七年级下Unit3 第五课时SectionB(2a-2c)-教案课件学案说课稿知识点汇总归纳试题测试真题-初中英语七年级下册

Unit3 How do you get to school? 第五课时Section B 2a-2e (Page17) 【教学目标】 一、功能:Learn to talk about different kinds of transportation. 二、词汇和常用表达:Learn to read, spell and use the new words, phrases and sentences. Curriculum words: cross, village, bridge, ropeway, leave, many, dream. Useful phrases: between...and..., be afraid of, be like, leave for, come true. Sentences: 1. Crossing the river to school. 2. There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly for boats. 3. These students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. 4. Many of the students and villagers never leave the village. 5. Can their dream come true? 三、学习策略:Guide the students to master the reading skills of skimming and scanning. 四、文化知识:Lead the students to get to know different transportation in different areas in China. According to learning the passage, students can recognize that they must help with each other and work hard now. 【课前准备】背景知识 2013感动中国十大人物 格桑德吉,女,河北师范大学民族学院1997届毕业生。2013年9月被评为“最美乡村教师”。2014年2月10日晚格桑德吉荣获2013感动中国人物。 人物事迹: 为了让雅鲁藏布江边、喜马拉雅山脚下的门巴族孩子有学上,格桑德吉放弃拉萨的工作,主动申请到山乡小学。她的教育梦想就是让门巴族孩子都能上学。格桑德吉老师所在的帮辛乡小学是墨脱最后一个通公路的乡,因常年泥石流、山体滑坡,从未有过完整的路。为了劝学,12年来格桑德吉老师天黑走悬崖、在满是泥石流、山体滑坡的道路上频繁往返;为了孩子们不停课,别村缺老师时她不顾六个月身孕、背起糌粑上路;为了把学生平安送到家,每年道路艰险、大雪封山时,作为校长的格桑德吉跟男老师一样,过冰河、溜铁索、走悬崖峭壁,把四个月才能回一次家的学生们平安送到父母的身边。在格桑德吉老师十二年如一日的努力下,门巴族孩子从最初失学率30%,变成到今天入学率95%。12年来,她教的孩子有6名考上大学、20多名考上大专、中专,而她自己的孩子却留在了拉萨,一年才能见一次。村民们亲切地称她为门巴族的“护梦人”。 荣誉记录: 【颁奖词】:不想让乡亲的梦,跌落于山崖。门巴的女儿执意要回到家乡,坚守在雪山、河流之间。她用一颗心,脉动一群人的心,用一点光,点亮山间更多的灯火。[1] 【评语】:格桑花开 (设计意图:此部分为课前准备环节,老师可以把相关背景知识以学案或课件的形式展示给学生,让他们能够了解到该人物。为后面的阅读活动做好情感铺垫。) 【教学过程】 Step I. Teaching Aims: We have known about some common transportation. Do you want to know some other special transportation? Let’s learn Section B 2a-2c. And show students the learning aims of this lesson. (设计意图:上课伊始,向学生展示学习课题与学习目标,帮助他们明确这一节课的学习任务所在。) StepⅡ.Pre-reading activities 1. Preview (1)Preview the new words Let the students to read the new words according to phonetic symbols (音标). Then check the pronunciations. (2) Ask the students to turn to P17 and read 2b by themselves. Then say out these phrases and sentences orally according to the Chinese. If possible, they can close their books and write them down... ①过河_______________________ ②在他们学校和村庄之间__________________ ③河流湍急_______________________________ ④乘索道过河________________________ ⑤他对我来说就像一个父亲____________________ ⑥许多学生和村民从没离开过村庄__________________________ ⑦有一座桥是他们的梦想_________________________________ ⑧他们的梦想能实现吗?____________________________________________ (设计意图:让学生提前感知课文,掌握基本的单词和短语,便于学生理解和掌握课文。这样也可以促使学生养成必备的预习习惯,为其今后的学习打下基础。) 2. Warming up and leading in (1)Show students some pictures. Then ask and answer questions with the students. T: How do you get to school? Ss: I ride my bike to school. I take the bus to school. I get to school by taxi... T: There are so many transport methods! It is easy for you to get to school, do you think so? Ss: Yes. T: OK, Let’s look at some pieces of video clips. 2014感动中国候选人 格桑德吉---美丽的乡村教师[流畅版]-0001 00_04_06-00_04_57.wmv T: Do you know her? Ss: She is Gesang Deji T: Yes. She’s Gesang Deji. We have known a little about her. How do they get to school? Ss: Go on a ropeway. T: Do you still think it is easy to get to school? Ss: No. T: What do you think of this kind of transport? Ss: It’s very dangerous. T: Why do they choose so dangerous transport? Do you want to know? Ss: Yes. T: Let’s read the passage. (设计说明:(1)部分是利用图片来导入,一方面复习运用上一节课所学内容,另一方面为下面的话题铺垫。(2)部分播放一段视频,为学生创造了视觉上的冲击。图片的内容与视频的内容形成强烈的对比,为学习新课埋下伏笔。) Step Ⅲ While-reading activities 1. Fast-reading Read the passage fast and silently to find the general idea. The main idea of the article is about_____. A. an 11-year-old boy B. how the students in a small village get to school C. the villagers’ dream (设计意图: 该任务意在引导学生速读课文,通过回答问题来实现对课文的整体感知。因为学生要回答这个问题,必须运用略读的技巧捕捉有用的信息,进而获取文章的大意。) 2. Carefully-reading Read the passage carefully and silently to find the specific ideas. Give the students four tasks. Task one: Read the whole passage and fill the chart. Crossing the river to school Means Reasons Dream Check the answers with each other. (设计意图:此为细读环节,目的是锻炼学生寻找细节的能力。第一个任务要求学生通读全文,从整体上把握课文。在阅读中把握信息呈现信息。该步骤的目的是培养学生寻读的策略。寻读一般要求搜索一些特殊的细节信息,这些信息在文字形式上有特点,比较容易搜索,学生甚至不需要一字一句地阅读文章就能够发现。表格的设计形式,更简单易懂并为下一步的复述课文做好准备。) Task two: Read the first paragraph. Complete the sentences with words from the passage. (1) For the students in the village, it is _______ to get to school. (2) They have to cross a very _____ river between their school and the village. (3) They cannot go by boat because the river runs too _____. (4) These students cross the river to school on a (设计意图:第二个任务是填空的句型设计,引导学生注意阅读材料的细节。要求学生仔细默读短文,找到有用信息,把句子补充完整。锻炼学生信息输出的能力,帮助学生从知识向能力的转化。) Task three: Read the second paragraph and judge T (true) or F (false) (1) Liangli

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