Unit 6 I’m watching TV-Unit 6 Section A-教案课件学案说课稿知识点汇总归纳试题测试真题-初中英语七年级下册

华泰实验学校 刘海松刘海松T:What are you doing?What are you doing?S:We are swimming.We are swimming.S:What are you doing?What are you doing?T:I am running.I am running.T:What is he doing?What is he doing?S:He is dancing.He is dancing.S:What is she doing?What is she doing?T:She is writing.She is writing.T:What are they doing?What are they doing?S:They are singing.They are singing.S:What is it doing?What is it doing?T:It is eating.It is eating.It is eatingStep 1:lead in(新知导入新知导入)Lets sing togetherStep2:Study by yourselves.(自主学习)自主学习)观察屏幕上的句子,也可借助资料并参照书本P111和P112 1.你知道现在进行时的含义吗?含义:表示现在(说话瞬间)_的动作.2.它的各种句型结构是怎样的呢?肯定句:_ 一般疑问句:_ 否定句:_ 3.它主要和哪些标志词连用呢?4.观察屏幕上划线的动词ing形式你能找出动词ing的变化规律吗?正在进行或发生正在进行或发生主语主语+be(am/is/are)+V-ing.Be(Am/Is/Are)+V-ing?主语主语+be(am/is/are)not+V-ing.now,Look!Listen!4.动词ing的变化规律.A.直接在动词后直接在动词后+ing.B.以不发音字母以不发音字母e 结尾的动词结尾的动词,去去e+ingC.以以“辅辅+元元+辅辅”结尾的动词结尾的动词,且是且是重读闭重读闭音节音节的单词的单词,双写辅音字母双写辅音字母+ing.根据你找的规律写出下列动词的根据你找的规律写出下列动词的inging形式形式make_ take_ play_make_ take_ play_write_ get_ swim_write_ get_ swim_shop_ have_ brush_shop_ have_ brush_makingtakingplayingwritinggettingswimmingshoppinghavingbrushingStep 3:Check what you preview(预习检测)1.报纸 2.读报纸 _3.使用 4.使用电脑_5.汤 6.做汤_7.洗 8.洗碗_9.打扫 10.听唱片_11.运动_ 12.在电话上交谈 _newspaperread a newspaperuseuse a computersoupmake soupwashwash the dishescleanlisten to a CDexercisetalk on the phoneStep4:study and show in group(交流展示交流展示)Task1:pair workA:What is the boy/the girl/the woman/the man doing?/What are they doing?B:He/She is v-ing.They are v-ing.B:What is the boy/the girl/the woman/the man doing?/What are they doing?A:He/She is v-ing.They are v-ing.Task 2:Group work(根据图片对话,完成表格并写出小短文)(根据图片对话,完成表格并写出小短文)A:What is he/she doing?B:Is he/she V-ing?C:Is he/she V-ing?.A:Yes,he/she is.He/She is V-ing.No,he/she isnt.He/She isnt V-ing.A:What are they doing?B:Are they V-ing?C:Are they V-ing?.A:Yes,they are.They are V-ing.No,they arent.They arent V-ing.students activities1.1b Listen.What are these people doing?Write numbers from 1a.a.Jenny_ b.John_ c.Dave and Mary_2.根据你所听到的内容说出他们正在做什么。根据你所听到的内容说出他们正在做什么。Step 5:拓展提高(1)(8)(5)Step 6:Test and summarize(检测归纳检测归纳)A.Test1.用括号里的词的恰当形式填空。(1)Look!Lucy (do)her homework.(2)My parents (watch)TV now.(3)Listen!The students _ _(make)noise.2.按要求句型转换。(1)He is doing his homework.(变为否定句)He doing his homework.(2)They are watching TV.(对划线部分提问)are they?(3)She is reading now.(用 every day代替now。)She _ every day.is notare watchingis doingdoingWhatreadsare makingB.SummarizeWhat we learnt todayWordsPhrasesGrammarnewspaper use soup wash read a newspaper use the computer make soup wash the dishes1.V-ing 的构成。2.现在进行时。

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