八年级英语(人教版)上册:Unit4-2 学案-课件教案试题知识点汇总测试真题学案说课稿-初中英语八年级上册

Unit4-2 What’s the best movie theater? Period Two Section A (2d—3c) 学习目标导航 知识目标: 1. 通过口语训练,运用形容词,副词最高级向新 的朋友介绍小区公共设施的特点。 熟练朗读运用9个新授词汇fresh, comfortably, worse act, service, pretty, menu,;2个重点短语so far ,no problem. 2.通过对Grammar Focus 的学习掌握形容词,副词最高级的用法。 能力目标: 能运用形容词,副词最高级向新来的朋友介绍小区 公共设施的特点。通过对Grammar Focus的学习, 培养对语法的归纳总结的能力。 课前探究 1.根据音标拼读P26-27单词,小组互相检查拼读情况;记忆本课单词,小组互相检查单词读写情况,翻译下列短语或句子。 1)so far ____________ 2)know my way around _____________ 3)around here ______________ 4)not...at all _______________[来源:学§科§网] 5)在镇上_________________ 6)看电影 _________________ 6)欢迎来到这个小镇。________________ 7)谢谢你告诉我。________________ 8)不用谢。__________________________ 预习交流 1. 阅读P26—2d 回答下列问题。 1)Is Greg new in town? _________________________________ 2)What does Greg think of the neighborhood? _________________________________ 3)Where is the best supermarket? _________________________________ 4) Who loves watching movies? _________________________________ 互助提升 1. 分析对话2d 场景。 向小组成员请教对话中难句或较难语言点,小组解惑,教师点评。 2. 听录音,标出语调并模仿跟读,小组展示并评价。 3. 两人一组练习对话并表演或自编对话表演。 处理教材 技能训练 1. 朗读 Unit 4Grammar Focus 朗读 Unit 3 Grammar Focus [来源:学科网] 2. 学生根据Grammar Focus和书后语法表总结形容词,副词比较等级,完成下列练习。 1)大部分形容词/ 副词有三种形式: 原级, ________, _______ 2)原级比较的句型结构 A: 和...一样____________________________ B: 不如... ____________________________ 3)比较级的句型结构 A: ________________________________ 4)最高级的句型结构 A: _______________________________ 5 ) 你还能写出比较级的一些特殊句型吗? A:________________________________ B: ________________________________ 6) 总结形容词,副词比较级,最高级的变化规律。 1) ______________________________ 2) ______________________________ 3) ______________________________ 4) ______________________________ 5) ______________________________ 3. 小组讨论交流,教师点评。 [来源:Z.xx.k.Com] 体验成功 一.词汇检测 1.根据所给单词的适当形式填空。 1) He is _____ ( tall ) than Jim. 2)This book is ____________ ( interesting ) than that one. 3)Spring is _______( good ) time to plant trees. 4)Which is __________( big ), Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou? 5) He is much________ ( short ) than I. 6) A train goes ___________( slowly ) than a plane. 7)Dashan speaks Chinese quite________ ( good ). 8)This picture is a little _______________ ( beautiful ) than that one. 9) Which is _________( strong), a dog or a horse? 10) Her brother does _____( well ) in math than her. 二.句型检测 1. 根据要求完成句子。 1)Mingming is five years old. Fangfang is three years old.(合为一句) Mingming is _______ years _______ than Fangfang. 2) His pen is 5 yuan. Your pen is 20 yuan. (合为一句) His pen is ________ ________ yours.[来源:Z+xx+k.Com] 3)I’m new in town. (变否定句) I ________ _________ new in town. 4)There are some cinemas around here. (变一般疑问句) There _________ _________ cinemas around here. 5)— Thanks for telling me. — No Problem. — Thanks for telling me. — ________ ________.[来源:学#科#网] 三.语篇训练 根据2d 对话完成下列短文填空。 Greg was ______ in town. He thought Helen’s neighborhood was________,but he________didn’t really know his way around. Helen told him the _________ supermarket was on Center Street.He could buy the __________ food there. Greg loved _________movies, so he could go to Sun Cinema _________ they had the biggest seats. 快乐心得 1. 我帮助了_________同学说____________。 2. ________同学帮助我学会了___________. 3. 我在课堂上与同学对话________次。 4. 我对我在课堂上的_____(表现)感到满意。 5. 本堂课我还有________________不懂。 拓展延伸 I have a good friend at school. Her name is Liu Wei. She’s fifteen years old. She is a beautiful girl 1 bright eyes and long black hair. In some ways we look the same, 2 some students say we are twins. Liu Wei is weak in math. But she works hard all the time. Now she is doing 3 than before. I hope she can make great progress(取得进步) . I often go to her house. There are 4 kinds of books and magazines on her bookshelf. She likes reading. Her Chinese is the best of 5 in our class. She often helps me 6 Chinese. Liu Wei is an active girl. She’s a little more outgoing 7 me. She likes ball games very much. She is 8 badminton. But I’m 9 better at ping-pong than her. We often play games together after class. Liu Wei lives in a happy family. Her parents 10 teachers. She is a good child at home. She often helps her parents with the housework. Her father and mother love her very much. 1)A. and B. with C. have D. has 2)A. because B. so C. however D. but 3)A. good B. well C. better D. best 4)A. much B. a few C. a lo D. many 5)A. most B. all C. other D. the others 6)A. studying B. study C. for studying D. to studying 7)A. as B. more than C. than D. over 8)A. good at B. well at C. good in D. good for 9)A. much B. more C. little D. lot 10)A. both are B. are both C. are all D. all are

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