Unit 8 When is your birthday-课后作业-课件教案学案说课稿知识点汇总归纳试题测试真题-初中英语七年级上册

Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section A 1a-2e A 一、根据句意填入所缺的单词 (5’) 1. August is the ________ month of a year. 2. _________ is the second month of a year. 3. __________ is the first month of a year. 4. September is the _________ month of a year. 5. __________ is the eleventh month of a year. 二、单项选择 (5’) 1. “When is ____ birthday?” “ It’s April ______.” A. you; 21st B. your; twenty C. her; 20th D. she; 21st 2. “Happy birthday!” “________.” A. Thank you B. The same to you C. No D. Yes 3. My birthday is _____ September 13th. A. in B. on C. to D. of 4. Today is Tom’s _____ birthday. A. fiveth B. five C. fifteenth D. fifteen 5. December is the ____ month of a year. A. first B. tenth C. eleventh D. last B 一、按要求写出单词的相应形式 (5’) 1. three (序数词)___________ 2. ninth (基数词)_________ 3. birthday (复数)___________ 4. Jan. (完整形式)__________ 5. October (缩写形式)_________ 6. eight (序数词) ___________ 7. 10th (完整形式)___________ 8. second (缩写形式)_________ 9. twenty (序数词)____________ 10. thirty-first (基数词)___________ 二、汉译英 (5’) 1. 你的生日是什么时候?______________________________________________ 2. 我的生日是五月一日。_____________________________________________ 3. 她妹妹的生日是什么时候?_________________________________________ 4. 她的生日是六月十日。_____________________________________________ 5. 她的生日是八月二日吗?是的。 __________________________________________________________________ C 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 (5’) 1. Tom is the ________(three) boy. 2. September is the _________(nine) month of the year. 3. Which day is the _________(one) day of a week? 4. That day was July the __________(twenty-five) 5. The _________(two) desk is my desk. 二、单项选择 (5’) 1. – Are those _____ pants? -- No, they are _____. A. yours, of my father B. your, my father’s C. yours, my father’s D. your, of my father 2. -- _______ is your mother? -- She is fifty. A. How B. What C. How old D. Where 3. He is fourteen______ old. A. year B. / C. year’s D. years 4. ______ your birthday May 6th? A. Is B. Are C. What’s D. It’s 5. – How old is Jack? -- I think _____ 14. A. she’s B. he’s C. his D. her

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