八年级英语(人教版)上册:Unit 3-5 学案-课件教案试题知识点汇总测试真题学案说课稿-初中英语八年级上册

Unit 3-5 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Period Five Section B (2c---2e) 学习目标 1.知识目标 学习识记: loud, similar, be similar to , primary , primary school information 2.能力目标: 1)学会对比表达,初步培养学生的语言综合运用能力。 2)掌握形容词副词比较级的用法。 3.情感目标:学会与朋友相处,懂得珍惜朋友间的友谊。 4.语法难点:形容词和副词比较级前的修饰语 课前探究 I.写出下列词的比较级。 outgoing____________; athletic______________; wild___________; serious______________________; beautiful________________; quiet_________; calm__________; popular__________________; friendly___________; well___________; cool___________; important______________; heavy_____________; thin_________; fat___________; shy____________。 funny_________ 预习交流 (检查个人完成预习情况。) 1. Make 3 sentences to describe your friend using some words in 2a. e.g. My friend David is more hard-working than me, but I am funnier than him. __________________________________________ 互助提升 I.Read2b , then fill in the blanks . a. I like to have friends who __________ like me . (be) b. There are some __________ , though . (different) c. It’s not __________ to be the same .(必要的,必需的) d. He always __________ me in tennis . (打败) e. I don’t really __________ .(对…在意) f. I think differences are not __________ in a friendship . (重要的) II. Read 2b again, the finish the exercise. 1.Who likes to have friends who are different from him or her? A. James Green B. Huang Lei C. Mary Smith D. Larry. 2.Yuan Li is ________ than James Smith. A. smarter B. quieter C. taller D. more outgoing 3.Huang Lei thinks it’s _____ to be the same. A. necessary B. important C. unnecessary D. different 4.Larry always beats Huang Lei in ______. A. basketball B. baseball C. tennis D. soccer. 5.Who have opposite views according to the passage? A. James Green and Mary Smith B. James Green and Huang Lei C. Yuan Li and Larry D. Carol and Mary Smith 体验成功 一. 语法讲解——“it”做形式主语和形式宾语 1、英语也是一门非常美的语言,为了避免头重脚轻,让这个句子均衡,主语可用it来取代,把真正的主语使用to+动词原形放到句子后边。具体如下: It is very important for you to get on well with your classmates.(形式主语) 练习:Getting up early is good for our health.(同义句) _______ is good for our health_______ ________ ________early. 2、I find it a little difficult for me to get on well with my classmates.(形式宾语)在这个句子中,你可以发现,划线部分是做了这个句子的宾语。而it仅仅是它的形式宾语。 练习:Our parents think _____ impossible for me to get good grades in the coming final exam. A. / B. it C. I D. me both用法: 1)both单独做主语谓语用复数形式。 Both are smart. 2) both of + porn. (pl.) / both of + the/her +n.(pl.) both of us/ the boys are doctors. 3) not both 部分否定“并非两者都”,全部否定时用 neither… nor… 4) both 可以做限定词 Both her eyes are red.[来源:Zxxk.Com] 5) both… and… 连并列成分 Both Lucy and Lily are having supper. 二.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. My mother makes me_______(read) English every morning. 2. Listening to music makes her very_______(relax). 3. She likes to have friends who are________(difference) from me. The train made us________(stay) at home 4. Edison was _______(talent) in science when he was very young. 5. Bob’s parents were angry because he_______(break) the windows when he played football in the yard. 6. Her illness was ___________(serious) than the doctor first thought. 7. Tony is much_________(clever) than Tom. 8. The ________(many) books you read, the________(many) you will know. 三.翻译句子 1. 我不在乎你的感受。 I don’t _______ _________ your feelings. 2. 嘲笑处于困境中的人是不礼貌的。 It’s impolite to ________ ________ those people in trouble.[来源:学科网ZXXK] 3. 只要你说实话,我会尽力帮助你。 ______ _______ ________ you tell the truth, I’ll try to help you. 4. 凌霄和凌鑫一样聪明。 Ling Xiao is _________ smart _______ Ling Xin. 5. 我住在一个带小花园的大房子里。 I live in a big house ______ _____ _____ ____. 快乐心得 1. 我帮助了_________同学说____________。 2. ________同学帮助我学会了___________. 3. 我在课堂上与同学对话________次。 4. 我对我在课堂上的_____(表现)感到满意。 5. 本堂课我还有________________不懂。 [来源:学科网ZXXK] 拓展延伸 [来源:学科网] A Basketball players are usually very tall.Because they need to put the ball into the basket(篮筐).Other sports players may be shorter than them. Short people often have better balance(平衡)than tall people,so they don't fall over very often.In some sports the players must have good balance.For example,in table tennis,they don't need to have long legs to run fast!Some of the fast runners in the world are not very tall.Some people are tall and some are short.The tallest man in the world is 2.41 meters tall.Today young people in many countries grow taller than their parents.This is because they eat better than their parents.Good food can help children grow. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 36.Are all sports players tall? __________________________________________ 37.Is it always better to be short than to be tall? __________________________________________38.Do fast runners all have long legs? __________________________________________ 39.How tall(多高) is the tallest man in the world? __________________________________________ 40.Why do young people grow taller than their parents? __________________________________________

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