
备考备考 20232023 年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识提升训练年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识提升训练试卷试卷 B B 卷(含答案)卷(含答案)单选题(共单选题(共 8080 题)题)1、资料:The market is a concept.If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market.You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the local manager of the supermarket.But in either case,you are producing for the market.Your efforts are being directed by the market.If people stop buying tomatoes,you will stop producing them.A.serious B.true C.important D.real【答案】D 2、Buses have routes.They()and()people at different places on the routes.A.take on,get off B.pick up,drop off C.take up;take off D.pick out;drop out【答案】B 3、马柯维茨的现代投资组合理论认为,只要两种资产收益率的相关系数不为(),分散投资于两种资产就具有降低风险的作用。A.0 B.-1 C.1 D.2【答案】C 4、资料:Faces,like fingerprints,are unique.Did you ever wonder how it possible for us to recognize people?Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another.Yet a very young child or even an animal,such as a pingeon can learm to recognize faces.We all take this ability for granted.A.How to describe peoples personatities B.How to distinguish peoples faces C.How to distinguish people both inward and outward D.How to differ good people from bad people【答案】C 5、打开 Word 文档一般是指()。A.把文档的内容从内存中读出并显示出来 B.把文档的内容从磁盘调人内存并显示出来 C.为打开的文档开设一个新的空的文档窗口 D.显乐并打印文档的内容【答案】B 6、资料:2014 has been a landmark year for Alibaba.Just last week,the Chinese e-commerce juggernaut set a world-record selling US$9.3 Billion worth of goods in 24 hours on Singles Day.A few months back,Alibaba claimed the title of the worlds biggest IPO,raising US$25 Billion on the NYSE.Things will only get bigger for Alibaba.A.35 million B.45 million C.780 million D.80 million【答案】A 7、资料:Poor health is not only damaging to employees,it is detrimental to businesses.Corporations pay a heavy cost for stress-related illnesses,such as hypertension,gastrointestinal problems,and substance abuse.says Rubin.A.Devastating B.Deleterious C.Harmful D.Destructive【答案】B 8、1011BH 是()。A.表示一个二进制数 B.表示一个十六进制数 C.表示一个十进制数 D.一个错误的表示【答案】B 9、已知某种商品的市场需求函数为 D=30-P,市场供给函数为 S=3P-10,如果对该厂商实行减税,则减税后的市场均衡价格()。A.等于 10 B.小于 10 C.大于 10 D.小于或等于 10【答案】B 10、新中国成立后,()是人民银行大一统银行体系中的外汇业务的工作部门,是在人民银行领导下的经过中央人民政府政务院特许的外汇专业银行。A.中国工商锒行 B.中国银行 D.中国农业银行 C.中国建设银行 D.中国农业银行【答案】B 11、在总线拓扑的网络中,每次可传输信号的设备数目为()。A.2 个 B.3 个 C.1 个 D.任意个【答案】C 12、下列投资决策方法中,适用于原始投资不同、特别是项目计算期也不同的方法是()。A.净现值法 B.净现值率法 C.差额内部收益率法 D.年等额净回收额法【答案】D 13、Drade Technologies has responded _ to our proposal for its new advertising campaign.A.favorable B.favoring C.favorably D.favorite【答案】C 14、资料:“Our cars are for people who want something different.”A.Because its products are handmade and qualified B.Because its name represents luxury C.Because the company is famous D.Because its products are cheap【答案】A 15、(1)电报、电话、广播、电视机问世之初都曾被认为会引发灾难,现在又轮到智能手机等移动设备了。家长们担心,移动设备会使青少年远离社会,不与其他人交往。既然之前的新技术已经被证明是无害的,人们为什么要担忧呢?A.新技术对于成年人来说并不需要 B.孩子的好奇心比成年人大 C.成年人总是会担心末知因素对下一代的影响 D.新技术大多都是针对下一代人而推出的【答案】D 16、标志着我国统一的多民族国家开始形成的是()的建立。A.汉王朝 B.秦王朝 C.夏王朝 D.唐王朝【答案】B 17、企业在遭受自然灾害后,对其受损的财物物资进行的清查,属于()。A.局部清查和定期清查 B.全面清查和定期清查 C.局部清查和不定期清查 D.全面清查和不定期清查【答案】C 18、Passage 2 A.A toy train B.A bottle of whiskey C.A camera D.A cellular phone【答案】A 19、下列关于风险分类的说法,不正确的是()。A.按风险发生的范围可以将风险划分为可量化风险和不可量化风险 B.按风险事故可以将风险划分为经济风险、政治风险、社会风险、自然风险和技术风险 C.按损失结果可以将风险划分为纯粹风险和投机风险 D.按诱发风险的原因,巴塞尔委员会将商业银行面临的风险划分为信用风险、市场风险、操作风险、流动性风险、国家风险、声誉风险、法律风险以及战略风险八大类【答案】A 20、资料:As more personal business is conducted through smartphone devices,more users are implementing security measures for their devices,according to a recent survey by Harris Poll and commissioned by the CTIA.A.had built in security and end-to-end encryption B.included the CTIA feature in their products C.were faced with negative consumer attitudes D.cooperated with FBI to guarantee the securety【答案】B 21、未经正式公布的法律是()。A.有效的 B.无效的 C.部分有效的 D.以上答案都不对【答案】B 22、The car industry has expanded at a()rate over the past ten years.A.rapidness B.rapidly C.rapidity D.rapid【答案】D 23、资料:Job Description A.Hardworking but taciturn B.Little knowledge of co-branded sponsored entertainment C.Experience with on-air promotion production D.With little post production experience【答案】C 24、Hawass said the collection of workers tombs,some of _ were found in the 1990s,were among the most significant findings in the 20th and 21st centuries.A.them B.whom C.which D.who【答案】C 25、主营业务利润率属于哪种财务比率()。A.结构比率 B.效率比率 C.相关比率 D.利润比率【答案】D 26、I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to express my sincere _ for your help.A.regulation B.recreation C.appreciation D.guarantee【答案】C 27、-Must I wait till you come back A.mustnt B.neednt C.cant D.wont【答案】B 28、我国农村推广多种形式的承包责任制之所以促进了生产力发展,在于它遵循了()。A.生产关系适合生产力状况的规律 B.上层建筑适合经济基础的规律 C.社会存在决定社会意识的规律 D.阶级斗争推动阶级社会发展的规律【答案】A 29、某代表队参加文艺会演的共 46 人,其中女生人数的 4/5 是男生人数的 1/2,那么参加演出的女生人数为多少人?A.30 B.33 C.36 D.38【答案】A 30、资料:The data a bank has stored on its servers is more valuable than the gold in its vaults.Banks enjoy a monopoly over data that has helped them get away with poor services and fend off

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