
备考复习备考复习 20232023 年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教年教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力模考模拟试题含答案(紧扣大纲)学能力模考模拟试题含答案(紧扣大纲)单选题(共单选题(共 8080 题)题)1、Passage 2 A.Live in B.Think about C.Arrive at D.Comment on【答案】B 2、请阅读 Passage 2,完成第小题。A.is now enjoying legal support B.disagrees with the tradition of the country C.was clearly stated by the countrys founders D.will exert great influence over court decisions【答案】A 3、Which of the following has the proper word stress?A.frivolous B.frivolous C.frivolous D.frivolous【答案】A 4、Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?A.Re-arranging the materials B.Brainstorming the topic C.Writing a summary of the text D.Skimming【答案】B 5、It shocks us that a large percentage of middle school studentsskip breakfast,themost important meal of the day.A.originally B.namely C.regularly D.obviously【答案】C 6、Which of the following is a referential question?A.Where was Yang Liwei born?B.Who is the first Chinese astronaut?C.Why do you think Yang Liwei is a great astronaut?D.When did Yang Liwei begin his historic space travel?【答案】C 7、_terrorism,the world would be much more peaceful.A.If there was no B.If there had no C.Werent there D.Without【答案】D 8、Unlike her_ sister,Judith is a shy,unsociable person who dislikes to go to parties or to make new friends.A.charming B.friendly C.gracious D.gregarious【答案】D 9、Which of the following groups are complementary antonyms?A.goodbad B.buy-sell C.above-below D.boy-girl【答案】D 10、-Did you forget about Fathers Day?A.What for?B.Im afraid so C.How could I?D.So what?【答案】C 11、How many liaisons of sound are there in the sentence He bought an interesting book?_ A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3【答案】C 12、_enough time and money,the investigators would have been able to discover more evidence in this case.A.Giving B.Given C.To give D.Being given【答案】B 13、Passage 2 A.the differences of children in their learning capabilities B.the definition of exceptional children in modern society C.the special educational programs for exceptional children D.the necessity of adapting education to exceptional children【答案】D 14、The book is so well received that it sells_the million.A.at B.in C.by D.to【答案】C 15、请阅读 Passage l。完成第小题。A.Amartya Sen B.Jeff Sachs C.Larry Summers D.Clare Chandler【答案】B 16、In the speaking activities,a speaker often tries to avoid using a difficult word or structure and chooses to be a simpler one.What learning strategy does the speaker use?A.Simplicity B.Generalization C.Paraphrase D.Avoidance【答案】D 17、请阅读 Passage 1,完成第小题。A.Most students would achieve a certain level of academic success B.Educators would raise up the bottom of the rank-order distribution C.Teachers would help low achievers to beat high achievers successfully D.Schools would eliminate sorting and ranking from the schooling process【答案】A 18、Which of the following activities can be used to check students understanding of difficultsentences in the text A.Paraphrasing B.Blank-filling C.Story-telling D.Summarizing【答案】A 19、More and more,the operations of our businesses,governments,and financial institutions are controlled by information that exists only inside computer memoriesAnyone clever enough to modify this information for his own purposes can reap big rewardEven worse,a number of people who have done this and been caught at it have managed to get away without punishment A.A strict law against computer crimes must be enforced B.Companies usually hesitate to uncover computer crimes to protect their reputation C.Companies will guard against computer crimes to protect their reputation D.Companies need to impose restrictions on confidential information【答案】B 20、The Government is anxious to keep the whole _ out of court A.example B.instance C.case D.sample【答案】C 21、Passage 1 A.everybody is on call all the time B.bosses invade their employees free time C.managers easily change their minds at the last moment D.employees find it harder to distinguish between real work and make-work【答案】A 22、Passage 1 A.it takes a lot of space to put them up B.it is hard to wire them to traffic lights C.they cost more money to install D.they are less effective in bad weather【答案】C 23、请阅读短文,完成此题。A.instruction of experts B.judgment of our own C.direction of engineers D.indication of teachers【答案】B 24、To cultivate communicative competence,what should correction focus on A.Linguistic forms B.Communicative strategies C.Grammatical rules D.Wordings【答案】B 25、_does not study meaning in isolation,but in context.A.Pragrnatics B.Semantics C.Cross-cultural communication D.Syntax【答案】A 26、In a comnlex integration task,a teacher is expected to devise a series of activities which are_linked.A.thematically B.syntactically C.semantically D.linguistically【答案】A 27、Passage 1 A.Russia B.India C.China D.America【答案】C 28、Ibought a new bicycle,_was very high.A.the price of which B.which price C.price of which D.which the price【答案】A 29、If you have got kids,here is a nasty truth:they are probably not very special,that is,they are average,ordinary,and unremarkable.Consider the numbers of those ap

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