七下 unit7 五课时-教案课件学案说课稿知识点汇总归纳试题测试真题-初中英语七年级下册

Unit 7 It’s raining! Section B(2A-2C) Learning goals: 【知识与能力目标】 1.Master the key words and phrases: visit, Canada, summer, sit, juice, soon, vacation, on (a) vacation, hard, Europe, mountain, country 2. Master the following sentences: (1). I am having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. (2). I am so happy to see them again.. (3). How’s your summer vacation going? (4). The weather here is coo and cloudy. 3. 培养学生快速阅读能力和归纳语篇中心的能力,提升学生注意力与记忆力;借助思维导图复述课文。 【学习策略】 能根据阅读语篇内容构建思维导图。 【情感价值目标】 通过明信片内容的学习,了解英语国家中学生的假日生活,以此鼓励、培养和锻炼学生的意志和独立生活的能力。 【文化知识】 了解世界各地不同天气及人们进行的不同活动,感受地域差异。 Teaching and learning steps: StepⅠ Pre-reading activities 1. Review T:We have learned the weather, now let’s play a game “Challenge to the compere”. Who is the best? Come on! T: Look at the map you can report like this: Hello, everyone! I’m going to give a weather report. Beijing is sunny. It’s hot. Shanghai is … Chengdu is … Thank you! (设计意图: 通过挑战主持人这个游戏,既复习了旧的内容又激起了学生的好奇心,激发求知的欲望,把学生吸引到教学中。) 1. Preview 1.Look at P41, put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the textbook. (教师寄语:从自主中培养能力,在学习中获得乐趣) 1).玩得高兴             2).拜访我的姑姑            3).现在、此刻   4).又见到他们 5).在游泳池边 6).努力学习 7).度假 8).正适合 2. Translate the following sentences. 1) 我在加拿大姑姑家玩的很高兴。 . 2)我在学习英语,而且学到很多。 ______________________________________________________________. 3).此刻正是下午,我正坐在池塘边喝橙汁。 ______________________________________________________________. 4).你是在努力地学习,还是一直在玩? ______________________________________________________________? 5).我和我的家人都在山里度假。 _______________________________________________________________. 6).这儿的天气凉爽多云,正适合散步。 _______________________________________________________________. (设计意图:通过课前预习作业,可以帮助学生更有针对性的预习,并对文本中的重点短语和句型有所了解;通过检测预习效果,教师可以有针对性的教,学生可以有针对性的学,并且能够培养学生发现问题的能力。此部分,老师设立最佳表现奖,采用激励机制对有所表现的学生加以鼓励,目的是让不同层次的学生在学习过程中体验成功和快乐,培养学生的兴趣和自信,教师应始终遵循一个原则,那就是让学生乐学,因为兴趣才是最好的老师。) 3.Warming up and leading in Show a picture T: Look at the picture, The girls are on vacation, how’s the weather? Ss: It’s snowy. T: Which season is it? Ss: It’s winter. T: What are the girls doing? Ss: They are playing in the snow. T: Yes, they have fun playing in the snow. They like their vacation. How excited they are! Do you like vacation? What do you like to do during your vacation? Ok, boys and girls. Let’s come to 2a and talk about the pictures. T:Look at the pictures, you can talk about them like this: A: How’s the weather in picture a? B: It’s sunny. It’s hot . A: What’s she doing? B: She’s sitting by the pool and drinking juice. Then ask Ss to practice in pairs. (设计意图:通过谈论图片来导入2a,然后通过图片呈现对话,不仅能巩固和复习本单元的重点句型,达到热身的目的。同时也可以复习本单元的核心句型和前几课所涉及到的词组,也为下面的语篇阅读做好了语言铺垫。) Step II While –reading Fast-reading T: Boys and girls, when I travel, I like to buy some beautiful postcards. I often write what I see and hear on the postcards and then I mail them to my friends. What about you? Do you like sending postcards to your friends? Here are two guys who also send postcards to their friends. Read the postcards fast and silently to find the general idea. What are the postcards talking about? _____ A. Su Lin is visiting her aunt in Canada. B. Dave is having a great time in Europe! C. They are introductions to what they are doing during their summer vacation. (设计意图:训练学生快速阅读文章的能力,并从中获取有效信息,实现对课文的整体感知。) Careful-reading Read the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas. (读取细节) Task1: Match each postcard below with the correct picture in 2a. T: We know the postcards that are from Su Lin and Dave. There are two pictures of them in 2a, now let’s finish 2b. Su Lin’s postcard:________ Dave’s postcards:______________ Task 2: Read the passage carefully and fill in the chart Fill in the chart with information from the postcards in 2b. Name Where are they? How’s the weather? What are they doing? Task 3: Read the passage again and answer the questions. T: Boys and girls, let’s read the passage again and answer the questions as soon as possible. (学生活动:集中精力,快速抢答) 1. Read the first postcard in 2b again and answer the questions. 1).Where is Su Lin now? _________________________________ 2). What is Su Lin studying there? _________________________________ 3). Is she visiting some of his old friends there? _________________________________ 4).What’s she doing right now? _________________________________ 5). How’s the weather there? _________________________________ 2. Read the second postcard in 2b again and answer the questions. 1). Where is Dave now? ________________________________ 2). What are Dave and his family doing there? ________________________________ 3). Are they having a

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