七年级英语下册Unit12 Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)教案-教案课件学案说课稿知识点汇总归纳试题测试真题-初中英语七年级下册

Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 掌握以下单词:away, mouse, baby, shout ,shout at, woof, language. 2) 继续练习一般过去时态 能掌握以下句型: —What did you do last weekend?[来源:Z|xx|k.Com][来源:学科网ZXXK] —I did my homework. —Who visited her grandma? —Becky did. —Where did she go last weekend? —She went to a farm. —Who did she go with? —She went with her classmates. 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 1. 提高学生独立学习能力。 2. 培养学生动手能力与想像能力。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) Key vocabulary, 特殊疑问句练习。 2) Talk about recent past events 2. 教学难点: Talk about recent past events Practice students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision 1. Greet students. 2. Check the homework Ⅱ. Grammar Focus. 1. 学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子并完成下列填空题。 ① 上个周末你做了的什么事情?_____________________ ② 我做了我的家庭作业。___________________ 我们去划船了。___________________ [来源:学_科_网] ③ 谁去探望了她的奶奶? ____________________ 是蓓基?___________________ ④上个周末她却了哪里?。 ___________________ 她去了农场。 _______________________ ⑤ 她和谁一起去的? ____________________ 她和她的同学们一起去的。 _____________________________ 2. 学生们根据记忆完成句子,并自己校对答案。 3. Give Ss seven more time to remember the sentences. 4. 探究乐园: 一、一般过去时态的特殊疑问句 1. 特殊疑问词 + was/were + 主语+ 其他? 上个周末你过得怎么样? _______ _______ your last weekend? 2. 特殊疑问词+ did + 动词原形+ 主语+其他? 昨天他做了什么事情? _____ ____ he do yesterday? 练一练: 对下列句子中的划线部分提问。 1. I got up at nine yesterday morning. _____ ______ you get up yesterday morning? 2. We did our homework last night. ______ ______ you _______ last night? 3. They were in the supermarket last Sunday. ______ _______ they last Sunday? 4. My last weekend was kind of boring. ______ _____ your last weekend? 5. Linda took a walk with her parents after dinner. _____ ____ Linda take a walk with after dinner? Do the exercise with the Ss. Check the answer together. Ⅲ. Practice 1. Look at 3a. Tell Ss to fill in the blanks with who, what, where or how. Make the students finish the sentences by themselves. 2. Check the answers. 1 What , Who, 2 How, Where 3. What, Who. 3. Say, Now practice asking and answering questions like this about what the people did over the weekend. Practice in pairs Help students find partners. Then say, First read the dialogue together. Both students read both parts. Ⅳ. Practice 1. Look at 3b. Tell Ss to complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box. Pay attention to the right sentence structure. Ss work by themselves. 2. Check the answers. Answers: saw, was, climbed , ran away, said.[来源:学.科.网] 3. Ask several students tell the story in front of the class. Ⅴ. 3c This activity provides oral practice using target language. Play a model round of the game. Draw simple pictures of two things you did over the weekend. For example, a picture of a TV, and a picture of a tennis racket. Point to the picture of the TV and ask a student to make a sentence about what you did (you watched TV). Do the same with the picture of the tennis racket and another student (you played tennis). Write the two sentences on the board and underline the -ed in watched and played and remind students to use the past tense. Now ask students to practice the activity in groups of four. Each students draws two things she or he might have done over the weekend on a piece of paper. The students then take turns to make sentences about each other's pictures in past tense. Walk around the class offering assistance where necessary. Ask a student to draw two pictures about his or her last weekend on the blackboard. Class members guess the correct past tense sentences. Then write wh- words on the board (who, what, where, when, why, how) and encourage students to ask follow-up questions, for example. Who did you play tennis with Homework 1. Read the sentences in Grammar Focus. 2. Make some conversations by yourself. [来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K] 板书设计 Section A Grammar Focus-3c What did you do last weekend? I did my homework. Who visited her grandma? Becky did. Where did she go last weekend? She went to a farm. Who did she go with? She went with her classmates.

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