2023年人教版初中英语八年级UNIT 1 学情评估测试卷

2023年人教版初中八年级英语UNIT 1学情评估测试卷(含解析) 一、单项选择(每小题1分,计10分) 1. Boys and girls, you should look after ____ when your parents are not at home. A. himself B. herself C. yourselves D. themselves 2. —Can I ask you one question? And only one. —Sure. ____. A. Something B. Anything C. Someone D. Anyone 3. Lisa looks like her sister Lucy and I can't tell the ____ between them. A. difference B. problem C. taste D. interest 4. —A group made different Chinese characters (汉字) with kites in the sky at the 38th Kite Festival. —Sounds great. I ____ how they made it. A. ask B. feel C. wish D. wonder 5. [易错题]—What can you see from the top of the mountain? —We can see a lake____ us. A. past B. across C. along D. below 6. [易错题]—Which book can I read, Dad? —How about this one? It's ____ for you to read. A. easy enough B. enough easy C. easily enough D. enough easily 7. —Did you know Mike before? —No. ____ students knew him before his story got popular. A. Little B. A little C. Few D. A few 8. [易错题]—What do you think of the movie? —It's____ for me. I got____ when I was in the cinema (电影院). A. boring; boring B. boring; bored C. bored; boring D. bored; bored 9. —____ nice music lesson Mrs Wu gave us today! —Yes. We enjoyed it very much. A. What B. What a C. How a D. How 10. —Did you go anywhere interesting this summer vacation? —____. I only stayed at home to study for the test. A. Of course B. No problem C. Not really D. Sounds great 二、完形填空(每小题1. 5分,计15分) Two years ago, I together with my wife, my son and my little daughter went on a trip to Guangzhou. When we __11__ our hotel, it was around 1a. m. My little daughter looked out at the lights of Canton Tower(塔) and said she wanted to go outside. I told her it was too late to go __12__, but she kept looking out of the window and said, “Just for two minutes. ” My wife and I just looked at each other, smiled and said, “Two minutes!” We got dressed and walked to Canton Tower. When we got there, my daughter pointed at the lights and shouted __13__, “Dad, look !”And then she fell asleep. So we had to go back to the __14__. It took us half an hour to get ready(准备好) for the 20 seconds we __15__ near the tower, but it made our daughter happy and that __16__ a lot to us. That night I learned a __17__ about happiness. We sometimes have chances (机会) to __18__ happy moments in our lives, but we often find an excuse to do something else (其他的). Because of my __19__, I learned that I was the biggest enemy (敌人) to my own happiness. Happiness is a door that is always __20__,and we are the ones who have to decide if we are going to walk through the door. 11. A. left for B. looked at C. looked for D. arrived at 12. A. off B. out C. by D. back 13. A. luckily B. sadly C. happily D. coldly 14. A. hotel B. restaurant C. tower D. shop 15. A. wasted B. gave C. spent D. saved 16. A. meant B. carried C. finished D. did 17. A. topic B. subject C. story D. lesson 18. A. remember B. make C. lose D. buy 19. A. father B. son C. wife D. daughter 20. A. open B. close C. wide D. big 三、阅读理解(每小题2分,计20分) A Friday, August 10th It was fine today. My friends and I had an egg and an apple for breakfast. Then we went to Tian'anmen Square in the morning. It was great! In the afternoon, we went swimming. I taught some kids to swim. It was interesting. Saturday, August 11th It was cool today. We went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and great. We were very tired and hungry in the evening. So we ate a lot for dinner. I ate a large bowl of noodles, chicken and ice cream. The food was delicious. Sunday, August 12th It was rainy today, so we stayed in the camp. I wrote letters to my family and friends. At noon we ate hamburgers and salad for lunch. After lunch, we watched an action movie. It was exciting. 21. The writer and his friends traveled in ____. A. Tianjin B. Beijing C. Nanjing D. Shanghai 22. What was the weather like on Saturday? A. Fine. B. Cool. C. Rainy. D. Snowy. 23. What did the writer have for lunch on Sunday? A. Hamburgers and salad. B. Some fruit and vegetables. C. An egg and an apple. D. Noodles, chicken and ice cream. 24. They visited the Great Wall on____. A. Thursday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday 25. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The writer didn't go swimming on Friday afternoon. B. The writer watched an exciting movie on Sunday evening. C. Although it was fine on Sunday, they stayed in the camp. D. The writer and his friends had fun in Beijing. B My last vacation was a five-day trip to Prague in the Czech Republic. I know Prague well because I studied there as a university(大学) student ten years ago. After I went to Prague, I stayed with one of my old friends. It was much fun and made me think of my old happy days. I wanted to do all the same things I did on my universit

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