
近三年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识综合检测试卷近三年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识综合检测试卷 A A卷含答案卷含答案 单选题(共单选题(共 8080 题)题)1、You must have the experience that your voice()on the telephone.A.distorted B.irregular C.twisted D.deformed【答案】A 2、资料:Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821,and moved to New York City when she was ten years old.One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor.That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century.After writing many letters asking for admission(录取)to medical schools,she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia.She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling.A.Paris B.the United States C.English D.New York City【答案】B 3、资料:The data a bank has stored on its servers is more valuable than the gold in its vaults.Banks enjoy a monopoly over data that has helped them get away with poor services and fend off competitors.In Europe,at least,that is all about to change with a new set of regulations,named PSD2.A.Customers are forced to share their bank data B.Banks are required to open up their entire operational system C.Regulators should be both tough and flexible D.Banks and third parties should be regulated with a light touch【答案】C 4、自然人甲、乙、丙共同出资设立了 A 公司。根据公司法,下列组织机构中必须设立的是()。A.股东会 B.董事会 C.职工代表大会 D.监事会【答案】A 5、The unpleasant memory of the despairing shriek of the princess at the trial()in my mind for days A.prolonged B.insisted C.rested D.lingered【答案】D 6、Most of these resources are _ towards paper-writing and research projects.A.hatched B.geared C.encouraged D.motivated【答案】B 7、资料:Up to 80 per cent of the worlds middle classes will live in developing countries by 2030 thanks to surprising recent gains in poverty reduction,according to a United Nations report published on Thursday.A.blocking B.undergoing C.supporting D.stressing【答案】C 8、资料:Everyone knows airline pricing is based on supply and demand.Fares are more expensive during peak travel seasons like summer and to prime destinations like European capitals.So if a flight to Rome costs more than a flight to Milan,youd think that demand for Rome must be higher or supply lower.A.Neutral B.Positive C.Negative D.Not mentioned【答案】C 9、根据利率期限的结构性溢价理论,如果在接下来的 3 年中,预期的 1 年期债券利率分别为 4%、5%、6%,3 年期债券的流动性溢价为 0.5%,那么 3 年期债券的利率是()。A.4%B.4.5%C.5%D.5.5%【答案】D 10、2019 年 8 月 12 日,中国银行与()签署战略合作协议。双方将在推进金融业关键信息基础设施国产化、服务“一带一路”建设和助力脱贫攻坚战等方面进行战略合作。根据合作协议,双方将发挥各自优势,秉持互利共赢的原则,建立多领域战略合作,实现共同发展。A.人民网 B.新华通讯社 C.南方周末 D.新浪财经【答案】B 11、根据劳动合同法的规定,下列表述正确的是()。A.用人单位不得单方面解除劳动合同 B.试用期不包含在劳动合同期限内 C.劳动合同部分无效,不影响其他部分效力的,其他部分仍然有效 D.发生劳动争议的,双方协商为争议解决的必经程序【答案】C 12、商业性金融机构是按照现代企业制度改造和组建起来的,以营利为目的的银行和非银行金融机构,它们承担了全部商业性金融业务。中华人民共和国的商业性金融机构不包括()。A.期货市场 B.证券机构 C.银行业金融机构 D.保险机构【答案】A 13、水平标尺出现在 word 工作区的()。A.左侧 B.顶部 C.右侧 D.底部【答案】B 14、在 LM 曲线的凯恩斯区域,()。A.货币政策有效 B.财政政策有效 C.财政政策无效 D.财政政策和货币政策同样无效【答案】B 15、错账冲正中如划错红线,可在红线两端用红色墨水画“”销去,并由记账员在()端盖章证明。A.上 B.下 C.左 D.右【答案】D 16、公文区别于其他类别文章的主要之处是()。A.公文形成的主体是国家机关及其他社会组织 B.公文形成的条件是行使职权和实施管理 C.公文是具有法定效用与规范格式的文件 D.公文是办理公务的重要工具之一【答案】C 17、为深入落实 2021 年中央一号文件要求,巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接,中国银行间市场交易商协会于近期推出首批乡村振兴票据。农业银行作为牵头主承销商和簿记管理人,成功为中粮集团有限公司发行 2021 年第一期中期票据(乡村振兴),发行期限()年,发行规模 20 亿元,募集资金主要用于支持中粮集团粮食收储工作。作为全国首批乡村振兴债,本次债券的成功发行对于保障粮食安全、促进农民增收、实现乡村振兴发展具有重要意义。A.2 年 B.3 年 C.4 年 D.5 年【答案】A 18、.下面各组宏观经济发展目标所对应的衡量指标错误的是()。A.经济增长国民生产总值 B.充分就业失业率 C.物价稳定通货膨胀 D.国际收支平衡国际收支【答案】A 19、转让固定资产使用权取得的收入应计入()。A.手续费收入 B.其他业务收人 C.营业外收入 D.主营业务成本【答案】B 20、证明实物资产是否存在的非常有说服力的证据是()。A.书面证据 B.环境证据 C.实物证据 D.口头证据【答案】C 21、不属于货币市场工具特点的是()。A.期限较短 B.风险较低 C.普遍存在担保 D.流动性高【答案】C 22、罗摩衍那和摩诃婆罗多这两部著名的史诗体现的文明属于()。A.古印度 B.古巴比伦 C.古希腊 D.雅典【答案】A 23、Passage3 A.the rules for dinner time are not strict B.dinner is always at six in the evening C.a family offers food only at four in the afternoon D.people usually invite their guests to dinner later in the evening【答案】A 24、关于 X 理论和 Y 理论,下列说法中正确的有()。A.只有(1)和(2)B.只有(1)和(3)C.只有(2)和(3)D.三项观点都正确【答案】D 25、在同业拆借市场交易的是()。A.法定存款准备金 B.超额准备金 C.库存现金 D.原始存款【答案】B 26、固定资产应当按()取折旧,并根据用途分别计入相关资产的成本或当期费用。A.年 B.月 C.日 D.季【答案】B 27、在短期内,垄断厂商无法改变固定要素投入量,而是通过在既定的生产规模下通过对产量和价格的调整,来实现()的利润最大化。A.边际利润等于长期边际成本 B.边际利润等于长期平均成本 C.边际利润等于短期边际成本 D.边际利润等于短期平均成本【答案】C 28、He didnt tell the truth.That reason could not()his absence from school.A.take into consideration B.account for C.make out D.make up for【答案】B 29、A master of watercolor was John Marin,_used the medium to portray the city as a mighty organism.A.he B.who C.his D.which【答案】B 30、4 辆车运送货物,每辆车可运 16 次;7 辆车运送,每辆车只能运 10 次。设增加的车辆数与运送减少的次数成正比,且每车次运送货物相等,运送货物总量最多是多少车次?()A.72 B.74 C.64 D.68【答案】A 31、办理个人存取款业务的金融机构对一日一次性从储蓄账户(含银行卡)提取现金()(不含)以上的,储蓄机构柜台人员必须要求取款人提供有效身份证件,并经储蓄机构负责人审 核身份证件姓名与存单(存折、银行卡)姓名一致后予以支付。提现 20 万元(含)以上的,应要求 取款人至少提前一天预约。A.3 万元 B.5 万元 C.8 万元 D.10 万元【答案】B 32、Many states have _,amended or repealed laws to improve school nutrition.A.instituted B.organized C.manufactured D.enacted【答案】D 33、Brands are strategic_that provide an organization with a mainly competitive advantage.A.belongings B.property C.assets D.assessment【答案】C 34、This documentary is particularly compelling:_with previous

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