Unit 4 Don’t eat in class-Unit 4 (2)-教案课件学案说课稿知识点汇总归纳试题测试真题-初中英语七年级下册

Shi Zui Middle SchoolTeaching by Ji LuhuaStudying Aims:(学习目标)学习目标)1.To read and learn the letters about Mollys family rules.2.To learn some important phrases.Make a list of your family rules.51.Get up before 6:20.2._3._4._5._6._7._8._Free talk(2b)Read the letters.Underline the rules for Molly.Dear Dr.Know,There are too many rules!At 6:00 a.m.,my mom says,“Get up now and make your bed!”After breakfast,my mom always says,“Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen!”After that,I run to school because I cant be late.At school,we have more rulesdont be noisy,dont eat in class,自学质疑:自学质疑:Task 1(3 minutes)My dad says I cant play basketball after school because I must do my homework.I can play only on weekends.After dinner,I cant relax either.I must read a book before I can watch TV.But I have to go to bed before 10:00.Rules,rules,rules!Its terrible!What can I do,Dr.Know?Molly Brown,New York1.Is Molly Brown happy?Why or why not?2.When does she have to get up every morning?No,she isnt.Because she has many rules in her family.She has to get up at six oclock.3.Can she play basketball after school?Why?4.When does she have to go to bed?No,she cant.Because she must do her homework.She has to go to bed before ten oclock.5.Can she leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen?6.Why she have to run to school?No,she cant.Because she cant be late for school.Task 3 Read the letter again and find out these Phrases(5 minutes)太多的规定_ 铺床_脏盘子留在厨房_跑去学校_制定规则_遵守规则_祝你好运_ 记得去做某事_too many rulesmake ones bedrun to schoolleave the dirty dishes in the kitchenmake rulesfollow the rulesgood luckremember to do sthExercises1.完成导学案巩固练习(5 minutes)2.完成拓展延伸(6 minutes)Summary1.Learn the rules of Mollys family.2.Master some important phrases.

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