bungee jumping from the cliff.A.residential B.remote C.risky D.ridiculous【答案】C 5、资料:Procrastination comes in many disguises.We might resolve to tackle a task,but find endless reasons to defer it.We might prioritize things we can readily tick off our to-do list-answering emails,say-while leaving the big,complex stuff untouched for another day.We can look and feel busy.while artfully avoiding the tanks that really matter.And when we look at those rolling,long untouched items at the bottom of our to-do list,we cant help but feel a little disappointed in ourselves.A.Make the costs of action feel smaller B.Make the reward larger than the immediate pain of doing it C.Make the benefits of action feel bigger D.All the above【答案】D 6、在发挥金融中介作用的过程中,下列符合投资银行运作方式的有()。A.资金供需双方是金融工具的借贷而不是买卖 B.资金供需双方是资金借贷而不是金融工具的买卖 C.在媒介过程中只发生资金供需双方之间的一次金融合约关系 D.在资金媒介过程中发生资金供需双方的两次金融合约关系【答案】C 7、资料:Workforce planning helps an organization to estimate its future workforce requirements and calculate the numbers,nature and sources of potential employees who might meet that demand.A.it offers them regular training B.it provides them with insurance C.both A and B D.not mentioned【答案】D 8、资料:(四)A.It is fruitful without any doubt B.It is better than their peers C.It turns out to be a failure D.It needs experimental evidence to prove its success【答案】D 9、我国刑法对于空间效力的规定,采取的是()。A.属地原则 B.属人原则 C.保护原则 D.以属地原则为主,兼采属人原则、保护原则和普遍原则【答案】D 10、Passage 6 A.Doubtful B.Approving C.Welcoming D.Optimistic【答案】A 11、3 月份,企业销售商品 5 万元,5 月份收到款项。企业应该在何时确认收入?()A.3 月 B.5 月 C.3 月到 5 月间均可 D.当年即可【答案】A 12、党政机关公文处理工作条例规定的公文种类有()。A.14 种 B.13 种 C.15 种 D.17 种【答案】C 13、资料:When we see well,we do not think about our eyes very often.It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.A.even if we can see well B.only when we cannot see perfectly C.only when we realize how important our eyes are D.only when we can see well【答案】A 14、当流通领域中存在两种本位币流通时,容易出现“格雷欣法则”现象,这种现象是指()。A.良币把劣币赶出流通领域 B.劣币把良币赶出流通领域 C.良币与劣币在流通领域平等流通 D.良币与劣币同时退出流通领域【答案】B 15、Dont bother your father tonight-hes got a lot()his mind.A.on B.to C.in D.around【答案】A 16、()is no reason for discharging her.A.cause she was a few minutes late B.Owing to a few minutes being late C.The fact that she was a few minutes late D.Being a few minutes late【答案】C 17、The world population is expected to rise to more than nine billion by 2050,one-third of all people_expected to live in cities。A.has been B.are C.have been D.have succeeded in【答案】B 18、资料:(一)A.such risks are very expensive B.such risks cannot be estimated precisely C.such risks are too high D.the premium would be too high【答案】B 19、目前在我国不存在的票据是()。A.银行本票 B.商业本票 C.银行汇票 D.商业汇票【答案】B 20、资料:Directions:There is 1 passage in this part.The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices,You should decide on the best choice.A.To infer that a person s face is highly unlikely to change to another shape B.To illustrate that the image stored in the phone cannot be changed if FaceID is compromised C.To explain the revocation difficulty of FaceI D.To enhance the data security on iPhone since it do not share biometric information with servers【答案】C 21、A joke which was funny to American people might seem _ to Chinese.A.defense B.fence C.offense D.intense【答案】D 22、Think of a dance floor,which is designed to dampen vibrations and limit the _dancers could do to their limbs.A.problem B.dilemma C.trouble D.damage【答案】D 23、Paper-markingis_of ancient China.A.one of greatest inventor B.one of the greatest inventors C.one of greatest invention D.one of the greatest inventions【答案】D 24、资料:Good listening is much more than being silent while the other person talks.To the contrary,people perceive the best listeners to be those who periodically ask questions that promote discovery and insight.These questions gently challenge old assumptions,but do so in a constructive way.Sitting there silently nodding does not provide sure evidence that a person is listening,but asking a good question tells the speaker the listener has not only heard what was said,but that they comprehended it well enough to want additional information.Good listening was consistently seen as a two-way dialog,rather than a one-way“speaker versus hearer”interaction.The best conversations were active.A.Use logic B.Disagree with the speaker C.Response D.Be silent【答案】D 25、人民法院对非诉案件的审査标准是()。A.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否违法 B.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否明显违法 C.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否会损害被执行人的合法权益 D.被申请执行的具体行政行为是否明显违法且损害被执行人的合法权益【答案】D 26、下列说法不正确的是()。A.鲁迅是中国现代文学的奠基人 B.郭沫若的女神是现代文学史上第一篇白话文 C.田汉是中国现代戏剧的奠基人 D.巴金是现代

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